The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
December 2016
Bishop's Calendar
***** DECEMBER *****
December 3-4
Sunday Visitation: Grace, Moloka'i
December 7
Service: The Cathedral
December 8
Staff Retreat (1/2 day)
December 10
Enculturation Day, Epiphany, Honolulu
December 11
Sunday Visitation: St. John the Baptist, Waianae
December 13
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
Est. December 14 (TBA)
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Nicholas, Kapolei
December 17
Governance Meetings
December 18
Sunday Visitation: St. Timothy's, Aiea
December 18
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Mark's, Honolulu (evening Lessons and Carols)
December 24-25
Service: The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
January 3-5
Provincial House of Bishops Meeting
January 8
Celebration of New Ministry: The Rev. JaR Pasalo, St. Nicholas, Kapolei
January 13
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
January 14
Ordination: The Rev. Annalise Castro to Presbyterate, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
January 15
Sunday Visitation: St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu
January 19
Closing Eucharist - Episcopal Church's Camp and Conference Center Meeting
January 21
Governance Meetings
January 24
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
January 27-28
Music Conference, St. Timothy's, Aiea
January 31- (February 5)
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An Advent Message from Bishop Robert L. Fitzpatrick
"Therefore, brothers and sisters, you must be patient as you wait for the coming of the Lord. Consider the farmer who waits patiently for the coming of rain in the fall and spring, looking forward to the precious fruit of the earth. You also must wait patiently, strengthening your resolve, because the coming of the Lord is near. Don't complain about each other, brothers and sisters, so that you won't be judged. Look! The judge is standing at the door! Brothers and sisters, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as an example of patient resolve and steadfastness." --
The Letter of James 5:7-10
 My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,
The season of Advent focuses on the fulfillment of the Commonwealth of God. The breaking in of the Commonwealth of Justice, Peace and Love began with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Advent looks to both the beginning of the story and to the cosmic future fulfillment of the Commonwealth. As the followers of God in Jesus Christ, we are the Body of Christ living into that Commonwealth in the here and now. We are called to live the truth of Love right now.
How can we best live in the Commonwealth of God? St. Ignatius of Loyola (died 1556) developed a simple form of prayer by which a person can review each day in a way that will help one grow in self-understanding and be free to discern God's will. This practice is often called the "Daily Examen." Many people choose to practice this prayerful review of their day before going to bed at night (or first thing in the morning) by following the steps:
Before starting, take a moment to slow down and ask God for help.
- Gratitude: Recall the blessings of the day and thank God.
- Review: Recall the events of the day and notice where you felt God's presence and where you resisted opportunities to grow in love.
- Sorrow: Recall anything for which you are sorry.
- Forgiveness: Ask for God's forgiveness and/or healing if needed.
- Grace: Ask God for the grace you need for the next day or for your life in general.
Jim Manney offers a good introduction to this prayer practice in his little book
A Simple Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen (Loyola Press, 2011). There are variations on this theme, but these steps provide the general framework. For my personal prayer, I use an app on my iPad based on some variations of this method found in
Reimagining the Ignatian Examen by Mark E. Thibodeaux (Loyola Press, 2015). Information about the app can be found
Our lives as the followers of Christ Jesus include the preparation to respond to the world, as it should be (the Commonwealth of God). Our self-examination allows us to look honestly at ourselves and to prepare to live each day as the beloved of God. I hope the practice of Daily Examen can provide an aid to self-awareness and help us prepare to respond to those around us on behalf of our loving God.
Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Your servant in Christ Jesus,
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
+ Keali'ikoaokeakua
(Sunday School children at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Honolulu with an Advent Wreath made during class - Photo from St. Mark's Evangel Newsletter)
My Time Thus Far
By The Rev. Cn. Alexander Graham, Office of the Bishop
The past four months have flown by, and I want to thank everyone for their generous hospitality and their commitment and work of the Church in this place. We are the unique Hawai'i branch of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement, and it is an honor to call this place home.
I have crossed paths with many of you in committee meetings and at retreats and conferences, and I truly see that my main vocational call here is all about just that -- establishing strong and deep relationships, building bridges of communication and collaboration, and empowering authentic and transformative local evangelism. I am grateful for the openness that I've found in your midst.
Tremendous and joyful witness is happening all over the Diocese, and I've been privileged to see and engage in the work you are doing. I've joined some of you in everyday ministry moments like updating our Safeguarding God's Children training, or in special workshops like Stewardship University, and in large-scale events like the Convention Eucharist. I've also had a chance to experience parish life through a Celebration of New Ministry, enjoyed rides, games and food trucks at a Pumpkin Patch extravaganza, seen the power of dignity offered at a shower ministry, watched a Father Damien play, and witnessed an open-ocean baptism. You all have filled my life and this Diocese with the love of God and the presence of Christ.
Off-island I've been to a conference in Tampa with other Diocesan Congregational specialists, where we were taught the brand new
Vital Teams curriculum from the Episcopal Church Foundation. I look forward to sharing those details with you in the coming months.
In the past few weeks, I took part in two conferences in Dallas, TX. The first, called Genesis, was full of inspiring stories and community building for church planters. Three of us from Hawai'i heard the proclamation that
most Churches ask in two questions: 1. Who does God want us to be?, and 2. What does God want us to do? Church planters ask two more questions: 3. What is God doing out there?, and 4. How can I join God's work out there?"
I couldn't help but think we are all called to ask the extra questions. In our parishes, each and every week, as we say the post-Communion prayer and are sent out into the world to work, these are the very questions we are to consider.
The second Dallas conference, Evangelism Matters, was attended by thirteen from this Diocese (pictured above). It was a very full two days that included workshops and special sessions with our Presiding Bishop (who calls himself the CEO - Chief Evangelism Officer - of the Episcopal Church) and a grand Eucharist for the over 400 attendees. Bishop Curry frequently reminded us that "evangelism has nothing to do with having a bigger church - it has everything to do with having a better world!"
In the coming months, I will have the honor of getting to know some parishes a little better as times of transitions of leadership are happening. This is heart and mission and holy reflection time for these parishes. It is a privilege to be a part of your discernment, even in anxious or uncertain times. I thank you for your trust and know that God has great things in store for you.
As we sit in this time of Advent, a time of preparation, expectation, and transformation, I find myself wholly grateful for being called to serve this Diocese, to be invited to join your 'ohana. I pray that the in-breaking of Christ amongst us in this holy season also further opens our hearts and minds to God's presence with us and in us. We've got good work to do together. I am ready to share in it with you!
(Photos contributed by Alexander Graham)
Episcopal Church Women
By Louise Aloy, President
The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Hawai'i gathered together on Saturday, December 3, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, for our annual holiday luncheon. Rather than a traditional holiday lunch at a restaurant, the board decided back in February, for the women to come together to assemble holiday gift baskets for our community.
For the last nine months, the women of the ECW have been collecting toiletries and non-perishable food to make gift baskets. Along with the collection efforts of the ECW and several churches throughout the Diocese, we were able to put together 130 baskets, bags and boxes filled with goodies and supplies. We thank all the churches and their members who gave so generously: St. Luke's, St. Mary's, Epiphany, St. Paul's, St. Timothy's, St. Mark's
, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Good Shepherd, Good Samaritan and St. Clement's.
The gift baskets will be distributed through several Episcopal churches on O'ahu. With the help of the Rev. Mahi Beimes of St. Matthew's, baskets will be distributed in the Waimanalo community. The Rev. Paul Nahoa Lucas of St. John's By-the-Sea will share them in the Kahalu'u community, and Keane Akao will take care of distribution at St. John the Baptist in Waianae and St. Stephen's in Wahiawa.
It was a fun working day for the women gathering lots of goodies for each holiday gift basket, bag or box, and we also had a blast wrapping them up with cellophane and festive ribbons. We also took time to enjoy a wonderful Korean lunch with lots of desserts. Our time together ended with some fun games and all went home with a small prize. It was a
nother successful ECW event to end 2016.
Here's wishing all a very Merry Christmas and joyful holiday season!
Pictured from top, the ladies with Fr. Ray Woo of St. Luke's; the ladies assemble, wrap and load up the gifts to be taken for distribution.
(Photos by Jan Motoshige)
Camp Mokule'ia's First Annual Fundraiser a Huge Success
On November 26, 2016, over 160 people made it to Camp Mokule'ia in Waialua, to participate in its first annual luau fundraiser. Everyone was treated to wonderful entertainment, dancing under the stars, ono food prepared by the Camp Mokule'ia staff (that included a 600-pound pig that was cooked in the imu on-site), and a fabulous auction and drawing for wonderful door prizes.
When it was all over, enough funds were raised to pay for over 500 camper nights that will be offered to under-served youth throughout Hawai'i. Executive Director, Rev. David Baumgart Turner (whose 60th birthday was also celebrated) commented that the event exceeded even their highest expectations. Board member, Cecilia Fordham, called the evening a true delight. Turner expressed his deepest mahalo to all who came, to all who contributed, and to all who offered their prayers for success for this wonderful event.
Pictured above from left, Rev. David Baumgart Turner and his wife Kirsten; Bishop Richard Chang and wife Dee enjoy the festivities; delicious Hawaiian buffet; lots of great entertainment. (Photos contributed by Jenny Wallace and David Turner)
Our Schools
'Iolani Girls Capture Volleyball Title
On Saturday, October 29, 2016, the 'Iolani Varsity Girls beat Kamehameha to capture the State Championship title at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center. Congratulations!
(Photo from the 'Iolani School website)
Fall is in the Air!
In October, The Prep students from The St. Andrew's Schools enjoyed a day at
Aloun Farms to check out the pumpkin crop.
(Photo from the St. Andrew's Schools Facebook page)
Blessing of the Animals on O'ahu
 Churches throughout the Diocese celebrated the Feast of St. Francis in October. Here are just a few pictures from the places blessing beloved pets on O'ahu. (Photos from O'ahu church newsletters and Facebook pages)
Celebration of New Ministry: The Rev. Phyllis Mahilani Beimes
On Sunday, November 27, 2016, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick appointed the Rev. Phyllis Mahilani Beimes as Vicar of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Waimanalo. Beimes, who became the first woman of Hawaiian ancestry to be ordained in The Episcopal Church, is also one of the first graduates of
Waiolaihui'ia, the local clergy formation program in the Diocese of Hawai'i.
"The service was such a moving experience for me," said Rev. Mahi. "My four children, including the two who live and work on the mainland, read the lessons and Psalms. The clergy and members of all five Windward congregations were in attendance as well as clergy and members from the greater Diocese."
During the service, Rev. Mahi was presented with "the signs of ministry" that were placed on a table in front of the altar. Pictured above from left are the Bishop's Letter of Institution, committing Beimes "to this new trust and responsibility"; a Holy Bible "to proclaim the Word"; a Book of Common Prayer to be "a woman of prayer"; keys to the church to "let the doors be open to all people"; the Constitution and Canons to "share in the Councils of this Diocese"; oil to be "a healer and reconciler"; water to "help the Bishop baptize in obedience to our Lord"; and the red stole laying across the top to "be a pastor and a priest."
"I feel so very blessed to be a part of this collegial community of clergy in the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i," said Rev. Mahi, "as well as to serve and represent the Windward community where I was born and raised. I am so very blessed and want to be a blessing to all whom I serve.
Mahalo nui loa, e Ke Akua Mana Loa!" (Photos contributed by Phyllis Mahilani Beimes)
Emmanuel's Chocolate Extravaganza Sets Fundraising Record
By Jane Tonokawa and Caroline Remedios, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Kailua
Our 14th annual Chocolate Extravaganza was held on Saturday, October 8, 2016, and it was a huge success! The
church sanctuary was overflowing with chocolate. Over 350 people attended the fundraiser, and we reached an all-time high with over $19,000 raised for
Family Promise and
Emmanuel. We have supported Family Promise with this event for 10 years and have contributed over $66,000 toward its wonderful mission.
The sanctuary was transformed with beautiful hanging handcrafted cranes. Seventy-five VIP guests were served our best decadent chocolate confections under a big tent in our garden. The buffet was overflowing with wonderfully sweet chocolate desserts. The chocolate fountain flowed with warm dark chocolate for guests to dip fruit, chips, and other sweets. The smiles and looks of sheer delight on the faces of our guests were a testament to the wonderful time that they were having. Many commented that it was the "best Chocolate Extravaganza event ever!"
Aside from the Family Promise and Emmanuel volunteers, we enlisted volunteers from the 'Iolani Key Club, Accounting Club at UH Mānoa, and the Bank of Hawaii. We were very fortunate to have them that evening.
Thank you to all of our Episcopal community and beyond who supported our event in some way, whether it was by purchasing tickets, distributing flyers, promoting awareness of our event, or by donating to the auction or the buffet. Many in the
'ohana worked tirelessly to make this happen, and it was wonderful to see the fellowship of our faith community working together to be a part of the solution to homelessness in Hawaii.
Pictured at the top of this article are Emmanuel church members and organizers, Jane Tonokawa (at left) and Carolyn Remedios (at right), presenting a check for $10,000 to Mary Saunders (center), Executive Director of Family Promise. The silent auction included a football signed by Marcus Mariota (above right), Hawai'i's own football hero and quarterback for the Tennessee Titans.
(Photos from the Emmanuel website and newsletter)
Epiphany Fall Events:
Animal Blessing, Keiki & Culture, Christmas Parade
Members at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Kaimuki (Honolulu) keep busy with church and community activities year round. Pictured above, in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis, supply priest Fr. Frank Chun dressed as St. Francis to bless the animals on October 2, 2016.
The Epiphany keiki are very involved in services. Pictured above from left: On November 6, the Keiki Choir sang using hand motions; during their November 20 service celebrating the Feast of the Holy Sovereigns, keiki read the lessons, Mary Richardson Sueoka shared a reflection of Hawaiian history, and their
Halau O Na Pua Lei Mamo, directed by Kumu Hula Pi'ilani Hanohano, shared the gift of dance.
Every year, the Kaimuki Community Association sponsors the annual Christmas parade, and Epiphany is invited to participate. Pictured above from left, Rev. Irene Tanabe stands with parish members in front of the decorated trolley; Santa makes a visit; Boy Scout Troop 82 joined them this year and helped to distribute candy.
(Photos by Portia Okamoto)
St. Elizabeth's Annual Thanksgiving Feed the Streets
The busy crew at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, delivered hearty Thanksgiving meals to over 275 people during their annual Feed the Streets event. The assembly line to load up plates with beans, potatoes, turkey, ham, pie and all the trimmings had everything packed and ready for delivery in lightning speed. The Langi family spearheaded the effort, and Deacon Steve Costa made sure to secure enough turkeys for the meals. Pictured above, volunteers take a moment for the camera; Fr. David Gierlach helps in the kitchen while giant pots of food get a stir; and it's not really a Thanksgiving meal without pumpkin pie! (Photos from the St. Elizabeth's newsletter)
St. Luke's Mandoo Fundraiser
St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Honolulu teamed up with members of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church for a mouth-watering mandoo fundraiser. Pictured above, the tasty Korean dumplings were made with lots of love from left: The Bishop's Wardens from Good Samaritan and St. Luke's, Debbie Nishihara and David Yamada; Rania Hee, Georgie Kam and Faye Hee in the production line that produced tons of delicious mandoo.
(Photos from the Good Samaritan newsletter)
Cathedral Happenings
Saying Farewell to Canon John Renke
The Cathedral of Saint Andrew was standing room only at the October 9, 2016, Choral Evensong.
Nearly 40
0 congregants and friends from around the Diocese and music community turned out to bid farewell to Cn. John Renke who had served as the organist and Cathedral's Music Director since 2007.
(Photos from the Cathedral's e-news and Facebook page)
Shallow Subsidy Houses a Family
By Ann Dugdale Hansen, Outreach and Social Justice Committee
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
October 12, 2015, the Rev. David Gierlach challenged all churches to house at least one homeless person. However, our Outreach and Social Justice Committee already had a plan. We had already approved the basic idea of a Shallow Subsidy and were starting to refine how to go about putting it into action.
A Shallow Subsidy is a strategy to help homeless have sufficient money to rent an apartment. Often families have some income but not enough to rent at Honolulu prices. A Shallow Subsidy (think "scholarship") of a few hundred dollars per month might be enough when added to their own income to boost them up to Honolulu's market rate.
The Outreach Committee chose to work with Family Promise of Hawaiʿi with whom we have partnered since 2007. Family Promise carefully screens families who are then housed in participating churches, one week at a time. We asked Christel Magallanes, Program Manager to find us a worthy family. A couple months later, Christel found a hard-working mother, Lina, who holds down two jobs at Subway and Lowes. Her husband, Kolini, who uses a wheelchair, watches over their two children: son, Dravyen and daughter, Analyse.
Lina and family found an apartment in Kalihi that they are able to afford with the help of our $300 per month subsidy. They were overjoyed to move into their own place. Over the next twelve months, Lina and her family will continue to receive our $300 Shallow Subsidy. Christel will continue to coach Lina on budgeting and building her employment skills to increase her monthly income. By one year from now, Lina and family should be financially independent.
We as a parish can be proud that we have taken action to solve Honolulu's homeless problem: we have housed one family using a Shallow Subsidy for a year.
Kirkin' o' the Tartan Service at The Cathedral
By Ann Dugdale Hansen, Assistant Verger
The procession was led by three bagpipers and one drummer, followed by flags of the United States, United Kingdom, Scotland, Hawai'i, Saint Andrew's Society of Hawaiʿi, plus a standard of various tartans. There were many people in various styles of Scottish attire including kilts or plaid sashes. The Kirkin' o' the Tartan Service is always held on November 30, in honor of Saint Andrew and put on in conjunction with the Saint Andrew's Society. This evensong service is one of the most colorful and enjoyable services of the year.
Near the end of the service was the blessing of the tartans when everyone in Scottish attire came up onto the platform. About twelve participants took turns explaining their heritage by saying "I represent the clan of ____." This included The Rev. Cn. Alexander "Sandy" Graham (pictured above right), who was wearing vestments over his kilt, and announced "I represent the Graham clan."
At the conclusion of the service with bagpipers, drum and flags leading the way, people headed out the Cathedral doors and over to the Von Holt Room for a reception with the Saint Andrew's Society. If you have never seen a Kirkin' o' the Tartan service, mark your 2017 calendar so you can experience the colors, sounds and ethnic pride of the Scottish community here in Honolulu.
(Photos contributed by Ann Dugdale Hansen)
Giving Thanks at All Saints'
For over 10 years, the Kapa'a Interfaith Association of Kaua'i has been serving up a free Thanksgiving meal to all in the community, and for the past several years, the event has taken place in the All Saints' Gym. The luncheon is preceded with an interfaith service that takes place in the church with the priests and pastors from the participating churches each sharing Thanksgiving reflections. This year, six churches in Kapa'a town came together to serve up over 1,000 meals, 400 of which were home-delivered. Mark Oyama, Chef and owner of Contemporary Flavors, a well-known catering company, has graciously volunteered his crew year after year to cook and help serve up the meals. Local-style entertainment is provided by the different churches and the youth help serve as waiters and bussers. Many thanks to all the volunteers and especially All Saints' members and co-chairs Mary Smith and Anna Yu.
(Photo from the All Saints' E-News)
Ali'i Sunday & Feast of the Holy Sovereigns at Good Shepherd
On Sunday, November 20, 2016, the folks of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church had a lot to celebrate! As part of its year-long Sesquicentennial Celebration, they held an Ali'i Sunday, in commemoration of the Feast of the Holy Sovereigns, King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, as many churches around the Diocese did. But the highlight of the service was the conferral of Honorary Ali'i status into the Royal Order of Kamehameha upon the Right Reverend Robert L. Keali'ikoaokeakua Fitzpatrick by the Ali'i Nui and Grand Master, Ali'i Sir William Roback.
The high honor and elaborate process began with discussions between fellow members, initiated by Good Shepherd Priest Associate, the Rev. John Hau'oli Tomoso, back in 2014. A
was written and signed during the June 2016 bi-yearly assembly of all the High Chiefs of the Royal Order of Kamehameha. The work that the Bishop has done in the Diocese to promote and support Native Hawaiians helped play a role in receiving this honor.
Following the service a grand luau was held on the front lawn where everyone enjoyed delicious food and fellowship. Pictured above from left, Good Shepherd clergy, the Rev. John Hau'oli Tomoso, the Rev. Craig Vance, and the Rev. Linda Decker stand with the Bishop; the Bishop and wife Bea thrilled to be a part of this celebration; lots of ono food was served up.
(Photos by Alfredo Evangelista. More pictures can be viewed on the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)
Appointment of The Rev. Bruce DeGooyer at Trinity
On Saturday, November 12, 2016, Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Kihei
celebrated a Renewal of Ministry with the appointment of the Rev. Bruce DeGooyer, who has been with Trinity since July. With beautiful weather highlighting the incredible beauty of the outdoor church, family, members and clergy gathered together for this special event. Pictured above, DeGooyer (in center) is flanked by Bishop Fitzpatrick and the Rev. Amy Crowe of Holy Innocents in Lahaina. Also in attendance at right were Good Shepherd clergy, the Revs. Craig Vance, Linda Decker and John Hau'oli Tomoso, and from the Office of the Bishop, the Rev. Cn. Alexander Graham. (Photo from the Trinity Facebook page where more photos of this event can be viewed.)
Team Outreach at Holy Innocents Inspired by ACCW
By Cindy Schumacher
Team Outreach (pictured above left) is a ministry of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina. It stemmed from A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) community care-van, an outreach program of the Episcopal churches on Maui. Distributing essential food, hygiene and clothing items, ACCW has grown into a hugely successful outreach ministry for the island. With a strong volunteer base, the three-day-per-week ministry now includes churches from various denominations as well as volunteers from around the wider community. It visits the poor and needy in Wailuku on Wednesday, Lahaina on Saturday, and Kihei on Sunday.
"We must continue to work together in collective community as a result of the great need to feed our homeless and houseless in Lahaina and throughout the island," said Keku Akana, ACCW founder and president. "This model of service that we have created on Maui is a truly all-volunteer representation which places its mission in spiritual-gratitude and spreading responsibilities. Committed volunteers are now from all walks of life and faiths."
Leo Comerton, the previous Holy Innocents outreach chair, considered the growth of the homeless and houseless on the West Side and came up with the idea of Team Outreach.
"Seeing a need to serve the Lahaina community more than one day a week, I presented the idea of Team Outreach to the Bishop's Committee of Holy Innocents. In late June 2016, it was off and running."
Duke Casper from Holy Innocents said, "I personally felt a calling to do more for the folks on the streets in addition to the roughly two days a month I was volunteering with ACCW. I had started buying McDonald's gift cards and randomly handing them out during the week. However, Comerton and I both saw the necessity for more assistance in the West Side community."
"Needless to say, the people we are serving are very grateful," Casper explained. "They are sort of puzzled as to why we are doing it. It seems that, more than the meager snacks we bring them, they appreciate that we recognize them as human beings and treat them with our attention and respect.
I continue to meet new people on the ACCW run, but I'm pretty much on a first name basis with at least 50 folks that we have served from day one," Casper added. "Now, with the implementation of Team Outreach they have become a part of my everyday life as I make my way in and out of town on my daily comings and goings."
A small number of people have made it into the homeless shelter and are off the streets for now. An equally small number have gone to another island or back to the mainland. However, many people are chronically homeless, with no hope it sight.
"The shelter has shortened the time period people can stay there, which puts most of them back on the streets again," said Casper. This is why Team Outreach is so important and appreciated by all who need care and nourishment."
Casper described a client this way: "One elderly gentleman told me he is out of the shelter in two months and has no place to go. Well into his 80s, he just purchased a tent and asked me if I knew of a place he could safely camp. He is a reader and writer who sits in Library Park most of the day and works on his novel. He is well dressed, distinguished and articulate, and I find it distressing to see him in this situation."
 Team Outreach is funded through a Holy Innocents church program called Change for the Soul. Various church members adopt a plastic hippopotamus piggy bank (pictured at right) for about four weeks. The hippos are filled with their loose change or cash and returned to church after four weeks to be blessed on the altar with all God's gifts. The hippos are then re-adopted for another four weeks, and so forth.
All of the Change for the Soul collected is used for purchasing the water, bread, sandwich meats and spreads, and fruit for the weekly runs. Currently, Team members make the sandwiches on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM, between the 7:30 and 9:00 AM church services.
"All are invited to join in the preparations and be part of our Team Outreach ohana," said Rev. Amy Crowe of Holy Innocents Church, pictured at far left in the top photo. "Volunteers purchase the food, make the sandwiches, and distribute the meals, chilled water, and fruit. Presently, there are two active runs, on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 PM.
This ministry has been well received. Joy of someone caring fills our clients' hearts and minds, not just their stomachs. Holy Innocents is a church beyond its walls; it overflows into our community. Your hands and donations are welcome in this work!"
For more information contact the Holy Innocents Church office at (808) 661-4202 or
(Photos courtesy of Holy Innocents)
Finding God in All Thing
By Paula Badwin, Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal Church
Over 20 people gathered together at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina, for
Finding God in All Things,
a retreat and time of renewal that was held on October 22, 2016. The Rev. Dr. Phyllis Meighen (UCC), led us. Sitting in the shade around the labyrinth we learned about the life of St. Ignatius and his spirituality. We worshiped with music and prayer. We went out into the world to reflect on where we met God. Were we surprised? Did we want to stay in that spot? How was our heart and body reacting? After 90 minutes we gathered back into the church to the sound of the singing bowls. Lunch followed with friendly talk out by the ocean. We returned to the circle to share, and learn about St. Ignatius' Prayer of Examen. We were sent out with a poem by Mary Oliver. It was truly a God-filled time in a God-filled space. (Photos contributed by Paula Baldwin)
Blessing of the Animals on the Big Island of Hawai'i
In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis in October, pups of all shapes and sizes, kitties, birds, goats and even turtles were blessed at churches around the Big Island of Hawai'i.
(Photos from Big Island church newsletters and Facebook pages)
Ending Family Homelessness Summit
On Wednesday, October 5, 2016, an interfaith summit to end family homelessness was held in Hilo. Attendees learned about efforts to end family homelessness and the concrete ways a person of faith can make an impact in the lives of homeless families. Another summit on the West side of the island is also being planned. Pictured above right, St. James' members Tim Bostock, Jane Sherwood and Fr. David Stout in serious discussion during a breakout session with Rev. Stephen Machado from neighbor congregation, Annunciation Roman Catholic Church.
(Photos from the St. James' E-News)
St. Jude's: Hunger is NOT a Game
Submitted by Cindy Cutts, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Ocean View
 The homeless hungry people in Hawai'i are a hot political topic. Every day there are news stories trying to answer the questions of what to do about the indigent population of Hawai'i, but in the small rural community of Ocean View on the Big Island, St. Jude's Episcopal Church has met this problem head on, in multiple, successful ways. Much like Saint Mother Teresa who said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one," the folks at St. Jude's have scrubbed up, jumped in and fed the hungry in Ocean View, one project at a time.
Our small one-room church of 72 members, provides food to the hungry through various outreach programs, the church functions, and by hosting other community organizations in the church facilities. Feeding the hungry isn't limited to the indigent or needy population. Everyone who shows up at St. Jude's for any reason is invited to sit down at the table for food, fun and fellowship.
Located in one of the lowest income regions of the Big Island, St. Jude's congregation is proud that every day there is someone at the church serving food. Between the various church services, a senior nutrition program, weekly outreach projects, ministries, community groups and special events, nearly every day of the week food is offered at the church.
Over the past 18 months, nearly 50,000 meals, snacks or refreshments have been served from its tiny, outdated kitchen. The congregation is known for always having room at the table for one more. About 200 people consume free food at St. Jude's per week. All of St. Jude's services, activities and events, which usually include food, are open to non-members.
The Ka'u Food Pantry (pictured above) is housed at St. Jude's and distributes free food to needy families once a month. Over the past 12 months, this non-profit group has served 3,518 clients making up 1,437 families. These are staggering numbers, considering that the Pantry is not funded by public agencies. It's estimated that nearly 50 percent of the Pantry's support comes from St. Jude's that includes food donations, volunteers and money from its congregants. Hunger is serious business to this tiny congregation.
Recently, St. Jude's received a major grant to purchase new kitchen cabinets. This was an enormous blessing to the congregation. The busy kitchen has not been updated since it was built in 1967 and the aging cabinets were in disrepair. In 2015, the Diocese of Hawaii awarded St. Jude's a grant to replace aging appliances and also a grant for
soup supplies for the shower ministry.
"Receiving these grants shows me that God wants us to continue our mission of feeding the hungry, here at St. Jude's," said Bishop's Warden, Cordelia Burt. "We are feeling extremely honored and very blessed."
Pictured at top,
Anna Towner and Karen Pucci, who coordinate the kitchen menus, plate up a hot meal. (Photo contributed by St. Jude's)
Serving Up Showers and a Feast
- St. Jude's free Saturday showers includes a hot meal, but around the Thanksgiving holiday, they served up something special to patrons. Instead of the usual soup and homemade bread, Dan Garrett and Steve Stigall changed up the menu with a traditional Thanksgiving feast for anyone who stopped by. Dan and Steve, who are relatively new to St. Jude's, were deeply touched to receive such strong support from the Bishop's Committee and members to do this. In an article in the St. Jude newsletter, Garrett shared how they both have been "feeding folks our entire life together" and they were thrilled to be able to share their tradition of providing a community Thanksgiving dinner. Pictured above left, patrons and members enjoy a delicious turkey meal and at right, Steve and Dan pose with guest priest, Pastor Constance Garrett, who recently returned to North Carolina after spending five inspiring weeks at St. Jude's.
(Photos from the St. Jude's monthly newsletter.)
Kicking Off Holiday Activities at St. James'
St. James' held their much loved annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 12, 2016. It was a great day with so many involved to make it a successful and fun event. The total net proceeds from the event was $8,863.95, that will be split to support the following community organizations: Food Pantry at Annunciation Church, Waimea CERT and the Hawai'i Island Humane Society.
Above, members prepare displays; a delicious baked goods corner; giving new meaning to firing up the grill.
(Photos from the St. James' Facebook page)
On Thanksgiving Day, about 65 people gathered together at St.James' for their annual Thanksgiving parish lunch that was filled with prayer, food, fun, food, singing, and did we mention food?! It was a joyous time for all!
(Photos from the St. James' E-News)
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on News from Standing Rock
Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs press release] December 5, 2016 -
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has issued the following statement on the news concerning the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation:
This morning, the sun ascended over the Great Plains of our nation, and hope truly dawned anew.
After months of courageously and peacefully working to prevent the laying of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which posed potential danger to the water supply of the people of the Sioux Nation and transgressed their sacred burial grounds, the water protectors on Standing Rock have won a notable victory. Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced their decision to deny an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline's construction across the sacred land and water of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and this long-awaited announcement is cause for joyful celebration and thanks.
On behalf of the Episcopal Church, I offer my gratitude to President Barack Obama and his Administration for championing the rights of the indigenous peoples of the United States. We applaud the decision by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny the pipeline permit under Lake Oahe. I personally offer thanks to all those who have worked to amplify the voices of the people at Standing Rock, calling our attention to historic wrongs and injustices, and urging us all to consider a new vision for how we might love God, love each other and love creation.
I am grateful and humbled by the water protectors of Standing Rock, whose faithful witness, serves as an example of moral courage, spiritual integrity, and genuine concern for the entire human family and God's creation. I am equally appreciative of the sacrifice and example of the military veterans, interfaith clergy and trauma chaplains who accompanied the Water Protectors during critical moments of the struggle.
Our whole church should offer special thanksgiving to Father John Floberg of the Diocese of North Dakota for effectively organizing Episcopalians and other people of faith in this effort, and to clergy and lay people who committed themselves to standing with the water protectors - both physically and in spirit.
Even as our Church celebrates this historic announcement, we must also look to the mighty tasks that lay ahead. In the next eighteen months, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct an Environmental Impact Statement to explore alternative routes for the Dakota Access Pipeline. We ask that the assessment involve extensive consultation with affected populations, and that any plan going forward honor treaty obligations with the Standing Rock Sioux. We will also continue to urge the current and incoming presidential administration to launch a thorough Department of Justice investigation into the use of brutal force by law enforcement on Standing Rock. Our work is not over, and the Episcopal Church has a critical role to play in ensuring a just and humane outcome is fully realized.
We recognize that this struggle for the protection of water and of the basic human rights of indigenous people is one moment in a wider movement for social and environmental justice. May we in this way bear true witness to the words of the holy prophet Micah, who said:
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
"The Episcopal Church Welcomes You," is not just a slogan, it's who we seek to be and the witness we seek to make, following the way of Jesus.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry has issued the following statement:
Last week I shared what I pray was a reconciling post-election message to our church, reminding us
that 'we will all live together as fellow Americans, as citizens.' Today I want to remind us that during moments of transition, during moments of tension, it is important to affirm our core identity and values as followers of Jesus in the Episcopal Anglican way.
Jesus once declared, in the language of the Hebrew prophets, that God's "house shall be a house of prayer for all nations" (Mk 11:17). He invited and welcomed all who would follow saying, "come to me all who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens" (Mt. 11:28).
We therefore assert and we believe that "the Episcopal Church welcomes you" - all of you, not as merely a church slogan, but as a reflection of what we believe Jesus teaches us and at the core of the movement he began in the first century. The Episcopal Church welcomes all. All of us!
As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement today, we Episcopalians are committed, as our Prayer Book teaches to honor the covenant and promises we made in Holy Baptism: To proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ;
To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.
As Christians, we believe that all humans are created in God's image and equal before God - those who may be rejoicing as well as those who may be in sorrow.
As a Church, seeking to follow the way of Jesus, who taught us, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Mt. 22:39) and to "do to others as you would have them do to you" (Mt. 7:12), we maintain our longstanding commitment to support and welcome refugees and immigrants, and to stand with those who live in our midst without documentation. We reaffirm that like all people LGBT persons are entitled to full civil rights and protection under the law. We reaffirm and renew the principles of inclusion and the protection of the civil rights of all persons with disabilities. We commit to the honor and dignity of women and speak out against sexual or gender-based violence. We express solidarity with and honor the Indigenous Peoples of the world. We affirm the right to freedom of religious expression and vibrant presence of different religious communities, especially our Muslim sisters and brothers. We acknowledge our responsibility in stewardship of creation and all that God has given into our hands. We do so because God is the Creator. We are all God's children, created equally in God's image. And if we are God's children we are all brothers and sisters.
"The Episcopal Church Welcomes You," is not just a slogan, it's who we seek to be and the witness we seek to make, following the way of Jesus.
Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry
The Episcopal Church
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for submissions in the next February issue is January 23, 2017.