Hello my beautiful soul sisters & brothers!
Our summer is here in the heart of Canada and we are grateful for
the sun,
warm breezes,
and water...lots of water!
I've never seen my hostas and ferns so full of life.
My ferns are as tall as I am...crazy what lots of rain can do!
My Musings & Ponderings
🦋 Doing Versus Being
In the last couple of years I quit asking
"How are you doing?" to
"How are you being?"
It's a reflection of the times we are in.
It really doesn't matter to me what you are doing anymore.
But let us be honest, the deeper question is to find out
how are you being?
Because we are after all "human beings"...Right?
and so,
How are you being today in this moment?
Take a deep breath, connect with your heart and ask yourself that question:
How am I being right now in this moment?
Don't be afraid of the answer, there is only you listening,
no need to be anything else to anyone else...just BE!
🦋Social Media
When I first started the Calder House Bed & Breakfast
I did what every other solopreneur does and
that is spend copious amounts of money and time "doing" social media posts.
There was a time we were on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest, Instagram, Google Business, and several websites.
Always trying to keep up with algorithms, trends, fads and
gaining "likes", "shares" etc.
I'll be honest with you it ALL was F*ckin exhausting!
Don't mean to offend with the language, but it's the only word that
best describes what that was like for me.
When the pandemic hit us back in March of 2020, social media was consumed
with all things related. I had a primal need to step back. I did not have the energy
to compete with this global event. And so I slowly stepped away from all things
related to social media.
And you know what? It felt so, so good. It was a massive
pressure removed from my shoulders and my chest.
I felt like my lungs expanded and I could breathe again!
And yet ironically the pandemic was about a virus that compromised your lungs....
I don't want to go back to it for many reasons.
One of them is I don't feel in alignment with any of these big corporations.
I feel they do not have my personal or business best interest at heart.
How does one share with their community without these social media platforms today?
I know you make it want you want it to be.
But I don't want to spend all my energy making posts for a corporations to decide
who gets to see it and who doesn't!
I'm at a crossroad. I have some thoughts how to continue to connect
without the platforms listed above. Do you? Do you have some thoughts?
I'd love to hear what you are willing to share.
I'd be grateful.