An Amazing Month of Thanks


Even though November brings out my need for personal reflection, I try my best to recognize the parts of my life that deserve thanks all year round. There’s quite a list to be sure in “no particular order”:

-         Thank you for taking the time to let me into your life for a few moments every month.

-         Thanks for my brother and his family. I had an incredible visit with them last month.

The first time in 6 years.

-         Thanks to Linda for putting up with me for the past 40+ years.

(FYI – I am not very easy to live with!)

-         Thanks to my son, Timothy, and his family. They bring light into my life.

-         Thanks for the roof over our heads and the food in our bellies.

(LOL - I am finally losing weight)

-         Thanks to the universe for continually providing me with inspiration.

-         Thanks for the ability to turn these inspirations into new songs.

-         Thanks to the musicians who add their creativity to support my passion.

-         Thanks for every breath I take.



I Have Faith

The Story behind the song!

I tell this story almost every time I perform this song. It all started at a Music Symposium produced by the Austin Songwriters Group. I met another songwriter an hour before my scheduled showcase, and we shared our stories and memories. After my performance, he came up to chastise me for something I said earlier. It didn’t make any sense to me at the time, but somehow it became the focus of this song.

Creating and performing music has remained a part of my life since the mid to late 50’s. Yes, I am that old. It all started with my dad having an incredible taste for all types of music. Those early influences are still with me today. The music of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s covered a wide range of styles that I use for reference every day. Those of you who listened to my songs know that I am all over the map. I don’t even know how to answer people when they ask, “what kind of music do you write.” 

You see, I am a dreamer. And my dream is simple, to write songs that touch people in some small way. Take this song for example. First, let me say that when I release a song, I feel my job is done. I believe that its up to the song to find a place for itself in the world. Sure, I will help it along by posting it different places but that’s really all I am able to do. It’s like sending your child out into the world. I am proud of whatever happens and thankful for whomever hears it.

This song drew the attention of one person. She called me early on a Saturday morning saying that her grandson was seriously injured in an accident the night before. She played this song repeatedly throughout the night because it provided some comfort to her. She called to thank me. Knowing that this song helped her in her time of need is one of the highlights of my career as a songwriter. It doesn’t get any better than this.

You might think that there is a religious conviction behind this song. I guess that could be one interpretation. However, when I wrote it and, now each time when I sing it, it reinforces the fact that I believe in myself regardless of the worldly impact of my work. If the truth be known, I write songs to stay alive because I Have Faith.

In case you missed the earlier newsletters, here is a link to the ones we have completed so far this year.

Activity On The Music Front 

What’s Happening at RpT’s Library

Emma Jane Conley and I finished the recording and mixing all the tracks for her two songs: Imagine (John Lennon) and This is Love (Mary Chapin Carpenter). Emma is developing a repertoire to use in her line of work. She is a Chaplin at local hospital consoling families who recently lost someone. As you can imagine, she has faced incredible challenges these past few years. It has taken its toll on her life, but she soldiers on. I will post the songs as they are finished. FYI – Emma sang “What If – My song to Zac” that I posted earlier this year.

My songs are moving along as well. Roberto Ramos is collaborating with other musicians on You’re Mine. The four other songs I mentioned earlier are still in process. In the past, we would all get into the studio and record a handful of songs in a day. Currently, we are sending tracks back and forth between individual musicians. A slower process to be sure.

I am making progress. I must keep telling myself this even thought things seem to be moving at a snail’s pace. As long as I am able, I will keep placing one foot in front of the other.

RpT available LIVE!


I would love the opportunity to play for you. I can bring my guitar to your home and perform for your family and friends. I can even bring along the “My Life in Song” multi-media show so we can have a real party on our hands. House concert/parties are fun and easy, and I will be happy to help you set one up.

Please give me a call if you are interested in my coming to your home one day soon.

My number is  (254) 493-7729 or write me at


Each project I create involves many steps in the creative process. If you would like to join me and be a part of the process, please take a moment to check out my Patreon site and consider subscribing. Click on the link below.

Thank you for spending your time with me. RpT

 Richard Paul Thomas


“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life – Music & Cats”

Albert Schweitzer

RpT's Library

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