2021 Happy New Year

Dear Friend,

Out with the old, in with the new.

Leaving 2020 behind …

Indeed, it was an unprecedented year of upheaval, including a global pandemic, bitterly partisan politics, a painful national conversation about race and equity, and a series of regional disasters.

The start of a new year has always brought about new inspiration, renewed commitments, and new goals and aspirations for our lives.

This new year, more than any other in recent times, we all need to look beyond current situations and move forward with new hope and determination for ourselves, our families, and co-workers.

I want to thank each of you for your business, but more importantly, for your support and friendship over these past many years. I wish for you the utmost in health and true happiness in 2021.

We’ve enjoyed being of service to you over the years and look forward to seeing you in person and catering for you throughout this new year.


Brian Morriss