Keeping You Cozy This Holiday Season
Due to COVID-19 safety guidelines, and more people working and learning from home, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) anticipates higher levels of home heating use this winter than in previous years. "Compared with last winter, [the] EIA forecasts natural gas expenditures will increase by 6%, electricity by 7%, and propane by 14%."
Hearing the statistic above this holiday season, the team at Hauser air wants to make sure our customers stay as safe and cozy as possible this year. Please read these questions below, answered by the West Chester Fire Department, about Carbon Monoxide Poisoining to help familiarize you and your family. Carbon Monoxide is a real, and a potential hazard every heating season for all of our cusotmers with gas and propane appliances, such as: furances, ranges, waterheaters etc... We want to make sure our customers are aware of the risk and taking every percaution to prevent it!
Q&A: Carbon monoxide poisoning
West Chester Fire Department answers some of the most frequently asked questions about carbon monoxide (CO), commonly referred to as the "invisible killer."
West Chester Township
Nov 29th, 2020
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible, toxic gas. In winter, the use of indoor heating devices such as fire places and fuel-burning appliances can increase the risk of poisoning.
Because the gas is imperceptible to all five senses, CO is virtually undetectable by humans; however, that doesn’t mean people are defenseless against poisoning.
Here are some things to know:
Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?
- CO is referred to as the “invisible killer” because it is odorless, colorless and tasteless. When breathed in large quantities, CO displaces oxygen in the blood stream and effectively starves the body of oxygen.
Where does carbon monoxide come from in my house or vehicle?
- CO is a by-product of the incomplete combustion of fuels. Devices that burn fuel to operate such as furnaces, stoves, water heaters, fire places and engines are liable to produce lethal amounts of CO.
When does carbon monoxide poisoning occur?
- Poisoning typically occurs when CO gas builds up above normal levels inside enclosed spaces such as homes, campers or vehicles, forcing people in those spaces to breathe it in unhealthy amounts.
What are symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?
- Initial symptoms can include headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath. More severe symptoms can include mental confusion, vomiting, loss of muscle coordination, loss of consciousness, and ultimately death.
Who is at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning?
- Because carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood stream, all people and pets who rely on breathing oxygen from the air are susceptible to CO poisoning. Infants, the elderly, people with chronic heart disease, anemia, or breathing problems are more likely to get sick according to the CDC.
How can I protect my family against carbon monoxide poisoning?
- Install battery-operated CO alarms on all levels of the home. Make sure batteries are changed regularly. Replace alarms entirely after seven years.Make sure all fuel-burning appliances are vented properly and in good working order. Never place heating devices made for outdoor use in an enclosed space.
If you suspect CO poisoning has occurred, call 911 or contact the Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center at
513-636-5111 (national hotline: 1-800-222-1222).
If it is safe to do so, move poisoning victims to an open area of fresh air while help arrives.
If you have not scheduled your heating season tune-up, at which time we check for any potiential hazards such as carbon monoxide, please call us asap! 513.777.7979 We are here to help keep you safe this year!
Click Here to schedule a tune up now!