The Volunteer Voice
December 16, 2019

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Annual Appreciation Luncheon
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
11:30am to 2:00pm
Westmoreland Club

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Stay Tuned for More Information
Welcome To A New Volunteer Dentist
Dr. Joseph Carr, DMD is a dentistry practitioner in Forty Fort, PA. Dr. Carr started volunteering at the beginning of November and focuses on providing dentures to VIM patients . The staff is very excited to welcome  Dr. Carr to the clinic.
VIM is in need of additional volunteer dentists, dental assistants and dental hygienists . The VIM Dental Clinic is a high demand community resource providing free dental care to the low income, uninsured community. Many patients seek care at VIM for severe pain caused by abscesses and dental caries . If you know of anyone that may want to volunteer, please call Kelly Ranieli , Executive Director, at (570)970-2864 .

Behavioral Health Success Story 
Mary is a 23 year old female who started counseling at VIM in October for a presenting problem of anxiety and panic disorder stemming from unresolved childhood trauma. Her symptoms were so severe that she was often unable to go to public places without having to leave due to a panic attack. Every day responsibilities such as working and attending family gatherings triggered her anxiety and she would often avoid these events by isolating herself. Through psychoeducation and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Mary became more aware of her anxiety and learned techniques to calm irrational thoughts. She has even been able to pull herself out of an attack during high stress situations . Mary’s dedication to her mental health has greatly improved her quality of life and she is hopeful to see even more improvement in the future. Mary’s story is a testament to the strength of the therapeutic relationship and self-discipline in healing severe anxiety as a result of trauma. April Lennon, Social Care Coordinator at VIM, continues to meet with Mary on a regular basis to improve her mental health and well-being.
Staff Virtually Attend Maven Lecture
On Tuesday, December 10 th , VIM hosted an online video lecture by Dr. Charlie Schwartz from the MAVEN Project. This lecture entitled “Informed Consent” focused on the patient’s ability to understand relevant medical information as well as the burdens, risks, and implications of treatment alternatives in order to make an independent, voluntary decision
Dr. Schwartz is an internist/psychiatrist and spent his career at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine as an Associate Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Montefiore Medical Center as an attending physician in psychiatry and internal medicine and Director of Primary Care Psychiatric Training, Palliative Care Psychiatry, and HIV Psychiatry.  He is currently interested in remote, telephonic work such as the MAVEN Project.
The MAVEN Project provides a multitude of free resources for practitioners at VIM including “real-time” and video-taped educational lectures and the ability to consult a variety of specialists. If you need any information regarding how to access educational lectures or to do a consult, please contact Dr. Feudale.

New Students at VIM

Daon Kim is a class of 2020 Pharmacy student from Wilkes University. He hopes to continue his practice at a Military Hospital .
Sam Giordano is a class of 2020 Health Administration student from The University of Scranton. He chose to volunteer at VIM to help the underserved. He hopes to pursue his Masters of Health Administration.
Robinson Counseling Center In-Service

Jessica Budzak, D&A Specialist and Prevention Education Specialist from the Robinson Counseling Center spoke to the volunteers and staff of VIM at the November in-service. The Robinson Counseling Center is an affiliate agency of the Children’s Service Center. They provide private counseling, family counseling, group counseling, and medication management to adults. Jessica also provided education on the vaping crisis among adolescence.  
Staff Attend Family Service Center
2019 Family Week Conference
Family Service Association held their annual Family Week Conference on Friday, November 22 nd . In attendance from VIM were Kelly Ranieli, Executive Director and April Lennon, Social Care Coordinator where they learned about building “healthy communities through healthy families” which was the theme of the event. Teri Ooms, past president of the VIM board, gave an informative lecture titled “Overview of Regional Social Determinants of Health”, outlining needs specific to Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. Many other speakers covered a variety of topics including trauma, social determinants of health, and the impact of substance use on families.
Health Equity Networking 

Social Care Coordinator, April Lennon and Marywood MSW Intern, Serena Kozokas have been visiting local agencies in Luzerne County to create a network of referral sources for the Health Equity Program. Health Equity is the focus of addressing obstacles that prevent individuals from having a fair opportunity to live as healthy as possible. VIM’s Health Equity Program focuses on food insecurity, employment, housing, and transportation. April and Serena recently met with Educational Opportunity Centers to learn about their variety of services to both employees and patients and with Career Link to discuss a collaborative effort to establish a strong referral system for shared consumers. Specific projects with both of these agencies are in the beginning stages. 
Bill Gates’ 5 Secrets To Happiness Are Surprisingly Affordable
By: Remy Blumenfeld of Forbes Magazine

It’s maddening, but sometimes  Forbes  readers dismiss the wisdom of a life coach. You tend to pay more attention to the life lessons delivered by billionaires. The problem is that while most life coaches are not very rich, most billionaires are not tremendously happy.

So you can imagine my delight when, about 30 minutes into his most recent “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, Bill Gates, the world’s second-richest man, was asked two very personal questions. “Are you happy?” and “Through it all, what makes you happy?” His answers not only wise, but surprisingly affordable.

As a life coach, I don’t believe in the idea of happiness — I’d have preferred it if he’d been asked about balance, fulfillment or gratitude. Still, to the first question Bill Gates, 63, responded: “Yes! When I was in my 30s, I didn’t think people in their 60s were very smart or had much fun. Now I have had a counter-revelation. Ask me in 20 years and I will tell you how smart 80-year-olds are.”

To the second question, Gates said, “Some recently said that when your children are doing well it really is very special, and as a parent, I completely agree." “Sometimes following through on commitments to yourself, like doing more exercise, also improves your happiness.”

Save the Date
Upcoming Educational Community In-Services
Learning about other Luzerne County  community agencies in order to refer patients  is one of the many ways that VIM provides case management services. All in-services are from  9:00 am to 10:00 am  and are held at the clinic. If you would like to join us for the next presentation, please  RSVP to April  at  or call 570-970-2864.
 Tuesday, January 14th
2020 U.S. Census
Presented by Katie Derhammer
Donate to VIM
VIM is not a federally-funded clinic and does not charge for services . The clinic operates solely from donations from businesses and individuals, grants from foundations and proceeds from special events. Any contribution you are able to make assists VIM with keeping our low-income neighbors healthy, well and working .
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Volunteers  in  Medicine 
 190 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Wilkes-Barre PA 18702
Phone: 570-970-2864 | Fax: 570-970-2868