
Surprise! Today's newsletter is the announcement of my third child! The first being The Women's Mosaic (TWM), the nonprofit I founded in 2001; the second is PGG The Book, published in 2015; and now, allow me to introduce the latest addition to my creative offspring: Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower Your Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul.

You can read about its origins and my process in the PGG essay below, learn more by visiting the book's website here, or simply cut to the chase and purchase on Amazon here. Technically Say It To Make It (SITMI) is a book, but it is really more of a powerful tool and something that you interact with on a daily basis, so don't judge her by her size!

And since I'm announcing it here first to my PGG community before putting it out to the world more broadly, it would be great to get some reviews up there so the general public has an idea of what to expect. As a thank you, when you purchase the book and leave an Amazon review between now and April 30th you can receive complimentary registration for any one of my upcoming Zoom book talks I will be offering over the next several months. (If you'd like to help with sharing the book with testimonials, videos and social media posts or be featured on the website, please contact me and I'll let you know a few ways I could use your support).

I welcome any feedback at all: good, bad, ugly, so feel free to email me with any thoughts or suggestions. I'll be working on rolling out various related offerings like talks and merch, as well as downloads for purchase, so stay tuned. Please note over the next couple months you'll be getting a few separate emails about the book launch/promo as well as related events, like book signings and talks when they happen. Please let me know if you have an event, store or site where I could showcase the book.

And if affirmations ain't your cuppa tea, perhaps you know a friend who would like the book, or if you enjoy and benefit from reading these weekly PGG missives, it's a way to support me and my work, so purchase a copy, and hey, there might be an inner affirmation say-er in you after all!

Today's PGG Video of the Week is a super-simple book trailer for SITMI or this one from one of my clients who got it hot off the presses! This week's Instagram post is a my fun launch video for the book and here's one of my cute teasers. And for today's PGG Vibe of the Week, can't help myself, it's Diana Ross' I'm Coming Out.

Lastly, THANK YOU for being here and for being part of my community! If any of my essays, coaching, talks, videos or posts have helped you along your career/life journey, here are a few ways you can show your appreciation and support my work:

And as always, please feel free to contact me with any comments about anything.

Big Hug <3

P.S. Want to get unstuck and on track in your career and life in 2022 and beyond? Check out the website for my individual coaching services.