A Moment with Audrie

Here we are 2023! A time to recommit, refocus and refresh. Do you believe in new year resolutions? I know many people who forego them and find them to be either a pointless tradition or a set up for failure. I can understand that. Me…I love them! One year I made 52 of them. 52 new things to do or try or attempt! It was a year of yeses for me.

But more so over the years, I find that January is a good time to re-prioritize. To assess what matters to me in this chapter of life and to determine where I am going to dedicate more time and energy. I tend to commit to doing more or less of something to just move more in the direction I want to go rather than committing to a stop hard goal. A soft commitment I’ll call it.

So I ask you, what direction do you want to go more in the direction of? If you could do more of something, what would that be? If you could do less of something, what might that be? What would bring you more joy, more happiness, more fulfillment in 2023? As we bring in each new year, I like to think of it as an opportunity for more growth, more love, more life. It's an opportunity to lean in. It’s not about failing to achieve or actually related to achievement or accomplishment at all. It is about being. Being more of who you decide to be. More of who you see yourself as. More of you.

My wish for your year is that you are more you. That the world is better because of you and that you are more personally fulfilled, loved and joyful.

Much love to you and Happy New Year to you and your family. Cheers to 2023!

With love,
