QCSS- Gearing Up
for an #Epic18
Hi Eclipse Select Soccer Club! The QCSS team wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Hopefully, you had an outstanding 2017 and ended the year the same way we did, surrounded by family and friends.
With the new year in full swing, now is a great time to thank you all for your support in 2017. There was a lot of joy, excitement, and achievement.
At the end of the year, we took some time to reflect on some of our proudest moments. A couple of those were:
Partnering with Eclipse Select Soccer Club
Partnering with the Chicago Red Stars
#SharingTheLove and giving back to not-for-profits and charities for every new piece of business
Creating jobs and helping build the local and national economy
Offering twenty-four-hour customer service for Eclipse Select SC
Embracing all social media and “Bringing the Cool Back to the Call Center”
One of our resolutions for 2018 is to help you score goals on and off the field.
Our vision is to establish meaningful business relationships that accelerate growth opportunities for our clients, partners, and employees.
We would love to help you grow too! Give us a call at 888.229.7046 and let’s tackle your goals in 2018.