Head of School Search Update
Michelle Swenson, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Dear Trinity School Community,

I would like to update you about the Head of School (HOS) search process, which is in high gear.

I am very pleased to announce that two current parents, Ivonne King and Joel Conkling have agreed to co-chair the Search Committee. This role requires a significant time commitment and I’m very grateful to Ivonne and Joel. We’ve been advised to target a search committee of about nine people, and we expect the remaining committee slots to be filled by current parents (5) and faculty (2). The committee will be finalized by next week -- expect an update from Ivonne and Joel.

Our consultants, Jennifer Christensen and Karen Whitaker will be visiting the Trinity campuses on February 6-7. They will meet with faculty members, the TPA Exec Committee, the Search Committee and the Board of Trustees. Hearing from you, the Trinity community, is a central and extremely valuable part of the search process. Please take the time to complete the Community Survey and participate in other forums if you're available.  

1) Community Survey.  The survey asks for your input about the skills, experience and attributes that will be important in a future Trinity HOS.  The survey is anonymous. It will close on Friday, February 10, at midnight. The information gathered from the survey will inform the position description, the marketing document that goes out to candidates. 
2) Parent Zoom meeting. Jennifer Christensen will host a parent Zoom meeting on Thursday, February 9 at 6:30 - 7:30pm. This will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide input. Please register for the Zoom.
Here's the info to join:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 5142 0695

3) Parent Drop in Session. After Colette's Math Informational Coffee (Tues. February 7 at 8:30 am), all are welcome to stay after to speak with Jennifer and Karen. 

4) Parent Listening Session.  Jennifer and Karen are available for conversation on Wednesday, February 7 @ 9:30. Please meet them in the Library on the Upper Campus.


Michelle Swenson
Chair, Trinity Board of Trusteeshat do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)
Trinity School