NJAAW News and Resources
April 19, 2023
Welcome, Older Americans Month
Every May we celebrate Older Americans Month. This year's theme is Aging Unbound. To see Aging Unbound here in the Garden State, check out the folks in our photo contest last year!
NJAAW 25th Annual Conference
The Future of Aging in NJ
Friday, June 9, 2023
We have our conference lineup:

Virtual Pre-Conference Sessions , June 8, 10-am - noon
  • CSH and NJ ALP Provider Coalition: Aging in Place with Assisted Living Programs (ALP) and Supportive Housing
  • Technology + Aging: A Future of Independence

Conference Breakout Sessions, June 9:
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Reimagining NJ’s Long Term Care System: A Path to Transformation
  • Not Just Tomatoes: Home-Grown Efforts to Spur Age-Friendly Community Work in New Jersey
  • The Healthcare Workforce for Aging
  • Beyond Bingo: Perspectives on Lifelong Learning, Senior Centers & Physical Health
  • Telemedicine and Older Adults
  • 21 Strong Aging Well in NJ
  • The Ins & Outs of ADUS
  • Employment After 60
  • Staying Home Safely

Social Wokers Eligible for 5.5 CEs:
NJAAW is partnering with Monmouth University to offer a total of 5.5 Social Work CEs for this year's conference. The Future of Aging in New Jersey CEs can also be applied to Monmouth University's Certificate in Aging Program. Information on the program can be found here: Certificate in Aging

Visit our conference website for the latest updates which will be frequently updated with speaker and registration information: click NJAAW Conference

For sponsorship information, click here: Sponsor levels
Engaging With Your Local Government Through Municipal
Committees on Aging
Thursday, May 11
Co-hosted by Age-Friendly North Jersey, the Rutgers Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI-RU), and the Hub for Aging Collaboration at the Rutgers School of Social Work.
Learn from community leaders who have enacted change through local committees on aging, and engage with Rutgers researchers advancing 
state-of-the-art knowledge on age-friendly communities.
There are options to attend both in-person in New Brunswick as well as via Zoom.
For details, click here
Special Assistive Technology Town Halls
ATAC is featuring Special AT Town Halls for May and June. Be sure to come and bring your lunch you are bound to have a great conversations. It is all happening on Mondays @ 12PM(EST).
May 8- Book Discussion: Better Conversations by Jim Knight
May 15-The QIAT Leadership Group leads a conversation on AT Quality Indicators
May 22- AAC Town Hall
June 5- AT Certification
June 12- Book Discussion: Better Conversations by Jim Knight
To learn more and register, click: here 
For the schedule and more information, visit: https://www.stockton.edu/aging/festival-conferences.html
Free Training for Aging Network Professionals: Mental Health and Older Adults
Registration is now open for the Rutgers COPSA May In-Person training, Mental Health and Older Adults: Navigating Challenges, Motivating Change and Strengthening Self-Care. There will be three in-person sessions offered in May in the north, central and south regions of the state. Free CEUs are available for nurses and social workers.
For the full flyer and to register, click here: DHS.
Live sessions:
  • May 4, 2023: Morris County Fire Academy
  • May 18, 2023: Rowan College at Gloucester
  • May 24, 2023: Middlesex County Fire Academy
Aging Insights
Falling is one of the scariest words for older adults. It conjures up fear of declining health, injury and a slippery slide towards losing independence. But it does not have to be that way.

In this episode, we talk about NOT falling with our guest, Christine Conti. Christine is a Chronic Disease Wellness Specialist, FallProof Fall Prevention Creator/Specialist & on top of all that, a Best-Selling Author.
Policy Updates
Momentum Builds for Caregiver Supports
Momentum is building for real change to support both paid and family caregivers and to meet the growing need for support that comes with an aging population.
  • Building on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Caregivers, President Biden issued an Executive Order that includes more than 50 directives to expand access to affordable, high-quality care, and provide support for care workers and family caregivers. For the full description of the Executive Order, click here Fact Sheet
  • On the federal level, a group of lawmakers has introduced legislation that focuses on improving conditions for professional caregivers, and family caregivers as well. U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) — Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging — joined seven other senators in introducing the Supporting Our Direct Care Workforce and Family Caregivers Act. Broadly, the act would make way for the recruitment, training and retention of professional and family caregivers via grants and other initiatives.
  • In New Jersey, the Governor is allocating $80 million in the budget for recruiting, educating, training, and employee-retention programs for paid caregivers under the Department of Human Services
  • The NJ Legislature has a proposed bill, the Caregiver's Assistance Act(A1802/S2021) to offer a gross income tax credit for qualifying senior family members.

NJAAW and the Essential Jobs Essential Care NJ Coalition continue to advocate for funding, supports and training for paid caregivers, and to educate family caregivers as they take on this important role.
8 Best Practices for Avoiding Medicare Scams
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) empowers Medicare recipients to fight health care fraud and abuse.

For the full flyer, click here: flyer
NJDHS Publishes
Social Isolation Study
In January 2020, the New Jersey Department of Human Services was tasked to study social isolation occurring in certain population groups. As one of the elements of healthy aging, isolation and loneliness can have extreme affects on the health and well being of older adults. COVID made those impacts abundantly clear. Many of the state's age-friendly communities have made significant progress in addressing social isolation.

To see the results of the State's study, click here:
In Case You Missed It...
Positive Approach to Care
To continue our focus on supporting caregivers, we held a special webinar with Positive Approach to Care (PAC). Founded by Teepa Snow in 2006, PAC is now collaborating to improve dementia care in over thirty countries worldwide. PAC provides online and in-person services, training, and products to professionals, family members, the lay public, and people living with brain change.

Please share this with the caregivers in your life.
Support NJAAW
Is our information useful to you? Then please consider a financial contribution today. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well relies on foundation grants and other donations to fund our work. We welcome your support, your suggestions and your input for advocating for NJ's oldest residents as we celebrate our 25th anniversary and strategize for the next 25 years..