Invited Guests and Members Only
Room Block Full? Email Karen Howard ASAP

 Schedule of Events

Tuesday, JANUARY 23, 2018
5- 9:00 pm        
Opening Cocktail and Dinner Party

Wednesday, JANUARY 24, 2018
7:30 - 8:30 am       
Members Only Breakfast and Testing Update

8:30 - 9:00 am       
Open Breakfast

9 - 9:45 am        
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Keynote Speaker

Toxins, Testing and Remedies 
Industrial and environmental toxins stand to pollute the value of organic. What is clean and what does it mean? If that’s the question, what is the solution? Pursuing a supply chain consumers will always trust.

The Microbiome: A Parallel Universe
What if what we don’t know about probiotics is killing us? Don’t let the stats fool you. Probiotic sales do not reflect our potential to transform long term health. Learn what we don’t know about the microbiome and position yourselves to engage in real world solutions for the future.

Lunch and Entering the European Union
Learn how the regulatory challenges in the European Market afford strategic business opportunities.

Organic Certification at a Crossroads
O&N stands for advancement of the organic standard. Yet, the foundation of organic is eroding. Philosophical differences could compromise consumer interests. Where will this all end?

Effective Action vs. Politics – is there room for both?

4-9PM Boat Cruise and Dinner at Nervous Nellies