Early voting ends Friday; Election on Tuesday
We're only one week away from election day now, and that means the opportunity to vote early ends soon. The final day for early voting is Friday, February 25. Those who have not yet cast their ballots by this day will have to wait until Election Day (Tuesday, March 1) to vote.

If you are looking for more information about this election, you can find that at the Texas Secretary of State's VoteTexas.gov website, or your local county may have info on their site. If you are looking for information about legal do's and don'ts regarding elections or a simple explanation of "who does what" when it comes to governing, please check out the information available from our friends at Texas Educators Vote.

Those who are looking for resources to help them research the candidates on ballot can do that by pursuing candidate campaign sites, with local voters' guides, or through some of the non-partisan statewide resources such as Teach the Vote or the Texas League of Women Voters, it's important for every voter to know which candidates' priorities and views most closely align with their own.

As a reminder, candidates must win at least 50% of the vote to qualify for the November ballot, so the run-off election for any races that require one will take place on Tuesday, May 24.
Talking points on school funding
We've recently detected a trend of people trying to downplay the impact of recapture on schools and taxpayers by saying the State and the federal government have already made sizable investments to help our schools. In response to that, we've developed these talking points to provide some important context and facts. Feel free to use these in conversation, in writing, or however you see fit. And even better, please take it a step further and add details and context from the circumstances in your district.
New maps and new legislators
As you know, the Texas Legislature adopted new district maps for the SBOE, Texas House, Texas Senate, and the US Congress. Those new maps reflect some big changes for some legislative districts, and your school district may have someone new and/or different representing them when the 88th Legislative Session convenes in 2023. Take a look at this list comparing legislators representing Texas School Coalition members in 2021 vs. 2023.

A few things to keep in mind...
  1. We plugged in names of current officeholders seeking re-election for 2023 for the ease of reading this list, but that does not mean every incumbent will be re-elected. We will update accordingly.
  2. Green means "new" for 23." If your district's legislator(s) appear in green, it means your legislative district(s) changed.
  3. There are some instances where we list 0% representation, and you may wonder why that is there at all. In those cases, a portion of land from the school district falls into that legislative district, but no people/voters live there (so some percent of land, but 0% of people).

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mark your calendar now for our Legislative Planning Workshop coming up June 8-9 in Dallas. We'll assess the current state of affairs, make some projections about what to expect, and work to make plans and establish priorities. We hope you will make plans to join us! More details to come.
Thank you to our annual sponsors!
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746