All Things, All Saints'

August 29, 2024

Our "Joyful Noise" to the Lord

is gorgeous because

our Choir is AMAZING!

The last day of Summer Y'all Come Choir last Sunday.

Our Full Choir returns Sunday, September 8 at the 10am Service.

A Reflection from

Fr. Perry

Gearing Up for Fall


I grilled some chicken for dinner the other night and noticed that fall is in the air. Even though I still had my khaki pants and clergy shirt (and boots!) on, it was almost pleasant outside. For the first time in months, I didn’t feel like I was being cooked while cooking dinner.


We’re keenly aware of the fact that fall is almost here at All Saints’, and the staff and leadership of the parish has been hard at work gearing up for the 24-25 program year. We’re going to implement a few changes, some of which are already in progress, so here’s a quick update on what you can expect:


¨ Thanks to Jay and Lori Brooks, the narthex has been gently refreshed to be a cleaner and more inviting space. The Welcome Center is now a central fixture, and information about the church—along with the welcome cards and Forward Day by Day readings—has been removed from the old plastic racks and placed on baskets in the updated Welcome Center.


¨ Starting this Sunday, September 1, the 9am adult education hour will also get an update. The 9am adult class will now be called The Learning Lab and will feature brief presentations focused on sharing information about ministries or programs. The first Learning Lab this Sunday will highlight Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. We will still have Sunday School for children and youth in the Urbano Library and the fully redecorated Youth Haven (respectively) starting NEXT Sunday, September 8, at 9am. Since there is no Sunday School this week, folks of all ages are welcome to join us to learn about Children, Youth, and Family Ministries in the Barbara Rooms. Even if you don’t have kids in Sunday School, I encourage you to come and learn how you can support these important ministries. The full schedule of Learning Labs is printed in the bulletin this week.


¨ Starting next Sunday, Adult Education will be moved to 11:30am. We’re going to offer different series at 11:30am, and it is our hope that you will try to make it to as many of the classes in the series as possible. Classes will still be under and hour and childcare for kids 5 and under will be available until 12:30pm. The full schedule of classes is printed in the bulletin this week.


¨ Some of the signage around the church is also going to reflect our updated branding. You might have already seen the All Saints’ shield with a red-tiled background that looks like the stained glass window behind the altar. We have heard from so many people who come back to visit our beautiful church that the stained glass window is the thing that makes All Saints’ stand out. Students who grew up at the Day School and come back here for a wedding or a baptism want that stained glass in their photos. So, we are going to feature this beautiful work of art in our branding a little more prominently. Stay tuned for the full roll-out of this refreshed look over the next several months.


¨ Based on the feedback we received, we will also be going back to using the Book of Common Prayer as our main reference during services this fall. But we’ll still be trying new things to help newcomers navigate the liturgy. One is that we will be adding beautiful bookmarks to the prayer books in the pews with a condensed order of service with corresponding page numbers in the BCP. The other thing we will be doing is adding book flags to mark the first page of the two services we use most often at All Saints’: Holy Eucharist Rite II (p. 355) and Holy Baptism (p. 299).


All Saints’ is a special place and has been for generations because of caring and welcoming people who are excited to make this place their spiritual home. If you’re one of those people, here’s how you can get involved. If you’re interested in volunteering to staff the Welcome Center on a Sunday morning, let me know. We are looking for outgoing people who will help make newcomers feel comfortable and welcome here at All Saints’. The second thing is this: During service, look up and down your pews, especially if you notice someone you don’t recognize. If you can tell that they’re having a hard time with the prayer book and the hymnal, gently offer to help them. I can’t tell you what a huge difference this makes, and it’s the kind of simple act that will help All Saints’ be a vibrant and welcoming church for another 75 years.





SUNDAY 8AM [Church]

SUNDAY 10AM [Church]


SUNDAY 10AM [Church]


SUNDAY 9:00AM [St. Mary Chapel

next to the Altar in the Church]


This week's Livestream at 10am

on YouTube & Facebook

Saturday 5pm and 8am Bulletin Liturgy

10am Bulletin Liturgy

This Week's Readings, Music & Announcements

All Saints’ - All Around!

Join us at any of our off-campus, midweek services

for some extra Episcopal worship. Just check in at the Front Desk at each location.


FIRST TUESDAY of the month: 

The Terraces     

10:30am in the Chapel

7550 North 16th Street



The Beatitudes    

11:30am in Elaine’s Fine Dining

1610 West Glendale



La Siena     

3:30pm in the Chapel

909 East Northern




The Fall 2024 Education and Formation Schedule Is Here!

Click here to read or print!

Last week of collection: Thank you to all who have donated so far. Still a little time to help.


Both Youth and Adult Confirmation classes will commence the first week of September. THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 6PM. If you are interested in joining this 8-week class to deepen your faith and gain more knowledge about the Episcopal Church, please get in touch with Chesirae Valentine at

The Deacon’s Bible Study starts on September 3

with a yearlong focus on the Gospel of Mark. There’s lots of action to dive into- parables and miracles and a mysterious ending. We start September 3, the day after Labor Day, and end May 20, taking the month of December off. Our gatherings will be first and third Tuesdays in person in the library at 10:30am and on Zoom at 7:00pm. If you want to be challenged, intrigued, and grow spiritually, join us! Email Deacon Patrice at for more information.




All women are invited every Friday at 9:30am on Zoom.

Or, by going to

Meeting ID: 815 7132 4921

Passcode: 621441

Questions: contact Joyce Moderow text: 602-957-3211 (preferred) /



All men are invited every Thursday at 8am on Zoom.


Or, by going to

Meeting ID: 851 1860 4653

Passcode: 379009


Questions: contact Tom Walker

Cell: 602-330-4687 text/talk 

Check out the 2024-2025

Book Discussion Group Reading List

Click here to read or print

Wednesday Evenings at 7:00pm

in the Urbano Library

Starts September 4

Last Week's Livestream

NOTE: We have moved our Sermon Clips to YouTube (previously on Vimeo)

always on the website and eblast.








Children, Youth & Families


(for babies thru 5th birthday)

Open Every Sunday

8:30am - 12pm

drop off a little before 9.


Small Saints Pew

Sundays at 10am



Learn more about

Children, Youth & Family Ministries

at our all new


9am this Sunday, September 1

in St. Barbara


A new exhibit of paintings by

Bill Whitlock

is now on display in the Saint Barbara Gallery.

Stop by and enjoy it. If you'd like to schedule

an exhibit of your own work, 

contact Don Peters at 602-300-5193 or


We are excited to introduce our new assistive listening system.

This user-friendly Wi-Fi system enhances sound directly from the church sound system, minimizing background noise for clearer speech.
We will have six (6) listening devices/receivers available, each offering four listening options:

·     An ear speaker that fits comfortably over the ear and works with hearing aids.

·     A neck loop compatible with t-coil-enabled hearing aids and cochlear implants.

·     Traditional over-the-head headphones.

·     The option to use your own wired earbuds or headphones.

Just chat with an usher or Lori Brooks in the narthex to check out one of the receivers and ear pieces for an enhanced worship experience! 

NOW: Magnifying glasses available for check-out also!
Where Everyone Knows Your Name!
Click on the QR code to order one today!

There is a new, sleek whiteboard for NAME TAGS in the narthex--just around the corner from the Legacy Circle monument. We've also created a spot for New Orders, making it easier for you to participate in this new system. If you don't see yours, be sure to contact Lori Brooks in the Church Office at


This week, we pray for our beloved friends and family who have died.

May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


to everyone who has sent in their pledge. It really means so much, especially now.

Three Ways to Keep Current:
1. Sending your personal check to: All Saints' Church, 6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012

2. Use your bank's
online bill-pay

3. Through our secure, online system, REALM.

Call the Church Office and we can walk you through the process easily. 

Christina Berlinger is our Director of Finance. She is in the office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


to view this week's readings and commentaries from Church Publishing.
Annual Report for 2023

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?

Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

A Reflection from Lori Brooks

One of the good things about social media, (in my opinion there aren’t many) is the memory reminders. For instance, Facebook reminded me that 2 years ago this week Jay and I were in Vienna, Austria. We were embarking on a “three countries in one week” vacation and Vienna was our first stop. 

You see, living in Europe afforded us the opportunity to take these types of vacations. We could hop on a plane or a train and in as little as one hour be in a different country, spend three days and nights exploring, and then hop back home to Switzerland. 

Occasionally we would extend these trips and allow ourselves a full week to explore further, or as this memory reminds me, tour three countries - Australia, Bratislava, and Budapest. 

My Facebook feed is full of memories like this from our almost six years in Switzerland. When they pop up, I try to take a moment to reflect on the memory and appreciate just how lucky Jay and I were to be able to live in Europe and immerse ourselves in a continent steeped in so much history.

In stark contrast, one year ago this week Jay and I were repatriating having just moved back to Arizona at the end of July and struggling to acclimate to this heat, move in to our new home, purchase two vehicles, look for a job (me), and reconnect with all our family and friends. 

I didn’t post on Facebook about these experiences but they are a part of my ”feed” and are worth reflecting on. 

We are looking forward to starting back to our Program Year on September 8th. Still lots more details to come. Thanks for your patience as we put this all together for you!

Thank you for allowing ALL SAINTS' to be your source for meaningful worship and an ever-present light of Christ in the world -- wherever you may be. May God bless you.

Questions, ideas, thoughts, photos to share -- just contact me directly at

Faithfully yours,

Nanette Kryske Towsley

Your Director of Communications

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