Dear Partner in Ministry,
Happy New Year from LECM! We welcomed students back to campus from winter break with a soup supper the Sunday evening before classes began, and our leadership team is gearing up for a full semester of Dinner Church, preaching lab, and a winter urban retreat in Denver!
Students will be preaching in local congregations again in February, this year on Transfiguration Sunday! We've started our weekly preaching lab conversations about what the story of Jesus and the disciples on the mountain reveals about God and what God is up to among us. I can't wait to hear their wisdom and reflections on this story!
This month we also celebrate Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday, using worship materials created by Reconciling Works around the theme Roll Down Justice. As we continue our work this spring to revise our welcome statement, we celebrate the support and connection we have in community of RIC partners!
As we begin a new semester of ministry, we are grateful for your partnership and support. Your financial gifts, prayers, meal donations, and care for our students makes our work possible. Blessing this new year!
Grace and peace,
Pr. Monica