American Veterans Vote

Leave No Veteran Behind

Happy Veterans Day

From the CEO

George Washington, our nation’s first Veteran, said, “Discipline is the soul of an Army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.”  

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day to all those who serve or served and supported our Nation and our Armed Forces! My best wishes come to you as I return from a stirring Veterans Day ceremony in the Republic of Korea. I was honored to join Korean War Veterans, U.S. Armed Forces leaders, representative Allied and

Combined forces contingents, and family members at Camp Humphreys to celebrate this important holiday. Camp Humphreys is a newly expanded center for service members, families, commands, theater support and tactical units. It is a vivid reflection of a healthy alliance between our two nations.

The setting is appropriate both personally and professionally to me. My father left me and our family in Fort Lewis and deployed as part of the forward planning cell from 2nd Infantry Division in early July 1950 at the beginning of the war. Their mission was to flow the division as quickly as possible to blunt the advancing North Korean forces. The division arrived on 23 July 1950 and fought until an armistice was declared on 27 July 1953. South Korea lost over 2.5 million citizens and soldiers. The U.S. lost 40,000 troops and suffered more than 100,000 wounded. More than 7,000 U.S. POWs were held in terrible conditions. Both my father and I returned in later years to command U.S. soldiers and units as the alliance between our Nation and South Korea grew and strengthened. 


I can just imagine what returning Veterans from that war may see through the lens of their memories of that ravaged country where they served such a long time ago. Time has been a friend to South Korea. More importantly, the results of democracy, freedom, and the strong alliance with the U.S., South Korea, and other UN nations are remarkable to see today. Growth and prosperity are startling, and these aspects of South Korea seem to accelerate each time I visit this country. The service of Veterans and current active-duty forces underpin the outcomes which today mark South Korea as one of the strongest examples of the good the U.S. brings to a world facing dynamic threats. 


Whether you served in South Korea or other important posts, as a Veteran you deserve this day and this time for our nation to say thank you for your service and honor those Veterans no longer with us. Each of us, in our own way, contributed to the Nation’s defense and security. Our families deserve equal thanks for serving with us.


George Washington said of Veterans, “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.” Such a smart leader! Veterans Day offers an opportunity to remind and reinforce the truth of General Washington’s words. I include at this link the words spoken today at this Veterans Day in Korea which echo the words spoken by our First Veteran, George Washington so long ago. Again, I say Happy Veterans Day.


Veterans Forward


LTG (R) Bob Wood

CEO, American Veterans Vote, Inc.


Senior leaders at Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Korea Veterans Day Ceremony, Left to right: General Anh, ROK Army: General Lacamera, Commander, United States Forces Korea; Ambassador Goldberg, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea; Mr. Donald Kelly, VFW District III Commander; Command Sergeant Major Nowmann, Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea; LTG (R) Bob Wood, former Commander, 2nd Infantry Division and CEO, AVV 

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