

September 2-6

WCA families,

As we launch our new high school,

I am filled with gratitude and excitement. This inaugural year is a special milestone, made possible by the dedication of our pioneering teachers and the enthusiasm of our first 9th-grade students.

Our teachers have laid the groundwork for a nurturing and inspiring learning environment, while our students, the very first to begin this journey with us, have shown eagerness in embracing this new chapter.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure as we create something truly special.

Mrs. Mindel

High School Principal


9th Science - Using Scientific Measurements

8th Science

Building towers with only the supplies provided.

Lego Builds to Illustrate #UseYourGift

2nd Grade "Community" Lego Builds

Mark Your Calendar

Sep 2 | Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

Sep 3 | PTF Meeting 8:30am

Sep 9-13 | STEAM Week "God's Creation"

& Bookfair

Sep 12 | STEAM Night for Parents (JK-5th)

Sep 13 | Grandparents Day (JK-5th)

Sep 25 | See You at the Pole Day Chapels

WCA Events Calendar


Families can subscribe to the WCA Calendar from the website.

  1. Click on Calendar icon (below the Support WCA tab).
  2. Click on the Calendar icon (beside the printer icon).
  3. Choose the type of calendar subscription you prefer (Google, Apple, Outlook).

1st Graders:

What was a good part of your week at WCA?

  • Doing Legos!
  • Recess!
  • Having partners in class
  • Playing with friends on the playground
  • Math - I like doing equations
  • Playing football

Coming soon to a classroom near you!

"God's Creation" STEAM Week

Isn’t it amazing how God created everything from scratch?

In His mighty creation, we see how God turned a world once formless,

empty and dark to all that we have today.

WCA students will explore their God-given ability to make something out of nothing. Through a week of interactive learning experiences, virtual field trips, and problem solving, students will be inspired by God's Creation. 

Volunteer Opportunities Will Be Available Sep 9-13

for STEAM Week, Book Fair, and Grandparents Day.

Information and sign-ups will be available soon.

Plans will be made at the PTF meeting Sep 3.

(Please see PTF information below.)

WCA's Spirit Wear Sale ends soon!

WCA receives a percentage of the sales,

so your purchases support our school!

 WCA Spirit Wear


WCA is looking for volunteer CDL drivers to transport students to field trips, away games, and other off-campus activities. If interested, please contact Mrs. Lesslie at 704-846-1039 or wca@wcahawks.org.

Wednesdays @ Weddington begin this week! Dinners prepared by our own Chef Bob will be served in the FLC gym. WCA families are part of the Weddington Methodist Church family, so you're invited to join us for these weekly church-wide dinners - food and fellowship!

You're also welcome to stay for activities and groups that serve all ages.

COST FOR DINNER: $7 adults; $4 kids (12 and under); $22 family max. 

CLICK HERE to view the Wednesday night dinner menu and learn about programs for all ages.


Our next meeting is

Tuesday, Sep 3, at 8:30 a.m.

Hemby House*

Please plan to join us!

We'll make plans for STEAM Week, Book Fair,

and Grandparents Day.

PTF is alternating our meeting times.

Morning meetings will be at 8:30 at the Hemby House.

Evening meetings will be at 7:00 in the Multipurpose Room

(Family Life Center)

*Hemby House is the big white house that sits off the round-about at 84 & Weddington-Matthews Road (behind Harris Teeter).

Questions? Please contact parent Nicole Simoneaux.

WCA is proud of our Cross Country and Volleyball teams! Both got their seasons off to a strong start with medals for Cross Country and the first win for Volleyball! We look forward to Soccer's first game on Thursday. Thank you to all who came out to support our teams. Go, Hawks!


Weddington Methodist Church

Events and Ministries

for Families and Youth

For more information,

please visit WMC's website.

Weddington Methodist Church






Ways to Support WCA

Hawk Fund - Every student benefits from the Hawk Annual Fund. This year, we are asking each family to support The Hawk Fund with a goal of 100% participation in order to ensure our vibrant community will continue STRONGER than ever. Click here to make a donation.

Sports Program All contributions will be geared towards the continued cultivation of a fun and supportive athletic environment. Examples may include: Equipment Renting, Venues, Transportation, and Athlete Recognition. Click here to make a donation.

Harris Teeter Together in Education Program: Please link our school number #2903 to your Vic Card. When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our school.

Box Tops For Education: You no longer have to clip box tops and send them to school! It's all online. Click here for the instructions!

Publix Partners Program: After creating a Club Publix account, you can link our school and earn money for WCA just by shopping at Publix. Instructions are attached here.

Quick Links

Hawk Fund

Sports Program Donations

Family Portal Access (personal login required)

School Calendar

Spirit Store

Lunch Menu

Prayer Request Form

Weddington Methodist Church

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