Dear Friend,

Happy New Year! I am wishing joy, happiness and good health for you and your loved ones as we enter this new year.

As we count down on another year's end, we look forward to the possibilities that await us. While 2022 will not be without challenges, I am hopeful for the future of our CA-39 communities and our great nation. I know that the American dream is alive and real because I am living it as your Representative in Congress.

I came to Congress to break through the partisan gridlock, bring some common sense leadership to Washington, deliver results for California’s 39th District and get things done.  I'm excited to share the results of this year's work below.
I’m proud that in my first year, I’ve had 12 bipartisan pieces of legislation pass the House of Representatives, and two have been signed into law: the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Extension Act, which gave small business owners more time to access PPP funds and allowed for an additional 2.7 million small business loans worth $54 billion, and the Veterans and Family Information Act to expand access to VA resources for veterans.

My team and I have hit the ground running since Day 1, and I'm so proud of what we have accomplished. Team Young responded to over 43,000 constituent letters and emails, helped nearly 2,000 Californians receive vital aid from the federal government and returned over $2.3 million in taxpayer dollars from casework back to constituents. I also helped secure nearly $30 million for the 57/60 confluence project through the Infra Grant Award.
I am honored to be able to serve California’s 39th District in Congress, and my team and I are just getting started delivering results. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of assistance.
I'm excited to share my top 9 moments of 2021. Read all about it and stay up to date on my work for you by following me on social media at @RepYoungKim!
As always, my team and I are here to serve you. If you ever need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office. I also encourage you to receive real-time updates on my work for you in Congress by following me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram at @RepYoungKim.

Respectfully yours,
Young Kim
Casework & Catch Up
Need help with a federal agency, like the Small Business Administration, IRS or the VA? My team and I are here to help.