January 15, 2023

Happy New Year from BUSC!

We hope everyone has had a warm and restful holiday break filled with family, good health, and happiness. Keep an eye on your inbox in the coming weeks for info on BUSC Spring programs, as well as the regular BUSC newsletter on February 15. We look forward to seeing our teams back on the field this month.

Wishing our BUSC family a safe and healthy start to 2023.

Tim Ryerson, General Manager, timryerson@busc.org

Kevin Crow, Technical Director, kevincrow@busc.org

New Year, New Habits

Brought to you by Evolve Health & Nutrition

Happy New Year! Many adults and athletes have set habit change goals for 2023! These goals are often lifestyle, health and nutrition related. 

Now that we are nearly half way through the month, take a look at your goals or your athletes goals and ask yourself, “Am I ready to commit?”. Relying on motivation alone is a recipe for failure. Resolutions or habit change goals fail primarily due to timing because the commitment to the goal, resolution or habit just isn’t the focus. Motivation waxes and wanes. 

In fact, I’ve recently had conversations with individuals who state they don’t even bother setting goals or resolutions because they end up giving up! According to Strava, the running and cycling tracking app, the 2nd Friday of January is deemed “Quitters Day”.  It’s by that day most individuals have given up on their New Year’s resolutions.

So how long do New Year’s resolutions last?

43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolutions. Most people quit before the end of January, and only 9% see their resolutions through until succession.

Asking yourself or your athlete these detailed questions will flush out if the commitment to habit change is really there. 

  1. Why is this goal important to you?
  2. What will keep you from reaching this goal?
  3. What actions do you have to take to reach this goal? 
  4. What are the actions, daily, weekly or monthly?
  5. Who will hold you accountable for this goal?
  6. How will you track your progress towards this goal?
  7. How will you reward yourself when you reach these goals?

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!

  1. Why is this goal important to you? The goal to eat healthier will improve my athletic performance. 
  2. What will keep you from reaching this goal?The temptation to make unhealthy choices may be a result of having foods with refined sugar in the house.
  3. What actions do you have to take to reach this goal? Some specific actions may be to eliminate the refined sugar foods from home so that they aren’t easily accessible and identify options for sweet treats that have natural sugar. 
  4. What are the actions daily, weekly or monthly? Daily actions would be to include one piece of fruit per meal per day. Weekly actions would be participating in the grocery shopping so meals for the week can be easily planned. 
  5. Who will hold you accountable for this goal? I can be held accountable by friends and family. 
  6. How will you track your progress towards this goal? Progress can be tracked using a simple calendar where an X is marked for days where refined sugar isn't consumed. 
  7. How will you reward yourself when you reach these goals? I can spend an afternoon with friends or go to a movie with a family member.

Habit change and goal setting does not need to be limited to the beginning of the year but rather when the timing is right, meaning when the commitment is present! 

For more specifics on how kids can eat healthier in the New Year, please email me for a complimentary “Kids Eat Healthy Guide” which includes specific guidance on sugar swaps for kids, on the go snack ideas and quality clean brands for family meal prepping.

With gratitude and in good health,

Amirra Besh

Nutrition Coach

Evolve Health & Nutrition


IG: @evolvehealthandnutrition

“Empowering individuals to evolve simple daily habits for sustainable health”

Ballistic United Soccer Club Website

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