January 2021
Here's to a happy, healthy, exciting New Year!
A Letter from the Director...

Happy New Year!

There is a feeling of optimism and excitement in the air as we enter into 2021.  It is a new beginning.  On a personal note, I start every day with time for reflection.  You should also know I am a creature of
repetition.  Every day during my reflection I read the same poem titled "New Beginnings" written by
Helen Steiner Rice.  For me, it reminds me that there is opportunity in everyday to do better than the day before. The poem reads:
How often we wish for another chance
to have a fresh beginning.
A chance to blot out our mistakes
and change failure into winning.
It does not take a new year
to make a brand new start.
It only takes a deep desire
to try with all your heart.
To live a little better
and to always be forgiving
To add a little sunshine
to the world in which we are living.
So, never give up in despair
and think that you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow
And chance to start anew.

Most of us will make plans for the New Year that will include places we want to visit, goals we would like to accomplish, and things we would like to learn.  The options for new beginnings are limitless:  a new job, a new house, learning a new hobby, or learning new technology.   The library is here to help you as you start to put your plans into action.  Our collection of books, movies, and magazines is available to
you at your fingertips and delivered directly to you in your car via our curbside services.  Do not forget your library card allows you to download digital books, music, and magazines for FREE.  A wide array of virtual programing will be available to you in 2021.  In addition, the staff is looking forward to in-person programs when it is safe, giving us the opportunity to interact with our patrons once again.

Mother Teresa once said, "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."   I invite you to cast your stone across the waters of 2021.  Let the library help you gain the momentum to cast your stone.  Make as many ripples as you can!

Happy New Year,

Holly Bennett
Library Director, Information Conductor, and Community Ambassador
A Thought to Ponder...

"When I got my library card,
that was when my life began."

author Rita Mae Brown

(We have a LOT of her books at the library!)
Words from the Staff:
What Are You Looking Forward to in 2021?
Leah Hopf, Library Page:  "I'm looking forward to graduating from high school in 2021!  Although it will surely be sad to see such a significant part of my life come to an end, I am excited by the new knowledge and people I'll be introduced to when I begin college in the fall.  These are milestones that I've always looked forward to, so it's incredibly rewarding to be approaching them."

Jill Silvius, Circulation Page:  "Hopefully a return to 'normalcy':  hugging my husband's Nana, shopping without wearing disposable gloves or looking over my shoulder, worshipping comfortably in person at church, seeing patrons browsing happily among the shelves...returning to a lot of things I took for granted before COVID-19"
Library Laughs
Q:  Why is John Milton a terrible guest at game nights?
A:  Because when he's around, there's a pair of dice lost.

Q:  What do you do if your pet starts eating your library books?
A:  Take the words right out of his mouth!

Overheard at the library:  "I read a recent book about Mount Everest.  It was quite the cliffhanger!"

Also overheard:  "I had plans to begin reading a book about sinkholes, but they fell through."
Check Out the NEW Wonderbooks!
The library has added Wonderbooks to our collection.
Wonderbooks are books that read out loud!
They are children's books with a ready to play audiobook already inside.
Ask for one or two in your next curbside pickup.
(You can search the catalog using keyword "Wonderbooks" to locate a specific one,
like Blueberries for Sal).
It's never been more fun to read along!
Celebrate  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
The library will be closed on Monday, January 18th
in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Check out the library's many materials, for both adults and children,
about Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Here's a suggested reading and viewing list:

It's time for...BINGO!
How does this Winter Bingo work?
Start the new year by challenging yourself with a fun reading challenge!  Fill
in the Bingo Card by writing the titles of the books you've read in the
corresponding blocks.  Return your Bingo Card by Monday, March 1st to be entered to
win a gift card!

How do I get a bingo card?
Print the PDF here or request a copy to be included in a curbside pickup.

How (and what) can I win?
BINGO:  Complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.  We will NOT be
counting four corners as wins!  Once you return your Bingo Card, you'll be
entered to win a $10 gift card.
BLACKOUT/COVER-ALL:  Want an extra challenge?  Fill in the entire board to
be entered to win a $25 gift card!

I need help picking books!!!
Use our library catalog to search for items by subject or keyword! You can
also call the library at 610-759-4932 or check out our website for staff

Happy Reading!

Celebrate the New Year!

You are encouraged to send in your ornament as soon as possible.
(The tree will be taken down during the first week of February).

STEM Video
 Join Kevin for a special video!
Available beginning Wednesday, January 6th
Check it out on Facebook!
Upcoming Special Events

Please check the library website and social media or call the library for updates.

Despite the cold and COVID-19 restrictions, there's a lot of fun, safe, and informative events going on
this month and beyond!
Author event with Maryann McFadden
Monday, January 11th, 7pm

If you are interested, email jsilvius@nazarethlibrary.org by Saturday, January 9th for the BlueJeans link.

The library owns several of McFadden's books - check them out today!


Never Stop Using Your Imagination

Sunday, January 17th

Check our website and Facebook page on the 17th beginning at 9am for the link.


It's Time for More Trivia!

Wednesday, January 27th, 6pm
If you want to play, email outreach@nazarethlibrary.org by Wednesday, January 27th at 3pm for the BlueJeans link.

This family-friendly event is suitable for individual players age 13+ or for families.
Tuesday, February 2nd, 6pm

Mammograms can be a lifesaver, and routine mammograms can detect cancer early, when chances of survival are highest:  early detection is your best protection!
Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with how,
when, and where they need to schedule a mammogram.
All are invited to attend this special webinar to learn more.
If you are interested, email outreach@nazarethlibrary.org by Tuesday, February 2nd at 3pm for the BlueJeans link.
To find out more information on screening locations in the Lehigh Valley, click here.

*"Developed resources reported in this project are supported by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012342 with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.  The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."
Upcoming Ongoing Events

Make a new resolution...

What does this group read?
The group reads a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and classics - usually books that are longer, more theoretical, or more complex than you might find in another book group.

When and where does the group meet?
Book discussions are currently being held on the first Tuesday, every third month, online via BlueJeans.  The group looks forward to meeting in person, hopefully soon!  Participants need not "attend" every meeting (but are welcome to do so!)

How are books selected?
The discussion leader selects the books,
but members are invited to suggest books for future discussion.

Who can join?
All who want to "dig deeper" are welcome.

Hear from a current book group member, Mike Waldman:
"I encourage all to join the Brainy Bibliophiles Book Club.  I've been a member since it started last year and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  We meet every 3 months, which gives enough time to sit down with a good book.  The selections so far have been quite interesting, including Quiet by Susan Cain and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, which both delved into how we think, as well as classics such as Fahrenheit 451.  Last time we read American Fire, and at our discussion, one of the fire investigators joined our meeting and gave great insight into the case.  It's good to meet with other people in the book club to discuss their ideas on the book.  The meetings are informal, so everyone feels free to express their opinions.  My favorite part has been reading a book that I didn't know anything about and discovering these authors.  It's definitely been a great way to keep in touch with other book lovers in the area.  Also, the library usually has several copies of each book available.  I look forward to the reading the selected books for 2021 and hope that many others will join.  It's another wonderful resource of the MNLV that everyone should take advantage of."

Tuesday, March 2nd, 6:30pm
"A Collection of Holes Tied Together with String":  Braithwaite's Bricolage Biography
An incredible novel/thriller/description/meditation/biography/essay...about a famous stuffed parrot.  Sort of.  Intrigued?

Registration is now OPEN!
To register, and to reserve a copy of the book to keep (while supplies last), email jsilvius@nazarethlibrary.org.

Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30pm
What do you know about the Senatus Populus Que Romanus ("the senate and people of Rome"?)  Let Beard introduce you to nearly a thousand years of the empire's glory!

Tuesday, September 7th, 6:30pm
Untranslated Latin, ecclesiastical history, long philosophical passages, amidst a medieval murder mystery...are you up for the challenge?

Tuesday, December 7th, 6:30pm
A grown-up's book with essential pictures, photographs, and graphics, narrated (mostly) by a nine-year-old boy in the search for the lock (or the "key"!) to his deceased father's life, in post-9/11 America.

NOTE:  A limited number of copies of the 2021 book selections
will be available at the library for registrants to pick up and keep.  The March selection is available NOW.  Future registration dates and details will be listed in upcoming newsletters.
For more information and to obtain the BlueJeans links, email jsilvius@nazarethlibrary.org.

What does this group read?
The group reads a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and classics.

When and where does the group meet?
Book discussions are currently being held on the second Wednesday, every month, online via Zoom.  The group looks forward to meeting in person, hopefully soon!

How are books selected?
Throughout the year, members are invited to nominate books for future discussion.
The group votes in December for books for the following February-November and subsequent January.

Who can join?
All are welcome.

Hear from a current group member:
"The Nazareth Book Group welcomed me when I moved to this area over 11 years ago!  Monthly, we meet to discuss a book, recommended by a member, and chosen by the group.  Many of these titles are new to me, opening up reading opportunities I may have otherwise overlooked.  Listening to others comment on the book also opens my eyes to other perspectives.  It is always a lively discussion!
Book selections for 2021 have been made.  The Day the World Came to Town by Jim DeFede will be discussed on January 13, 2021 and The Engineer's Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood will be discussed on February 10, 2021.  Our library has the hardcopy of The Engineer's Wife, and also digital copies - both audio and ebook - on hoopla.  Hoopla has been my new best friend in this pandemic, allowing me to download 5 books per month, to my smartphone, tablet or computer.
The Nazareth Book Group meets monthly, on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.  Meeting are held virtually, and will resume at the library when safe to meet in groups."

Wednesday, January 13th, 6:30pm
by Jim DeFede

Wednesday, February 10th, 6:30pm
by Tracey Enerson Wood

Wednesday, March 10th, 6:30pm
by Bill Bryson

Wednesday, April 14th, 6:30pm
by Ann Patchett

Wednesday, May 12th, 6:30pm
by Jill Jonnes

Wednesday, June 9th, 6:30pm
by Trevor Noah

Wednesday, July 14th, 6:30pm
by Robert Matzen

Wednesday, August 11th, 6:30pm
by Fredrik Backman

Wednesday, September 8th, 6:30pm
by David McCullough

Wednesday, October 13th, 6:30pm
by Lucy Foley

Wednesday, November 10th, 6:30pm
by Kristen Harmel

Saturday, December 11th, 1:00pm
Holiday Gathering and Book Selection for 2022

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, 6:30pm
by Marie Benedict

For more information and to obtain the Zoom links, email sgerken@aol.com.

Toddler Shake & Boogie!
January 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
January 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th

Also, join Catherine and Shelby on
Monday, January 11th, 10:30am
Join the MLNV's creative writing group!

  • This group is facilitated by a local college professor who holds a Ph.D. in English and has a love for writing.
  • At each meeting, participants will receive a new writing prompt and be asked to share their responses (whether poetry, fiction, or nonfiction) to a previous writing prompt.
  • Participants may request constructive criticism or just a friendly listening audience.
  • The facilitator will also share a writing tip.
If you are interested in joining the group and obtaining more details about the group, email jsilvius@nazarethlibrary.org.

The group's next BlueJeans meetings are
Monday, January 25th, 7pm
Monday, February 8th, 7pm
Monday, February 22nd, 7pm
Get Your Library Merchandise!
While supplies last...
MLNV 2020 Library of the Year shirts and sweatshirts may be purchased
online via the "Store" tab.  A debit or credit card is required.
Cash or check donations received for ornaments and totes go directly to the 2020 Summer Reading Program.
This is separate from the Capital Campaign.
Curbside Delivery, Computer Usage, and Current Hours of Operation

The Library Will Continue to Serve the Community Via Curbside Delivery in January.

Thank you for your continued patronage!

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Tuesday and Thursday
11am-2pm and 4pm-6pm


The MLNV staff will bring your patron materials
directly to you in your vehicle.

After scheduling an appointment via MyLIBRO, simply call us when you arrive, tell us what parking spot you are in and the color of your vehicle, pop your trunk, and we will bring the checked-out materials to you - while you stay warm and dry in your vehicle!

How Do I Schedule a Curbside Pickup Appointment?
It's easy!
Download the myLibro app (available on iOS and the Google store).  Find "Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity" on the dropdown menu.  Type in your library card number (all 14 digits, NO spaces).  Your library PIN will be the last four digits of the phone number the MLNV has on file under your account UNLESS you had previously changed your PIN.   For help with your library card number or pin number, reach out to srozell@nazarethlibrary.org.  Once your account is created, you are all set!

If you make a curbside appointment using a web browser, you will be required to sign in just like the app.  To sign in, input your library card number (all 14 digits, NO spaces) and a PIN (last four digits of the phone number you have provided us with).  If you run into any problems, you can reach out to us at technologydept@nazarethlibrary.org.

What If I Can't Schedule an Exact Pickup Time?
Please still make an appointment - it helps us plan.

What If I Miss My Pickup Appointment?
Please still come!  Pickup appointment times are approximate.
We know you're busy, there's traffic, etc...

How Do I Know What Books Are in the Collection?
Browse via our online catalog, or call the library with questions and for recommendations.

Can I Still Use the Computers?
Computer use is by appointment only; call 610-759-4932 to make an appointment.  In an effort to minimize exposure among patrons and staff, computer usage sessions are limited to 30 minutes.

Please note:  The library will be closed on January 18th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

for your patience as we continually monitor the situation
for the health and safety of all patrons and staff!
Check the  library website and social media for updates.
Borrowing and Returning Items
Borrowed Items --> Plastic Bags, Please
Our outside book drop is open 24/7.

Please return all items via the book drop.  Wask that you please continue putting your items into closed plastic bags.  Thank you!

Don't worry if you see your returned items still on your account several days after you have returned them.  For everyone's health and safety, we are quarantining returned materials for 7 days upon receipt.  Also, returned items are wiped with a sanitizing wipe before being reshelved.

Curbside Service with myLIBRO!

Explore our curbside service which will allow you to select materials remotely from your mobile device and schedule curbside pick up at the library!

How to Create Your Account
  1. Download the myLibro app (available on iOS and the Google store).
  2. Find "Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity" on the dropdown menu.
  3. Type in your library card number (all 14 digits, NO spaces).  Your library pin will be the last four digits of the phone number the MLNV has on file under your account UNLESS you had previously changed your PIN.  For help with your library card number or pin number, reach out to srozell@nazarethlibrary.org.
Stay in the Know with Social Media!
It's easy to stay up-to-date with our many current events for all ages!
 Additional Services
You can access our digital library 24/7 with a library card!

Register for a card from the comfort of your own home; click here to fill out the online form, and a librarian will contact you.

Happy Reading!

If you or someone you know needs help with technology, we are available to help!  Email khopf@nazarethlibrary.org or call 610-759-4932 to set up a time for your "virtual" one-on-one technology session.

Note: You must have a valid library card to take advantage of this free service.
eBooks, Audiobooks, and MORE!

Anyone with an active library card can borrow electronic materials from our website!
    1. Go to our website.
    2. Click the Collections menu.
    3. Select eBooks & Audiobooks, and follow the directions.
To access these resources, follow the directions outlined above, or simply click here to go directly to the eBooks & Audiobooks page!

Remember, you do need a library card to access these free services, and you can register for one online by clicking here.
Missed a newsletter?
You can find past MLNV newsletters on our website. Click here to read our newsletters that date back to 2015; or, simply visit our website, click the Events menu and select Newsletter.  Happy Reading!
Support the Library While You Shop!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you currently use, with the same products, prices, and services with a different name. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Library. Choose the Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity as the organization to receive your smile donation.

For more ways to support the library, please click here.

Thank you!
Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity 
295 East Center Street, Nazareth PA  18064