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It's About The Relationship!
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This week's message:

" The Gifts We Receive …

The Gifts We Give "

See Previously Recorded Messages

Good Afternoon, Church!

Well, by now, I hope you are settling into your New Year in a positive way. Many thanks to everyone who helped make our worship experience last Sunday, so meaningful and new/ Thank you, especially those who read the New Year’s Prayers/Blessings, and of course, our musicians, Jazzmine and Chris. There was something quite different in all being together in the chancel (stage) area. For many, it was the first time to experience worship from this viewpoint. I wonder, did any of you have any special revelations during our time together? This Sunday, we will be celebrating EPIPHANY 2023! On This day, we remember the arrival of the Magi from the east, the astrologers who followed the “light” of the star to the Baby Jesus. We will be receiving our epiphany star words for the year and hearing from a couple of you on your experience with last year’s star word. We will sing the old favorite, “We Three Kings” even though we know that they were not “kings” at all, but scientists/astrologers who used the science of the day to locate the new king. This is a great day to invite your friends and family. Hope to see you there.


             The last couple of days, I have been consumed with this crazy vote on the House of Representatives Speaker role. What an interesting, exercise … some call it a circus. As I look at this situation, it seems clear to me that the man who desperately wants the position is simply not going to get it. It seems that it is as much about personality and trust as it does finding the right leader. In my life, I wonder how many times I compromised my leadership based on the “perceived” who and not always the qualities of one made in God’s image. I pray that I can continue striving to be a man who engages everyone and with the Divine’s guidance, listen with the heart of God and not only the mind of Greg. Does that make any sense? I sure hope so.


             I am so excited about Sunday. Andy will be back. The worship will be engaging and the fellowship will be off the charts. I love being your pastor! 

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

A Message from Pastor Debbie



Happy New Year! I look forward to what this year brings. 


We will begin a walking group led by Ryan and myself. Feel free to invite anyone. It will begin with a 2-mile hike once a month. Please let us know if you are interested so we can sit down and plan accordingly. You can invite others, socialize, and strengthen the body God gave us. This will begin in February.


If you are like me, I order so much through Amazon. Make sure to register with Amazon.Smile and name the church as the non-profit you contribute to. The church will receive a certain percentage of all sales. Let me know what questions you have on this or help you need.


Looking forward to a new year with you. 


Pastor Debbie

Andy's Antiphonal Allegories


Prayers for Everyone to have a New Year filled with Hope


William, Kristie’s friend

Elena, grand-niece of the Shelley’s

Sam Wiegert

Sue, friend of Kristie

Joshua, friend of Rosemary

Sue Ryan

Jim Siltanen

Rocelle Melone

Dianne Florio

Joanne Jonas

Elaine Lemon

Nina Melad

Felicia and Nellie-Felicia’s Sister



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 We will celebrate Epiphany this Sunday, January 8th.  This is the day where we recognize the coming of the Magi to see the baby Jesus.  We will also receive our Epiphany Star Words for the year, to remind us that the future holds many “aha” moments for us as we move into 2023. 

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It’s Time to De-Decorate!

               The Worship Ministry /Board would love some help as we de-decorate the sanctuary, moving forward into the new year.  We will also use the time to dust and polish the wood accents in the room.  Remember, many hands mean less stress.  Come and join in the fellowship.  Pastor Greg will spring for a pizza lunch afterward.  We will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 14th.

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Community Church of Poway Blood Drive!


The gift of life … the gift of blood. 

What a joy it is to host a blood drive right here in our church. The American Red Cross will be here on January 14th. 


If you are a returning donor the scheduling process should be simple. If you have a friend or a neighbor who donates, invite them to join our effort.


To schedule an appointment or for more information go to Use Sponsor Code: Poway 

January 14, 2023 Blood Drive

9:00am-3:00 pm.


You will also have the opportunity to schedule an appointment for January 14th after church this week.


Suan Gurriell, Church Moderator 



Annual Meeting, January 22nd, 2023


It is that time of year again when we gather as a congregation to install our new church leadership and to vote on our ministry budget for the coming year. This is always a blessed time when we get more acquainted with our new church leadership and jump into the blessing and challenges ahead. I hope you will make every attempt to be present for this important.

Greetings From Outreach!

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The Outreach Ministry

Special Ladle Fellowship

January basket donations needed for Ladle Fellowship include men’s casual shoes and clothes, jackets, blankets, and backpacks.

We will be volunteering on Sunday, January 22nd to feed people who are in need at Ladle Fellowship.

Each January we honor the memory of Cathy Evan’s son, Matthew, at Ladle. He spent many Sunday’s volunteering there with his mom.

Greetings from Outreach

We are hoping you all had a joyous holiday season and are looking forward to the New Year with Hope!

 Once again, thank you for sharing your gifts with all our adopted families this Christmas!!! You definitely brought joy to so many.

 So are we ready to start the New Year being God’s hands and feet?

This year we have that opportunity. CCP has been a supporter and working with, for many years, a non-profit in Guatemala called FundaMaya. Throughout the years' church members have gone to Guatemala to help build stoves, deliver beds, water filters, and even build housing! Once again our Church will be heading down to Guatemala to share God’s love with the beautiful people there. It is an experience you will never forget.

 So how can we help??? Those of us that are unable to go, can help sponsor someone who can go in our place! It’s that simple! We can make a difference even if we are home! We have a group heading down in July, (it’s my understanding that even our good Pastor could be joining them!!)So cool!

 There are some folks in our church that have been wanting to go down to serve God in Guatemala, but they need a little financial help so that’s where we come in.

 For the months of January and February, our Mission Offering will go to help sponsor those folks. We ask that those heading down, pay for half of the cost of their trip and we will help with the rest. I’m so excited that we have people with a strong desire to help those who have so little. So let’s make their dream come true❤️

Here’s how.

On Sundays, you can write a check or put cash in an offering envelope making sure you designate that it is for the Guatemala Trip Sponsorship!

Or you can donate online

Please email if you are making a restricted online donation.  

Guatemala Trip Sponsorship

So you see it’s that simple!

Please prayerfully consider how you can help.

Thank you so much for all you do!!!

You make a difference in so many lives in so many ways.

God’s blessings

The Outreach Ministry

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The JOY of FOOD!

Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!

There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too. 

Unfortunately, I have not received any new recipes this week, so I am keeping up the last week until I receive more! - Julie

This week's recipe is Sausage Bread!

Sent in by Debbie Hallmark, thank you! 

This Sausage Bread is a Hallmark tradition to make every year!

Click Here for The Sausage Bread Recipe!

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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

Email Susan Gurriell



Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following members a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Alicia Gormican Jan.5

Things to Look Forward To!

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Zoom Meetings
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Books & More

On January 24 and 31 Books & More will be discussing The Other Wes Moore.  In 2000, the Baltimore Sun ran a small piece about Wes Moore, a local student who had just received a Rhodes Scholarship. The same paper also ran an article about four young men who had allegedly killed a police officer in a botched armed robbery. The police were still hunting for two of the suspects, a pair of brothers. One was named Wes Moore. Wes Moore, the author, will become the new governor of Maryland on January 18, 2023.

Books & More will meet at our regular meeting place, the Fireside Room on Tuesdays at 10:00 am.


All are welcome to join us.  

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30 Contact Colleen Clementson

at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

Joke of the Week:

J: What's a New Year's Resolution?

A: A to-do list… for the first week of January... 

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