To our dear clients,

Whether the holidays make you happy or sad, giddy or stressed, one thing we can all feel is gratitude.

And that is why we extend our personal thanks to you—for trusting us, for your smiling faces, and your feedback. We are on a mission to make the rules work for the people who play by the rules, and YOU help us make this possible.

However you’re feeling this holiday season, know that we appreciate you and we can’t wait to see you next year.

Stay well and Merry Christmas.

Your Family's Personal Attorney,

A gift from us, to you

Holiday Guide 2022

Thank you for helping us build our holiday guide. You'll find recipes, tips, movies and everything you need for a very cozy and delicious holiday season.

Download it here.


Visiting Experts Series

Managing Money: A Caregiver’s Guide

to Finances

Thursday, January 12, 5:30PM

Join Jim Mangi, PhD to learn tips for:

  • Managing someone else’s finances
  • How to prepare for future care costs
  • Benefits of early planning

If you or someone you know is facing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or another chronic illness, it’s never too early to put financial plans in place.

Register here or call (269) 350-2323

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Planning for your assets

After a marriage ends, everyone has to adapt to a new way of life. For many going through the divorce process, their main concerns are focused on the "here and now." Many are fighting over finances to make ends meet; some are fighting custody battles, and some are fighting both.


Once court orders are signed and the dust begins to settle, many people focus on moving forward and getting on with their lives. They would rather not continue thinking about the divorce's legal logistics.


Yet, within a relatively short period, it will cross a new divorcee's mind "Will my ex get my assets if I die and leave it all to our children?"


The answer depends on your circumstances and how your estate plan is set up. For example, do you have a Will or a Trust? Are your children minors or adults? Will a Guardianship or Conservatorship be necessary?


The best answer regarding how your ex will be involved is to consult an attorney. If you are newly divorced or never updated or executed an estate plan following your divorce, you will want to discuss with them how to ensure that your assets are handled how you want them to be.


We specialize in educating and helping you protect what you have for the people you love the most. Contact us here to learn more about how we can help.

Free LifePlan™ Workshop

Give one hour at the workshop, get a lifetime of guidance.

Attend a FREE estate planning workshop!

In-person - Choose from Grand Rapids, Holland, Norton Shores, or Portage.

Holland - Thurs. December 22 - 10AM
Grand Rapids - Tue. Dec. 27 - 3PM
Portage - Wed, January 4 - 10AM
Norton Shores - Tue. Jan. 10 - 3PM

On-Demand - Learn about estate planning when you are ready, at your convenience. There is no specific time - tune in when it works for you. Simply register, and we will email you a link. >REGISTER HERE

In the community

Kent County Veterans Service

Click here for more information.

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