WGC Member News
Virtual Whole Grain Sampling Day Celebration A Big Hit
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 was an amazing celebration of the flavors and health benefits of whole grains in honor of Whole Grain Sampling Day. People around the world took part in the celebration. Look for #SampleWholeGrains on social media for a look back at the celebration!
Significant Social Media Engagement
More than 120 of our partners, including many of you, took to social media with us last week to share your favorite whole grain recipes, cooking tips, and more. We heard from member companies, universities, health centers, food-based nonprofits, chefs, dietitians, libraries, and senior living facilities.
Whole Grain Initiative Publishes Definition of Whole Grain Food
Experts from academia, government agencies, and industry from around the globe collaborated to develop a common global definition for what constitutes a whole grain food. The WGI Global Whole-Grain Food Definition outlines criteria to use the term ‘whole grain’ in the product name and criteria to highlight the presence of whole grain.
Celebrating Earth Day on April 22?
If you're looking for ways to connect with your audience around whole grains and environmental health on Earth Day, we've got you covered. Share our Whole Grains & Sustainability infographic or link to one of our blog posts about whole grains and sustainability, biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions, or mitigating climate change.
May is Mediterranean Diet Month!
Join the conversation about this #1-ranked diet by using the #MedMonth hashtag in your social media posts. We also invite you to join our private Make Every Day Mediterranean Facebook group. We'll be running a Mediterranean Diet Challenge, and posting a bonus healthy eating tip every day in May. 
Stay in touch!