Happy New Year! Many adults and athletes have set habit change goals for 2023! These goals are often lifestyle, health and nutrition related.
Now that we are nearly half way through the month, take a look at your goals or your athletes goals and ask yourself, “Am I ready to commit?”. Relying on motivation alone is a recipe for failure. Resolutions or habit change goals fail primarily due to timing because the commitment to the goal, resolution or habit just isn’t the focus. Motivation waxes and wanes.
In fact, I’ve recently had conversations with individuals who state they don’t even bother setting goals or resolutions because they end up giving up! According to Strava, the running and cycling tracking app, the 2nd Friday of January is deemed “Quitters Day”. It’s by that day most individuals have given up on their New Year’s resolutions.
So how long do New Year’s resolutions last?
43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolutions. Most people quit before the end of January, and only 9% see their resolutions through until succession.
Asking yourself or your athlete these detailed questions will flush out if the commitment to habit change is really there.