Have you ever considered what happens to a survivor once they are free from their trafficker?

Voluntad sees the challenges survivors face as they rebuild their lives.

Can they go home to family and friends? Go to school? Get a job? Find a place to live? Pick up where their life left off? 

Many survivors leave their trafficker with literally nothing. Not clothes, not money, not belongings, not even the most basic thing that can help them survive - their identification. 
Many human trafficking survivors do not have basic documents like photo IDs, driver’s licenses, passports, visas, birth certificates, or social security cards. Traffickers take these items as a way to gain control over their victims. Obtaining new documents can be complicated, but ultimately empowers survivors to rebuild their lives.
Safe and stable housing is a top need for human trafficking survivors. In our community, it can be difficult for anyone to find affordable housing. It is even more challenging for someone who does not have a rental history. Many survivors have never been given the chance to build a record of stability and good credit, and need support to do so.
Public transportation might be the only way a survivor can get from place to place. Using public transportation allows people to build stability and independence while getting to jobs, appointments, and grocery shopping. What if the routes they need to take on public transportation travel past a place they were trafficked? Should they have to travel that route every day? If not, how will they get to work? See their doctor? Get food? 

How will they build their life back?
These examples just touch the surface of the many barriers and obstacles faced by survivors as they work to meet the most basic of human needs - safe shelter and a means to obtain resources.

These are only the first steps survivors will need to take in order to begin a life free from exploitation, built with dignity and independence.