Welcome to the December 2023 issue of Key Notes - Marketing Keys' monthly newsletter! We hope you are gearing up for the beautiful holiday season! And, we hope you and your business end this year on a high note heading into 2024! Key Notes is an informative, quick-read newsletter to get you caught up on all things media and marketing. Our goal is for you to be informed and entertained with the latest media and marketing happenings quickly and efficiently. 

Have you noticed Siri and Alexa becoming smarter?

In the tech world, certain years stand out as pivotal moments that reshape our interactions with technology. 2007 marked the debut of the iPhone, a game-changer that revolutionized mobile phones. Fast forward to 2023, and a similar shift occurred with the arrival of ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool that is poised to redefine our relationship with artificial intelligence.

Before ChatGPT, AI tools existed, but they lacked the transformative impact that ChatGPT has brought. What makes this emergence ironic is that earlier AI platforms mainly focused on voice assistance. However, the rise of Generative AI has opened doors for a new phase of these voice assistants, ushering in a wave of innovation set to redefine the mobile landscape once again.

In the midst of this AI wave, the AI Pin has been introduced. The AI Pin aims to condense the phone's surface area into a compact object driven by voice activation and a projector display—a potential glimpse into the future of smartphones.

Apple's watchful eye on this innovation hints at possible future pivots for the company. The robust capabilities of Generative AI promise more sophisticated voice assistants capable of elegant and accurate responses. The once-ubiquitous joke about Siri's lack of understanding now seems outdated, as advancements in AI promise a deeper level of comprehension and perhaps even predictive capabilities.

Looking ahead to 2024, the impact of Generative AI on mobile and search seems inevitable. Predictive voice assistant activations are poised to become more prevalent, particularly in Siri and Android devices. While Alexa has attempted predictive capabilities, Apple and Google possess deeper insights into users' daily lives, enabling more refined predictions and recommendations.

Did you 'hear' its power?

In today's world of marketing, Americans encounter an average of 4,000 advertising messages daily, making it a challenge to cut through the noise. It's becoming increasingly evident that audio holds a unique power to consistently capture attention, making it a vital asset in the current advertising landscape.

However, despite audio's proven efficacy, many brands are yet to fully invest in this medium, causing them to miss out on its potential benefits. To capitalize on the power of audio advertising, here are four key strategies that pave the way for high-performance results:


Every brand has its unique mix of marketing channels, but investing heavily in channels that drive conversions is crucial. With advanced measurement capabilities, channels like AM/FM radio are proving their ability to enhance sales and should not be underestimated.


Creating memorable and effective audio ads in a short timeframe is an art. Successful ads follow a structured format: hook the listener early, present value propositions, and end with a strong call to action. Additionally, prioritizing sound design can evoke emotions and create a deeper impact compared to visual ads.


Podcasts have emerged as a powerful platform to reach engaged audiences. Forward-thinking marketers adopt a comprehensive approach that combines targeted shows and hosts for deeper engagement while also ensuring broader reach across different podcast networks.


Brands can maximize visibility and engagement by integrating directly within podcast content. This integration can take various forms, such as innovative script integration, video content, and real-life events tied to the podcast, fostering stronger connections with the audience.

The era of audio performance in advertising is just gaining momentum, offering ample opportunities for brands to harness its potential. By implementing these strategic approaches, brands can position themselves at the forefront of audio advertising, ensuring an impactful and resonant presence in the minds of their target audience.

Should you 'X' out of this platform?

Recent events have spotlighted a significant challenge for X (formerly Twitter). There has been an escalating conflict between the platform and major advertisers, including prominent names such as Apple, Disney, and NBCUniversal, resulting in a growing boycott of X's advertising services. Walmart became the latest brand to take their marketing dollars elsewhere.

The controversy stems from incidents following the Hamas attack on Israel. Sheryl Daija, CEO of Bridge, an organization advocating for diversity and equity initiatives, described X as a breeding ground for misinformation during this period. Tensions further intensified when Elon Musk endorsed a post on X promoting an antisemitic conspiracy theory, exacerbating concerns and drawing the attention of 30 Democratic lawmakers from the U.S. House of Representatives.

The lawmakers wrote a letter addressing X's CEO and Elon Musk, accusing the platform of allowing content contrary to its policies and profiting from the dissemination of Hamas' propaganda. The adherence to internal policies and brand safety regulations is a pivotal aspect evaluated by advertisers, shaping their decisions regarding platform partnerships.

In response to the mounting pressure, Elon Musk announced a commitment to donate all revenue generated from advertising and subscriptions related to the conflict in Gaza to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross/Crescent in Gaza.

Is less truly more?

Recent findings have shed light on the significant impact of word count in audio advertising, revealing compelling insights that could revolutionize marketing strategies for brands.

The study, examining over 10,000 campaigns aired between 2019 and 2021 across various sectors, discovered a critical relationship between the number of words used per minute and an ad's performance. The research found that lower word counts per minute positively correlated with increased brand standout and campaign web response rates.

Additionally, insights from industry experts stressed the importance of brevity and focus in audio advertising. They emphasized the power of a single message and the impact of silence in storytelling, advocating for concise, impactful ad content over cluttered messaging.

This study illuminates a fundamental principle in audio advertising: less is indeed more. With every word pared down, the potential for enhanced brand standout and increased web response becomes palpable. Adhering to concise, impactful messaging emerges as a key strategy for crafting compelling and effective audio commercials, resonating strongly with audiences and driving heightened engagement.

Is TikTok trading seconds for sagas?

TikTok, the social media sensation renowned for its bite-sized, engaging short videos, is now venturing into longer-form content, signaling a potential shift in its content strategy. While TikTok gained immense popularity for its addictive short clips, often lasting just a few seconds, reports suggest that the platform is considering the introduction of extended video formats to cater to evolving user preferences and diversify its content offerings.

The platform, which initially captivated users with its snappy, quick-hit videos, appears to be acknowledging the demand for more comprehensive and in-depth content. Reports indicate TikTok's intentions to experiment with longer videos, potentially reaching several minutes in duration. This strategic move could potentially pave the way for creators to delve deeper into storytelling, share tutorials, showcase detailed content, or even explore episodic content styles, unlocking new avenues for creativity.

This potential shift underscores TikTok's adaptability and commitment to meeting user expectations and staying competitive in the dynamic landscape of social media. It also opens up opportunities for brands and marketers to explore new content formats for reaching and engaging with TikTok's vast and diverse user base.


Here is a recent highlight from Marketing Keys' blog page. Please start following our blogs and let us know what you think.

How to navigate holiday marketing during tense times

Get the latest insight here!

Get help from 'The Mouse'!

Whether you've been at your marketing position for 1 year or for 20 years, the pressure to produce and come up with the right strategies to reach your target audience is always there.

Did you hear that the average consumer today is exposed to 10,000 plus promotional messages a day?

Recently, Google put out a study that determined to even exist in a consumer’s mind, a brand needs to make

22 impressions a month digitally with that consumer. Therefore, you really need to make sure you have enough

frequency with your campaigns to get through the clutter in your target’s mind.

It is also critical to reach your customer on multiple platforms. This is how they are spending their media day. Therefore, it is critical that your messaging gets targeted and delivered in multiple online and offline ways.


As a 12 year former Disney executive and 30+ years in the business, I have discovered the best ways on how brands can cut through the clutter to reach their target.

By teaming up with us, we make the process enjoyable with minimal stress.

Furthermore, we will listen to you and always be committed to you. We strive to run our business with passion and humility all with the utmost integrity.

We look forward to empowering you to do your best work.

Until next month,

Roger Keys

Founder and CEO

Marketing Keys

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New Client!

We are thrilled to announce that Jeff Buys Your House is the latest to join the Marketing Keys family!

Jeff Buys Your House buys houses directly from you without the need for you to hire a realtor. They will buy in any condition, any size, and any situation. Whether it is a total fixer upper or in perfect condition, there is no easier way to sell your home fast!

Marketing Keys will be helping Jeff Buys Your House with their media strategies in regards to placement on multiple platforms and media.

For more info, Click Here!

Waddle's Perfect Record!

After former Bear and ESPN Radio host Tom Waddle's recent appearance at Hooters O'Hare for the Chicago Bears Monday Night Football Watch Party vs. the Vikings,

we noticed a trend has been developing.

Each time Waddle made an appearance at Hooters for a Bears Watch party, the Bears would win.

The Bears are now 3-0 when Tom Waddle watches the game at Hooters for the Waddle Watch Parties. When Waddle does NOT make an appearance at a Chicagoland Hooters for a Bears game, the Bears are 1-8.

We believe Bears Head Coach Matt Eberflus may want to send Waddle out to another Hooters location for an upcoming Bears Watch party!

To see if you can also bring luck to Chicago's football team, head to your nearest Hooters locations to watch all the Monsters of the Midway games! And, who knows? Maybe Waddle will be there to keep his record going!

Tis the Season!

Make your year-end donation today to Organs for Life!

Your donation will help make organ transplants safer, less costly, and more available. December 31 is the deadline to make your tax-deductible donation count for this year.

Make your donation here!

Are you Socially Challenged?

During my 16 years as a business owner, I have discovered there are (4) main challenges that businesses have when it comes to managing their social media platforms:

1) A lack of time to post consistently enabling your company to grow its following

2) A lack of strategy/knowledge on the type of content and messaging to post in order to grow your following

3) A lack of knowledge of which social media platform(s) a company should utilize in order to effectively target on social media

4) A lack of graphic design/video ability to post eye-catching images to grab your target's attention.

If one or more of these challenges hits home, we can help! We have a reasonable and effective solution to manage your social media platforms. Our solution combines the wisdom of a 30-year media vet with the talents and creativity of our Gen Z social media expert, Cate Bender. 


For more information, please contact Marketing Keys at (312) 375-5007 or you can email us HERE!

Fill up your lead funnel!

In the days of Mad Men, creativity was everything. The goal was for a brand to be the most creative creating a tag line to resonate with the audience. Now, creativity takes a back seat to targeting through data and reaching your target synergistically through multiple mediums with an integrated marketing campaign.

Find out how Marketing Keys can help leverage your current database list and reach those people along with others that have similar traits and characteristics through other online platforms.

For more details, Contact us here!

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