September 1st service

Click link above to be transferred to the Sunday Service September 1st at 9 a.m. or it can be watched later.


Sunday 9 a.m. Worship Service

September 2 Labor Day, office closed

September 4 Do Day Quilters

September 8 God's Work our Hands

September 22 Rally Sunday

*********Anniversary Committee quick meeting on progress

September 25 Confirmation Starts/ Orientation meeting for Confirmation Sunday / Choir starts

October 2 All Wednesday night activities including Supper

October 12 Coats for Kids

October 17-19 Church directory photos

Remember to sign up for Sunday School. Forms are in the Narthex


The new security system will be going into effect this week. Our doors will be locked during school hours, and you will need to be let in via the system.



Christian Caregivers

 Sign up for training that starts in September. You will be richly rewarded.

 Contact Linda Johnson or Kay Tjaden


Heads up and Smile!!!

The new pictorial directory is in the works.

Just a friendly reminder that our pictorial directory photo dates are fast approaching! We will be having family photography on October 17th, 18th & 19th. Appointment times are filling up so hurry and schedule your time if you haven’t already.

Just for participating you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a church directory. You will view your images right away and have the opportunity to purchase family portraits—our directory wouldn’t be complete without you!

You can schedule an appointment after church in the Narthex or by going to

Church Code: ia327

Password: photos

 If you click on the September newsletter there is a QR code that you can click on to get to this site.

**Special Note**

We have a lift available for those that may need to avoid the stairs. We will also have someone designated to assist with the functions of the lift, for those unfamiliar with it.

We're Hiring!

St. John Lutheran Church in Charles City, Iowa is seeking a Youth & Family Ministries Coordinator

This person is responsible for facilitating K-12 faith formation in collaboration with the Board of Parish Education, the Youth & Family Ministry Board, and other volunteers. This position is full time with a competitive benefits package. To view the full job description and qualifications, visit our website at To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Pastor Russ Leeper at

If you registered through the Sunday School registration, you do not have to register again.

New Church Office Hours

M-F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3p.m.

Sunday Bulletin

Requests for adding information into the Sunday Bulletin need to be in the Secretary’s Office no later than Wednesday at 9 am.


Please keep the following in prayer.

Scott Aspholm

Mary Augustin

Barbara Fuls

Linda Girken

Dick Harrington

Axel Heller

Kurt Hoeft

Stan Jacobson

Gladys Kellogg

Don Knowlton

Mike Leraaen

Dave Litterer

Dan Marth

Jan Mulford

Noa Mulholland

Rosie Pieper

Charlotte Platte

Maggie Schultz

Lorna Scrimger

Louis Streich

Yolanda Van Ausdall

Chuck Waddell

Skip Ward

Deb Watkins

Mary Jean Zilm

Prayers and condolences to the family and friends of John and Jodi Flint upon their passing.


Pray for all serving in the military and their families:

Kaleb Bilharz, Mackenzy Bilharz, Tyler Brockney Kaylie Fox, Hannah Fox, Kim Hall, Ben Hauser, Daniel Jacobs, Drew Roethler and Robson Shankland.



After Worship Social Time 

Coffee & a treat are served in the Parish Hall or outside each Sunday! If you would like to volunteer to bring the treats let Toni know in the office.

What you choose to bring for a treat is entirely up to you! Quantity: Three dozen treats

Coffee & napkins are provided by St. John.

**Special note: We do need people to sign up for bringing treats. There is a sign up sheet by the narthex door.


Altar Flower & Radio Sign-up 2024: If you would like to sign up to sponsor the Altar flowers &/or the radio broadcast contact Toni in the office at 641-228-3397. We will continue to have flowers as they are on the online service & the radio broadcast reaches many of our at home congregation!


As precautionary steps for safety and security, we would like to ask all attendees and visitors of St John, to make sure you are locking your vehicles anytime you are inside the church.


God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday is coming up on Sunday, September 8. Sign-ups are in the Narthex. Come join us.

There are things that can be done before that date also.


Trinity Choir will start rehearsals on Wednesday, September 25 at 7:00 pm. Trinity Choir will plan to sing about twice a month. Any new members, as well as past members are welcome to join us. Anyone from 7th Grade up is welcome. Students may use this for confirmation service hours and/or silver cord hours. This group is very non-threatening and enjoys having a good time while praising God. Please come join us. We would really like to see our numbers grow. Come and bring a friend. Any questions may be directed to Melanie Johanningmeier 641-330-0963.

Kids Choir will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, October 2 at 4:15pm-4:45pm in the music room in the basement. Kids Choir is open to kids in Kindergarten-6th grade. All After School Program kids will be participating in Kids Choir as a part of the After School Program. Any kids who do not go to After School Program are also welcome to be a part of Kids Choir. Kids choir will include music activities, movement and singing. Kids Choir typically sing at about one service per month. Any questions may be directed to Melanie Johanningmeier 641-330-0963

St John has a fund to help people for emergencies or short-term help. Vouchers for gas or food are given to those in need. Money for this fund comes from members of the congregation. Volunteers are available on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 to help people in need. If the need is ongoing, they refer them to an agency where they can receive longer-term help.

Compassion Fund is a ministry to the community. If you would like to volunteer to help with this St. John ministry, call the office and leave your name with Toni.


100th Anniversary Celebration!!

(100 years of our church building)

It is already September and the 100th Anniversary celebration of our church building is coming fast. (October 27th) Now is the time to finish up those crafts or decide on what you might want to offer for the silent auction. The auction can be something special you have crafted, something that has taken you a bit of time to create, or something you want to share with a person or two like a dinner in your home or that can be delivered. Pie is always a good auction item as is something like lawn raking, offering a baked good per month for 2-3 months or something on that order. Put on your creative thinking cap, I always think this is the most fun part of a fall-type celebration. Only new items will be accepted for these areas.

If you have been growing pumpkins or produce that you would like to share or want to make a special bread, jam, or salsa to put in our Country Store, it is definitely time to be thinking ahead for that. 

We are opening a room for items to be brought in anytime starting the beginning of October. That will be announced soon. We do ask that you fill out the form below when you bring something in so we know if it is designated for silent auction, craft fair or country store. Leave it with the item. We want to follow your wishes since you have put in the work. Just click the blue link to get a printable form (or pick one up in the office). Money received at the anniversary will go to the bell, stain glass window repair and other non budgeted church repairs.

Form for silent auction and other donations.


St. John Finance Board has put into place a new spending policy.  There is a new form in the mailbox outside of the Parish Hall that will need to be filled out and pre-approved before any purchase over $100 is made or reimbursed on behalf of the church. Please see Business Manager if you have any questions about the form.


Coats for Kids will be coming October 12th

As you ready your children for the coming cold winter, please consider donating new or gently used coats, snow pants, boots, mittens, or hats. There are many children in Charles City who will love getting a “new” coat for winter! Donations of money are also appreciated so the group can purchase items as they come on sale.


St. John Christian Preschool would like to remind everyone that we sell Kwik Star gift cards. Please stop in the church preschool if you are interested in purchasing a gift card. The preschool receives 5% of the gift card’s face value. Please contact Whitney or Toni if you are interested.


If you are felt led to help donate snacks for our preschoolers or even donate gift cards to Fareway or HyVee, please contact us for a list of State/DHS approved foods/drinks.

Please call 228-7274 or email us at for more information.


Our kitchen is where I see “God’s love in action” all the time. Please consider joining us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My telephone number is 641 228-6927 and my email address is

Kathy Crooks


click below for the

September Good Newsletter


To get to the church website, click at the top of this page on the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church logo.

You can pick up the Sunday bulletin as well as the Taking Faith Home reading sheets on the website. will get you to the Facebook page

Our intern, Beth Hurt's email

Email address you can use to get a message to the church office

Other emails are available on the website.

To call the church (641)228-3397

Editor: Janet Petefish

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