The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
October 2017
Bishop's Calendar
**** OCTOBER ***
October 7
Non-Sunday Visit: ECWK, Kauai
October 14
Governance Meetings
October 20-21
Education Day and Annual Meeting of Convention, 'Iolani School, Honolulu
October 22-27
Installation of Prime Bishop, Philippines
October 28-29
Sunday Visitation: St. James', Kamuela
October 31
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
November 1-5
Meetings on the Big Island
Est. November 1
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Augustine's, Kapa'au
November 5
Sunday Visitation: Christ Church, Kealakekua
November 7
Non-Sunday Visit: Holy Nativity, Honolulu
November 8
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Luke's, Honolulu
November 9
Staff Retreat (1/2 Day)
November 11
Service: 100th Memorial of Queen Lili'uokalani's passing, Holy Apostles, Hilo
November 12
Sunday Visitation: St. John's BTS, Kaneohe
Est. November 15
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Timothy's, Aiea
November 16
Non-Sunday Visit:
St. Christopher's, Kailua
November 18
Governance Meetings (All Day)
November 21
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
November 26
Service: Holy Sovereigns, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
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Diocesan Website:
Bishop's Message
On the Feast of St. Francis
Aloha o ke Akua:
In the Episcopal Church's liturgical calendar, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) is observed on October 4th. In many of our churches, the day will include the blessing of pets. This is a quaint custom that I find has little to do with St. Francis. As a parish priest in Indiana, my congregation annually hosted such blessings for the community in the parking lot of a veterinarian's clinic on a major road. We provided treats for the pets and their owners. These services can encourage pastoral connection for many people. Frankly, however, I'm not keen on such blessings on Sunday mornings (or at other major weekend liturgies). Why? Pastorally, some people have allergies and some are afraid of animals. Having these "St. Francis" blessings (especially inside a church) at Sunday liturgies excludes some of the Body of Christ from the fellowship and worship. Theologically, I also think that such blessings draw attention away from the truly important focus of our Sunday celebration as Christians - Jesus Christ, praise of God and the Sacraments. That aside, I encourage churches to explore the pastoral and evangelistic possibilities of the blessing of pets.
I'm not sure, however, that such pet blessings really have much to do with St. Francis. I hope they don't distract from the message of the poor man from Assisi. His message was Jesus Christ: to know God in Jesus Christ, to live like Jesus Christ and share Jesus Christ with the world. I admit that I am just an "aspiring" Franciscan. I have not yet had the courage to truly follow Jesus Christ as Francis did.
 The way to God through Jesus Christ as Francis taught is marked by clear Gospel principles. He offers a staggeringly simple way. It is plain that possessions and the need to secure them lead to self-centeredness and greed. The answer was to own nothing. If there is no wealth, there will be no war. He certainly understood that not all are called to radical simplicity and voluntary poverty. All Christians are called to be sure that we gather to ourselves no more than "enough" for life. Access and extravagance have no place in the realm of God. While others go hungry and suffer, we with many possessions and security still have too much. I still have too much.
Francis also reminded us that the way to God includes celibacy and chastity. In his delightful book, Franciscan Spirituality: Following St. Francis Today [(SPCK, 1994), p. 69], Brother Ramon [a member of the Society of St. Francis (an order in the Church of England and the Episcopal Church) who died in 2000]:
"He [Francis] was quite clear about sexual chastity. It meant abstinence for brothers and sisters of the First [men] and Second [women], and the discipline within marriage for the Third Order [those following the Franciscan way while living in the world] brothers and sisters. But this was not a negative retreat into an asexual frigidity when relating to human beings.... In our own day we are aware that sexuality is not limited to genital expression. We know that all our relationships, all our creativity, inspiration, and appreciation of things good, true, and beautiful are suffused by our sexuality, which lends warmth, tenderness, and enchantment. Francis and
his company may have shared the inhibitions of his day, but practically, there was a joyful celebration of human relationships. Celibacy [and chastity], in this context, is not a denial of sexuality, but a way of sharing that is not only an intellectual, but also an emotional and tender dimension."
Francis insisted that obedience is a necessary part of the Christian life. Brother Ramon (p. 72) writes, "Obedience is the surrender to God's will directly, through the Spirit's voice in scripture and community. This is a disciplined witness in a self-oriented society." Obedience demands both listening and humility. "Obedience" must begin with the admonition in James 1:19: "Know this, my dear brothers and sisters: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to grow angry." Within a Franciscan order of brothers or sisters, this obedience is to those in authority. For those who are ordained in the Episcopal Church, it includes obedience to the Constitution and Canons (including the Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer) of the Episcopal Church and to those in authority. For all Christians, it means that we will together seek God in the world and live in a way that embodies our faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.
Finally, and perhaps where the blessing of pets fits with Francis, he did delight in creation as a window into wonder of God. In the first "biography" of the Saint (written in about 1229), Thomas of Celano writes, "How great do you think was the delight the beauty of flowers brought to his soul whenever he saw their lovely form and noticed their sweet fragrance? He would immediately turn his gaze to the beauty of that flower, brilliant in springtime, sprouting from the root of Jesse. Whenever he found an abundance of flowers, he used to preach to them and invite them to praise the Lord, just as if they were endowed with reason" [see "The Life of Saint Francis" in Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, edited by R.J. Armstrong, J.A.W. Hellmann and W.J. Short (New City Press, 2001), p. 251]. The blessing of pets on St. Francis Day might well be a call to delight in creation and a chance to call of God's creatures to the praise of God in Jesus Christ.
The earliest Franciscan manuscripts ascribe the following prayer to Francis himself and they tell us that it was offered before the Crucifix in San Damiano [see Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, p. 40]:
Most High,
glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart,
and give me
true faith,
certain hope,
and perfect charity,
sense and knowledge,
that I may carry out
Your holy and true command.
In the end, this is the way of St. Francis: to seek and to do God's will with joy and thanksgiving.
Most high, omnipotent, good Lord, grant your people grace gladly to renounce the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfect joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko mākou Haku,
A Celebration of the Life of the Rt. Rev. Richard S. O. Chang
On Sunday, September 17, 2017, hundreds gathered at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu, to say good-bye to the Diocese of Hawai'i's fourth Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Richard S. O. Chang. Bishop Chang
passed away on August 30, 2017, following a brief illness. Pictured above, d
raped in maile & pikake, Bishop Chang's smiling portrait stood next to a table with his familiar mitre, stole, cross and urn.
His wife Delia "Dee" Chang, daughters Holly Nagatoshi and Hannah Clifford, sister Charlotte Tomita, grandchildren and other relatives were on hand to greet an endless line of people whose lives the Bishop had touched.
Former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was among the many well-wishers who flew in for the
service to pay their respects from near and far.
Kuuipo Kumukahi, Victoria Hollinger and 'Aina Asing serenaded everyone with wonderful Hawaiian melodies for nearly two hours during the visitation portion, while ushers provided bottled water to anyone who had built up a thirst during the long wait. Pictured above center, the Rev. Cn. Moki Hino and verger Roth Puahala close off the visitation line before the start of the service.
"I am the Resurrection and I am Life," said Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, quoting our Lord's words as the service commenced with a solemn procession of dozens of clergy dressed in white robes.
Readings by Leimalama Lee Loy and Faith Shiramizu were followed by the Gospel reading by Dcn. Steve Costa.
Two of Bishop Chang's close friends participated in the service. The Rev. Charles Cesaretti, a colleague for more than 30 years and whom Bishop Chang worked with while in New York as the Presiding Bishop's Executive Officer, delivered the homily and shared special memories of his dear friend. He recalled how Chang had a great gift of leadership and was a person of incredible integrity, who was also affectionately called "Uncle Bishop."
Prayers of the People were led by the Rt. Rev. Gordon Scruton, who was elected Bishop of Western Massachusetts the same day as Chang was elected Bishop of Hawai'i.
"They called each other 'twins,'" shared Dee. "For nearly 15 years, Gordon and Dick spoke once a month for about an hour, sharing experiences, prayers, hopes, disasters and just plain friendship. They were very close."
Scruton, along with Bishop Raul Tobias from the IFI (Iglesia Filipina Independiente Church), joined Bishop Fitzpatrick at the altar.
The Commendation took place in the Columbarium garden, where Bishop Chang was laid to rest next to former Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning, his mentor and close friend, who was interred only a year ago. Above right, Bishop Chang's eldest grandson Ryan is shown holding his urn.
Following the service, a feast was served up under the Aloha tent, where family and friends enjoyed lots of delicious Chinese food, spicy hot dogs, sweets and fellowship. Take-out containers were provided for those that couldn't stay or had to catch flights back home.
Pictured above center is Bishop Chang's sister, Charlotte Tomita with Martha Im, who served as Chancellor for the Diocese for many years. At right are some of the family members: (front) grandchildren Jimmy and Abigail Clifford; (in back from left) daughter Hannah Clifford and her husband, Col. Jim Clifford, grandson Ryan Nagatoshi, Dee and daughter Holly Nagatoshi.
 The next day, Bishop Fitzpatrick headed off to the House of Bishops meeting in Alaska, and shared the following reflection while waiting at the airport:
"We sang with gusto. It was an Easter celebration with only congregational singing and a liturgy straight from the Prayer Book. The celebration continued with Chinese food and hot dogs on the lawn afterwards. It was just as Dick would have wanted. Dick's ashes are interred next to those of Ed Browning. It was the best reminder that for those of us in the Body of Christ, we celebrate in life and death."
Aloha 'Oe Uncle Bishop... until we meet again...
More photos of the service can be viewed on the diocesan website
HERE. A full bio, video and more information on the life of Bishop Chang will soon be found on the diocesan website
HERE, where donations can be made in his memory to the Chang Clergy Children's Fund.
(Photos by Sybil Nishioka)
Episcopal Bishops Gather in Alaska with Focus on Indigenous Culture, Environmental Justice
By David Paulsen, Editor & Reporter, Episcopal News Service
[Episcopal News Service - Fairbanks, Alaska] The bishops of the Episcopal Church [gathered] in this small city in the center of Alaska's northern wilderness for their six-day House of Bishops meeting and to immerse themselves in
local examples of creation care and racial reconciliation.
There's no better place than Alaska to discuss themes of environmental and racial justice, Diocese of Alaska Bishop Mark Lattime told Episcopal News Service on September 21, at the midpoint of the meeting's first day.
"Alaska is your lab," Lattime said. "This is the laboratory to experience that and see that."
Two Native elders, Will Mayo and Steve Ginnis, joined Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in welcoming bishops as they kicked off the first morning at Westmark Fairbanks Hotel and Convention Center. Mayo is a past president of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Ginnis is the executive director of the Fairbanks Native Association.
The meeting [featured] discussions of how Alaska's changing culture is having an impact on the environment and on indigenous peoples' ways of life, and the bishops [traveled] over the weekend to visit villages and congregations to hear their stories firsthand.

Bishops Close Meeting in Alaska with Letter Urging 'Prayerful Listening' on Race, Environment, Poverty
[Episcopal News Service - Fairbanks, Alaska] The Episcopal Church's House of Bishops approved a letter to the church on September 26 invoking the bishops' experiences in Alaska listening to the stories of the state's indigenous people, and they called on Episcopalians to join them in working toward environmental and racial justice.
The letter was the capstone of the bishops' six-day fall meeting, held in Fairbanks but incorporating a weekend of travel far beyond this small city. Across Alaska's vast Interior, groups of bishops visited Native communities that are struggling to preserve the subsistence way of life they have followed for thousands of years.
The threats to that way of life are many, though Native residents specifically voiced concerns to the bishops about climate change and the impact of the resource-extraction industry.
"The bishops of the Episcopal Church came to Alaska to listen to the Earth and its peoples as an act of prayer, solidarity and witness," the message. Alluding to
Ephesians 2:19, the message continues, "The residents of Interior Alaska whom we met not strangers; they are members of the same household of faith."
The bishops approved the letter in a unanimous voice vote after making several changes to the wording of various passages in the initial draft.
The message includes a call to Episcopalians in all dioceses and congregations to join the bishops in "prayerful listening" in their own communities for the connections between racism, economic disparity and environmental injustice.
"God calls us to listen to each other with increased attention. It is only with unstopped ears and open eyes that our hearts and lives will be changed," the bishops said in the letter. "It is through the reconciling love of God in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that we and the Earth itself will be healed."
Annual Clergy Retreat on the Garden Island
For many of the participants in this year's Diocesan Clergy Retreat, the Garden Island of Kaua'i was a refreshing change of scenery. The annual retreat, which has usually taken place at Camp Mokule'ia on O'ahu, was held at the Kaua'i Coconut Beach Resort in Kapa'a from August 27-29, 2017. The guest speaker for the event was Sister Barbara Jean "BJ" Brown (pictured above far left), an Episcopal nun for over 30 years and founder of
Anamchara Fellowship, a new monastic style of religious life that follows a Celtic model.
Anamchara, is Gaelic for "soul friend."

Upon arrival, clergy headed to nearby All Saints' Episcopal Church where they enjoyed dinner and fellowship, followed by the Eucharist in the gym, and the first of three sessions led by Sister BJ. Prior to the retreat, Sister BJ had circulated a "Spiritual Questionnaire" to participants to help prepare their hearts and minds, asking a variety of questions such as personal strengths and weaknesses, their call to ministry, changes in theology over the years, strongest influences, etc.

Sessions also included the viewing of a
TEDx Talk with Simon Sinek on "Start with why: How great leaders inspire action," and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's uplifting sermon at the recent
Episcopal Youth Event in Oklahoma. Clergy also had a chance to relax and take in sights, including a hike up the popular Sleeping Giant mountain or a leisurely museum tour. Pictured above center, Revs. Craig Vance and Paul Lillie opted for the hike, and at far right, Rev. JaR Pasalo spent part of his birthday atop Sleeping Giant.
Above from left, Rev. Mahi Beimes flashes a shaka while trying to capture the breaktaking scenery; Vance and organizer, Rev. Cn. Alexander "Sandy" Graham trek up the mountain; three "Canon-Cyclists"--Revs. David Kennedy, Brian Grieves and Frank Chun--pedaled their way through Kapa'a town during an afternoon break; a lovely sunset from the shoreline of the hotel.
(Photos contributed by attending clergy: Bruce DeGooyer, Ryan Newman, Frank Chun and Paul Lillie)
Speaking the Word Freely
 On Thursday, September 7, 2017, St. Elizabeth's held a clergy seminar with Rev. Jerry Larson, a parish pastor for 39 years. Now retired, he has been teaching "Speaking the Word Freely" for the past 15 years at retreat centers across the country and at Luther Seminary in Minnesota through the Kairos program.
His seminars focus on extemporaneous preaching using a system/method of oral rehearsal. By mastering this method, a preacher can take a written manuscript and convert it to oral language and deliver it freely without reading or reciting it word for word.
Although the seminar is normally spread over a three-day period, this special clergy offering was crammed into five hours. He did offer the full three-day seminar to the students of Waiolaihui'ia, the Diocese's formation program, that weekend, which they really enjoyed.
(Photo contributed by Rev. Diana Akiyama)
Our Schools
Our School Chaplains
With school in full swing we give thanks and praise for our wonderful school Chaplains who nurture, bless and guide the next generation. They recently gathered together on O'ahu for a day of fellowship and to tour the campuses of 'Iolani School and the St Andrew's Schools. Pictured from left: The Revs. Daniel Leatherman and Heather Patton-Graham from 'Iolani School, Sara Shisler Goff from Seabury on Maui, Annalise Castro Pasalo from the St. Andrew's Schools and Nicole Simopoulos from 'Iolani. At right, Rev. Annalise shares a joyful moment with preschoolers.
Episcopal Church Women
ECW Annual Meeting
By Louise Aloy, President
The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Hawai'i held their annual meeting on Saturday, September 23, 2017, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. The theme of this year's meeting was Stir up the Spirit! Celebrate!
There were 27 women present, representing a number of Episcopal churches:
Good Samaritan, St. Timothy's, St. Mary's, St. Mark's, St. Andrew's, St. Clement's, St. John the Baptist, St. Paul's and Good Shepherd.
Following registration and morning prayer, the business portion of the meeting began at 9:00 AM. Christian Social Relations Chair, Annette Jim, introduced Connie Meekhof from Ho'oikaika Partnership of Maui who was a recipient of the Annual ECW Specials Grant.
The Ho'oikaika Partnership is a coalition of Maui agencies and individuals with a program for preventing child abuse and neglect, including education.
Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick's pastoral care fund is the other grant awardee that is given each year.
Bishop Bob's pastoral care fund is to help clergy and their families with various emergencies when the need arises.
Pledge forms were prayerfully filled by attendees and checks will be sent to the awardees soon! We welcome individual pledges as well as church pledges.
If anyone is interested in making a pledge, contact the ECW by e-mail HERE for a form and mail it to Laurie Lee, ECW Treasurer at, P.O. Box 459, Honolulu, HI 96812.
Our keynote speaker was the Rev. Paul Lillie, Rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Kapahulu. His talk to the women was on target with the theme, Stir up the Spirit! Celebrate! He walked us through a Spiritual Gifts Assessment questionnaire that surprised some of us with its outcome. Fr. Paul posted on the wall ten spiritual gifts: HELPING, ENCOURAGING, GIVING, TEACHING, PASTORING, MERCY, HOSPITALITY, LEADING, EVANGELISM and FAITH. After each of the women completed the questionnaire and added their scores up, we took the top three of our high scores and placed a post it note on each of the gifts where our spiritual gifts prevailed. It was truly
wonderful to see how many of the women were very strong in FAITH, HELPING, ENCOURAGING and GIVING. Although, some in the group took a similar assessment like this before, it was well received and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Most especially, Fr. Paul was very helpful and mindful of each individual that needed a little extra help.
The meeting was adjourned with singing of the Hawaiian Doxology just as lunch was being delivered by 1132 Café. We were delighted that the Rev. Moki Hino stopped by and joined us for lunch. ECW is very grateful to the following for their continued support:
- Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick for his guidance and wisdom
- The Cathedral of St. Andrew's for use of the Von Holt room
- The Cathedral Staff for their support in making sure our needs are always met
- To Sybil Nishioka for posting our ECW news and tidbits
- To all the Episcopal Clergy that have supported ECW in one way or another
Most of all, thank you to the ECW membership, for attending the bi-monthly meetings and giving of yourselves to serve the wider community through outreach programs.
'Iolani Guild
Artist Leo Hone Shares Her Talents

The 'Iolani Guild held their General Membership Luncheon on Saturday, September 9, 2017, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. Following the general meeting, delicious Hawaiian food from Haili's was served up accompanied by lots of singing, ukulele playing and great fellowship!.
Attendees were in for a special treat with guest presenter and renown local artist Leo Hone, who shared her beautiful works of art and the inspired stories behind them. Some of her paintings can be found gracing the walls of The Cathedral, and feature present-day Hawaiians alongside the ancient Hawaiian spirit or mentor, reflecting the traditions being carried on. Her incredible talent is evident in the detail, vibrancy and drama captured on canvas that has made her one of Hawai'i's premiere artists, and which she attributes to the Lord.
(Photos by Jan Motoshige)
11th Onipa'a Celebration: Honoring Queen Lili'uokalani
The 11th annual Onipa'a Celebration was held on Saturday, September 2, 2017, on the grounds of 'Iolani Palace. The event was held in honor of Queen Lili'uokalani's 179th birthday, and included cultural demonstrations, exhibits, palace tours, living history walks, food, hula, music by the Royal Hawaiian Band and other legendary local musicians. This year, clergy representatives from various faiths were invited to take part in the service.
Pictured above, the Rev. John Hau'oli Tomoso (third from left) stands with priests from the Muslim, Orthodox, Buddhist and Bahai faiths.
(Photos contributed by Rev. Kaleo Patterson)
Annual Prince Albert Commemorative Sunday
August 20, 2017, was the Cathedral of St. Andrew's annual Prince Albert Commemorative Sunday celebrating the young Prince's birthday, and featured the children and youth of the church. Although the Prince was honored at all three services, the 8:00 AM service brought Hawaiian royal societies and civic clubs together, along with firemen that the Prince admired and had hoped to be one day. The procession featured the conch shell and pu'ohe (bamboo nose flute). There was chanting and the children were dressed in traditional Hawaiian regalia. Hula and ho'okupu were presented during the service, and the even the firemen offered a song.
This is the third annual service coordinated by the 'Iolani Guild with tremendous support and help of Kumu Kamanaʻo Manoʻi-Hyde and kamaliʻi (children) from Ka Waihona o ka Naʻauao Charter School, Kumu Kaleo Trinidad with our ʻōpio (youth) of Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu Fire Department for bringing the antique fire truck, Fr. Moki Hino, Aunty Vicky Hollinger, ʻOhana Puahala, Ann Hansen, ʻOhana Alford and Victor Young.
(Photos by Ann Hansen)
Honolulu Churches Receive Generous Grants
The Ifuku Family Foundation, which was established by the founders of Honolulu's iconic Rainbow Drive-in, recently awarded grants to St. Mary's and St. Elizabeth's Episcopal churches, for their outreach ministries. Both churches received a check for $5,000 as part of the foundation's annual grants to Hawai'i-based non-profit organizations and schools.
In a note accompanying the check to Fr. Gregory Johnson of St. Mary's, their daughter Sherie writes:
"We are a small family foundation that annually gives donations to organizations that make a difference in our community. Reading the recent newspaper article of your small church reaching out without judgment to our homeless touched our hearts.
My parents, who started this foundation, came from immigrant backgrounds and worked so hard to establish their drive-in. They never forgot their background, their struggles, or the people who helped them.
They would so admire your church and your compassion."
Seiju "George" Ifuku, who opened the restaurant in 1961, is pictured above with his son-in-law Jim Gusukuma who has been managing the restaurant since 2000. (Photo contributed by St. Mary's)
Malama Honua: Taking Care of God's Creation
On Saturday, August 12, 2017, families from Calvary and Emmanuel Episcopal churches joined hands to "mālama the 'āina" with
Kako'o 'Oiwi, a non-profit organization whose mission is "
to perpetuate the cultural and spiritual practices of Native Hawaiians." They obtained a 38-year lease agreement for a 405-acre section of the He'eia Wetlands where sugar, pineapple and rice were grown commercially during the plantation days, but where kalo (taro) was traditionally grown. Today, they have restored the land to grow dryland and wetland kalo, ulu, corn and other food plants, helping Hawai'i feed itself. Church members helped to weed and mulch overgrown areas on a community workday.
(Photos from Emmanuel's newsletter)
Tri-Church Bible Study
For nearly a year, members from three Episcopal churches in Honolulu: St. Mary's, Good Samaritan and St. Luke's, have been gathering together for a "tri-church" Bible study! Great discussions abound while studying the word of God. If you'd like to join in, they meet every Wednesday at St. Mary's, 2062 S. King Street, from 10:00 AM-11:30 AM. For more information, call St. Mary's at (808)
735-5944. (Photos from the Good Samaritan newsletter)
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Third Annual Queen Lili'uokalani Commemorative Service
By Ann Dugdale Hansen, 'Iolani Guild
Members of the ʿIolani Guild and Episcopal churches came together at
Soldiers Chapel in Schofield Barracks on Saturday, September 2, 2017, to
celebrate the birthday of Hawaii's last reigning monarch in the chapel she had built for U.S. Army Soldiers more than a century ago.
In 1913, Queen Liliʿuokalani donated funds to help establish a chapel for the spiritual well being of soldiers. That was twenty years after the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʿi that dethroned her. For the Queen to care for soldiers of the army that overthrew her kingdom is a remarkable act of generosity and reconciliation. She knew that the men and women in the army stationed there were many miles away from their homes and in need of comfort.
Soldiers Chapel serves a variety of denominations during the week and on Sundays. This event is initiated and hosted by the good folk of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa and the 'Iolani Guild, and coordinated by Fr. Kaleo Patterson and the Army Chaplains. Fr. Patterson is a member of the Army Native Hawaiian Advisory Council.
Attendees included representatives from the United Methodist Church, Bahai Faith, ʿIolani Guild and several Episcopal churches. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick joined Army Chaplain Patrick Lowthian in presenting the service.
Sir Edward L. Akana, Aliʿi Nui in the Royal Order of Kamehameha, told stories about Queen Liliʿuokalani that revealed her love and thoughtfulness for the people. With Sir Edward were three other members of Chapter 8 of the Royal Order of Kamehameha from the west side of Oʿahu. Together they saluted the portrait of the Queen and sang "Makalapua" one of her favorite songs. They received hoʿokupu (offerings) of foliage and lei from the participants, draping them over her portrait. Several of the lei were purple crown flowers, the Queen's favorite. Seeing the Queen's portrait so bedecked was a very touching moment.
(Photos by Kristen Wong, Ann Hansen and Jan Motoshige)
St. John the Baptist Spaghetti Fundraiser
Westside churches gathered together on Thursday, August 24, 2017, for a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Waianae. It was a "fun and tasty" event that brought folks from the ECWO churches together.
(Photos by Shana Valenzuela)
Midsummer Makahiki
In their continuing work with inmates, Rev. Kaleo Patterson and Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson are shown at the Waiawa Correctional Center during their Mid-summer Makahiki event in August. Patterson and Guanson have established a program with the inmates at Waiawa and Halawa Correctional facilities that weave Hawaiian traditions, prayer and reconciliation, while providing support and help with their transition back into society. (Photos contributed by Rev. Kaleo Patterson)
Hiroshima Peace Bell Ceremony
University of Hawai'i Peace Studies Students attended the Hiroshima Peace Bell Ceremony on Monday, August 7, 2017, with Fr. Kaleo Patterson and Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson
. This annual event commemorates the bombing of Hiroshima, and includes a traditional blessing and purification, with special messages from religious and community leaders. The Hiroshima Peace Bell was presented by the City of Hiroshima to the City and County of Honolulu in 1985 to commemorate our sister city relationship and is located in Honolulu's Chinatown..
(Photos by Dcn. Steve Costa)
Close to the Heart: St. John's Raises Money for Texas Relief
The Maui News recently featured the efforts of the congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula, who raised $3,750 to help with relief efforts in Rockport, Texas, one of the coastal areas hit hard by Hurricane Harvey.
The storm was deeply personal for St. John's Rector, Rev. Kerith Harding, who calls Texas home.
Harding had flown to Texas to be with her mother shortly before she died, just four days before Harvey made landfall. She returned to Maui the day before Harvey was to hit not realizing that the hurricane would be such an unprecedented event. In the article, Harding shared that her high school was destroyed but felt fortunate that her father's home was not flooded.
Pictured at left, the money raised went towards power equipment for the Rockport Volunteer Fire Department. Along with the help of Hill Country Outdoor Power, $7,000 worth of equipment was purchased at cost and included a generator, heavy-duty chain saws and other saws capable of cutting through metal and concrete.
(Photo from Maui News)
Rubbah Slippah Weekend at Good Shepherd
By Louise Aloy, Good Shepherd Women in Ministry
The Good Shepherd Women in Ministry hosted the second annual Rubbah Slippah Weekend on August 12 and 13, 2017. Parishioners were asked to bring one or more pairs of new or slightly used slippers during the Saturday evening and Sunday worship services. The slippers were blessed and given to A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) Care-Van ministry, where they are passed out during their island-wide runs.
One person from Los Angeles donated 30 pairs because he was so moved by what we were doing to serve the unsheltered and less fortunate folks on Maui. He had never heard of such an "out-of-the-box" way of raising awareness and collecting a much needed item to protect ones feet, something many of us take for granted.
Pictured above is Tony Paul wearing a pair of pants with slippers all over it, befitting for the occasion. Tony is an active Good Shepherd volunteer for ACCW. At right are the slippers collected from the Saturday and 7:00 AM church services ready to be blessed. If you would like to make a donation, please call the church office at 244-4656.
Me ka mahalo nui loa to all that contributed to this "fun-raiser." (Photos contributed by Louise Aloy)
Confirmation Sunday at St. Jude's
On September 10, 2017, during a Sunday Visitation to St. Jude's Episcopal Church in Ocean View, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick confirmed or received nine new members. The Bishop also blessed the church, the hula halau and even the kitchen! Pictured above from left are: Mark Shattuck, Linda Laws, Don Hatch, Bishop Fitzpatrick, Shannon Simpson, Faye Miller, Glenn Cera, Fr. Doug Coil, Buffy Hites, and Vinnie Rexroat. Not pictured: Sam Quenon.
(Photo from the St. Jude newsletter)
St. Columba's Celebrates Peace Day
Members of St. Columba's Episcopal Church took to the streets on Saturday, September 23, 2017, for the 11th annual Peace Day Parade and Festival in Honoka'a. The parade is held in conjunction with the United Nations' International Day of Peace or World Peace Day which is observed annually on September 21. They joined millions of people around the world to honor the values of peace, compassion and global interdependence.
(Photo from the St. James' weekly E-News)
Anglican Primates Offer Prayers for Las Vegas as Episcopal Leaders Mobilize After Massacre
By David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service
[October 2, 2017]
Leaders of the Anglican Communion called the weekend massacre in Las Vegas "truly shocking" in a
statement released from Canterbury, England
, by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, as faith leaders mobilize outreach efforts in the wake of the shooting, which killed at least 58 and injured hundreds more.
Clergy members in the Las Vegas area are providing pastoral care for victims and emergency personnel, memorial worship services are planned for this week, and a group of Episcopal bishops is organizing a nationwide effort to toll church bells October 3, in memory of the dead.
"We are praying for the families and friends of those who have died and for the many people who have been wounded," Curry said Oct. 2 in a video delivering the statement released by the primates,
who are gathered in Canterbury. "We remember, too, everyone else caught up in this tragedy - including the emergency services (first responders). We pray that the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with the people of Las Vegas as they endure this trauma."
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the Episcopal Church's House of Deputies, also issued a statement in reaction to the deadly violence.
"This morning, my heart broke once again to learn about another mass shooting in the United States," she said in part, offering her prayers for the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada, with their deputies, and
Bishop Dan Edwards.
Edwards, who will preach at the October 3 service, told Episcopal News Service by phone that his office reached out to the chaplain at Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center to offer Episcopal clergy members to supplement the hospital's own pastoral care. The diocese offered the same to the Las Vegas Metro Police Department and other first responders. Edwards did not yet have information on how many Episcopal priests and deacons had volunteered.
And with authorities saying blood supplies are running low in the massacre's aftermath, the Diocese of Nevada plans to include a call for blood donations in its communications to Episcopalians in the state.
"It's heartbreaking for the victims and all those affected by this particular tragedy," Edwards said. "It's also heartbreaking for our society, that this keeps happening."
(Photos at top: FBI agents on an armored vehicle arrive on the scene of the mass shooting - Las Vegas Sun via Reuters; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry delivers a statement from the Anglican Primates)
Episcopalians Don't Forget Puerto Rico in Their Hurricane Relief Efforts
By Amy Sowder, Episcopal News Service
(Photos by Yuisa Rios, FEMA)
The Rev. Rafael Zorrilla couldn't believe his phone worked to make this call.
But Zorrilla, canon to the ordinary of the
Diocese of Puerto Rico
, managed to share with Episcopal News Service his experience on the island, which was devastated by Hurricane Maria on September 20, 2017, and seemingly cut off from the rest of the world since then.
The most urgent need has been communication. Food, clean water, shelter and gas are desperately needed, too, but there has been little success in sharing those needs so far.
"You'd have to have lived in 1942 to understand what it's like to live here now. No e-mail, no internet, no phones most of the time," Zorrilla told Episcopal News Service from his home in San Juan near the diocesan center.
"Puerto Rico is suffering a lot right now. I'm expecting, personally, we're not going to get electricity for at least six months. It's a lot of damage. A lot of damage."
The four-hour wait to get gas was frustrating, but Zorrilla knows there's much worse. Thousands of people are homeless, he said. A diocesan staff member told him he had to walk five and half hours to check on his parents. They were OK.
Hurricane Maria was but the latest in a series of tropical storms to tear through the United States and its territories. The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season has emerged as one of the most destructive in recent history, with hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria causing major damage from Texas to Florida, Georgia and throughout the Caribbean, according to
Episcopal Relief & Development.
When Maria slammed into Puerto Rico, it was a Category 4 storm with sustained gusts up to 185 mph, the strongest hurricane to hit the island in over 80 years. Rainfall amounts ranged from 15 to 25 inches, with 40 inches or more in some spots, according to the National Hurricane Center.
In recent months, it seems that nearly every day brings a new story of tremendous suffering, pain and grief taking place around the globe.
With hurricanes Irma, Jose and Maria wreaking havoc in the Atlantic, leaving a path of destruction and death, and the cries of human suffering being heard from every corner of the world, volunteers and donations are needed now more than ever. Many of the hardest hit areas have little available resources remaining to provide even the basic necessities for survival, and rely heavily on humanitarian agencies and organizations for help. If you haven't already done so, please consider donating to the Episcopal Relief & Development, that provides support and relief all over the world. To learn more and donate, visit their website HERE. To view the latest on their hurricane support, click HERE.
Presiding Bishop at Nashotah House Praises Seminary for Making Ministers for Jesus Movement
Story & Photos by David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service
"It is good to be here."
A throwaway cliché in most speeches, but spoken September 28, 2017, by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as the fall sun was setting at
Nashotah House Theological Seminary, there was reason enough for his audience of 150 or so people to believe he was being sincere.
Martins also noted Curry's "tireless efforts seeking reconciliation in Christ's broken body from his first days of ordained ministry all the way to his service now as presiding bishop," adding that Curry's "work to promote growth in racial equality, educational development, social justice and humanitarian outreach are equally noteworthy."
The pleasure of being in Nashotah, Curry indicated, also stemmed from an appreciation of the seminary's mission: training leaders for what Curry regularly describes as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.
"We are making ministers in this mission moment, to claim and provide leadership for a movement, a movement that began long ago ... a movement whose purpose is to change this world from the nightmare our sinful, selfish selves make of it to the dream, the vision of the kingdom, the reign that God has intended," he said.
Episcopalians Rally Against Hate As White Supremacists Bring Violence to Charlottesville
By David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service
St. Paul's Memorial Church overlooking the University of Virginia campus
hosted a prayer service on Aug. 11, the evening before the clashes. The next morning, members of St. Paul's, Trinity Episcopal and Christ Episcopal joined an interfaith prayer service and then participated in a march to Emancipation Park to
rally against the supremacists' event planned there. The outbreak of violence prompted authorities to shut that event down before it even got started.
The three Episcopal churches in the city also have been active in the
Charlottesville Clergy Collective, which now is helping the faith community regroup in the aftermath of the riot.
"I think that it's incumbent upon us as people of faith to claim that ground, that we're all created in God's image, and those who are targets of this hate need people of faith, people of privilege, to show up," said the Rev. Elaine Thomas, associate rector at St. Paul's and the co-leader of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective.
(Pictured above from left: Clergy from all faith traditions link arms on August 13 as protesters marched through Charlottesville - Photo by Steven Martin, National Council of Churches; Bishops and Clergy of the Diocese of Virdinia stood together to the "Unite the Right" rally - Photo from @TheDioceseVA; Episcopalians gathered at vigils around the country including the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston - Photoby Bill Parnell, Diocese of Massachusetts)
Beacons of hope...
Manhattan Episcopal Church and Community Protect, Fight for Guatemalan Mom
[Episcopal News Service]
Amanda Morales Guerra might be ripped from her children's lives and returned to the violent country she fled 14 years ago. That real fear drove Morales, 33, a Guatemalan native in danger of deportation for entering and living in the United States illegally, to seek sanctuary more than a week ago at
Holyrood Episcopal Church-Iglesias Santa Cruz
in the Washington Heights neighborhood of northern Manhattan. Her three children were born in the United States and, thus, are American citizens. READ MORE
New York Priest On a Mission to Help Children Trapped in Sex Trafficking at Hotels
[Episcopal News Service] She strode through midtown Manhattan with purpose, her black tote bag held close as she dropped a dollar into the jangling coffee can of a street person stationed on a corner.
Weaving around the city sidewalks in her flowered pencil skirt, black flats and black tank with a clerical collar, the Rev. Adrian Dannhauser had four destinations on her list that evening - all upscale hotels where she hopes her efforts make a dent in revealing the horrific secret right under everyone's noses.
Child sex trafficking happens at pretty much every hotel, whether it's glitzy or seedy, Dannhauser and survivors say.
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for submissions in the next December issue is November 23, 2017.