A Note from Scott and Marsha
December 31, 2020
There are so many ways I wanted to write this end of the year story. We received a few Christmas cards and one stuck out from my friend. It said "Well, that was crazy." Ya think? I could recap what this last year has looked like, but I don't think it can top Amanda's rendition from last week.  

How about we look forward instead of backwards? Looking forward, we pray for: 
  • Healing for many family and friends who lost loved ones and know people who are grieving this past year.
  • Hope for those who lost their business and/or are still struggling to stay afloat.  
  • Perseverance for the medical industry and staff who have gone above and beyond the call serving our community through long hours, extra days and holding hands when loved ones can't be with them.  
  • Resilience for the essential businesses and employees that stayed open during incredibly trying and tumultuous times. 
  • Care and support for the teachers/counselors/staff who have to be creative and learn a new way of teaching to keep students engaged.  
  • Safety for our law enforcement officers and our military.  
  • Patience and love to children and young adults who navigated learning an entirely different way while struggling with loneliness, missing relationships and time/experiences they won't get back.  
  • Empathy for those who have been alone and unable to see loved ones
  • Wisdom for our leaders in 2021.  
  • Peace for our community and country as we learn and embrace compassion and understanding for one another.
  • Kindness in all our hearts.  
I'm sure we have not covered everyone - in fact, I promise you we missed something or someone, but certainly not on purpose.  

The New Year is coming. Let's all look forward to 2021 collectively and as a whole to be better together.  There just isn't room in the garden for the ugly. Happy bloomers only! See you soon when we return January 2nd!  
Our company is CLOSED
though January 1.
The Garden Center will reopen
Saturday, January 2.
Our Lawn Maintenance and Landscape divisions will return Monday, January 4.
Ferns don't just grace the floor of the forest. Many varieties can also find a happy life in your home. They do well in medium to low light (depending on the variety) and most like their soil to stay moist, but not wet. This can be a challenge to maintain, so some shy away from ferns because of this. But don't be scared, friends! Find out what variety you have and then looks for tips to keep it happiest. We have faith in you !
Red Twig Dogwood is named for its most stunning feature--its branches! In the winter, they will amaze you with their bright red color. You will also enjoy white flowers in the spring and berries through the summer. The blooms are small and white, but do not look like the flowers of a dogwood tree. Plant in combination with plants that will help these beauties show off their best feature--their branches.
2021 starts tomorrow! You know what that means! New Year, New Pottery! It is a perfect time to update your decor. One way we love to do this is with pottery. We have SO MANY different colors and sizes, you are sure to find a pot that would suit your needs. While you're at it, you probably need a new houseplant, too. Find the perfect combination for a look you can love in the New Year.
With the shorter days, do you wish you had more lighting around your home? Adding outdoor lighting is a great idea! In this blog post, we share the top three reasons why you should consider investing in outdoor lighting.

Perhaps with all of summer and fall's foliage gone, you may be noticing areas around your home that you wish were better concealed. If you are thinking about plants for screening, let us help! We have made recommendations for what shrubs are best!
If you love us as much as we love you, could you take the time to leave us a review? We would really appreciate it. If you can't leave us a great review, please let us know why. We love your feedback! We have included links above to make it as easy for you as possible. THANK YOU!
We post daily to Instagram @fgsdurham (Garden Center) and @fgslandscapes (Landscape and Lawn Maintenance) and Facebook to keep you up to speed with the latest information about what we are up to, what's in stock, or all the fun we're having!
For Garden's Sake | 919.484.9759| www.fgsdurham.com