Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.

Dream Journal – April 2023

Happy Khmer New Year

It is the time of year that Cambodians celebrate the New Year and it coincides with the end of the rice harvest and beginning of rainy season. 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. We hope that like the rabbit this will be a gentle year when peace prevails in the world. 

Every Cambodian takes the time to be with family and also gives thanks for what they have. Sursedey chnam thmey to all our staff, friends and supporters! 

Preschool Supplies and Equipment 

We have finished building six community preschools. We also took time and resources to work with preschool teachers to give them tools and methods to guide our little ones to a lifetime of learning. Helping develop their creative and motor skills is an art, not to mention teaching them to socialize and gaining lifetime habits of hygiene.

Our teachers were so happy to receive new toys and educational materials to engage their charges in creative play and learning. 

CCDO distributed 564 iconic red preschool t-shirts, and sets of building blocks plus puzzles, gardening tools, colored pencils, crayons and markers, posters and mats for all the 29 preschools.

We are very grateful to our donors Cordelia Chang and Jim Riley, who helped supply the materials.

Primary Uniforms and School Materials

200 TaPang school underprivileged students received two sets of school uniforms, shoes, book bags and study materials so they can be fully committed to their school process. 

A huge shout out to the Kingsley & Joni Foundation along with sister Shann Sok of Singapore who helped provide this.

school uniforms2
school uniforms

3-in-1 Health Checkups 

Health in School Check-ups with continuing support from Texel Foundation is changing lives for children in many ways. 

In cooperation with the 3rd year nursing students from Angkor University, CCDO is providing much needed health checkups to 67,000 students in 81 schools. Not only are the kids being checked for BMI, eyesight, hearing, dental health and motor functions, their parents are at the same time attending lectures on good nutrition as well as first aid. There is an added bonus – a mobile library as well as drawing class for those waiting their turn. It is a perfect Friday when the Angkor University students show up at the schools. A win-win situation as the kids, parents and university students all benefit.

No More Sugar

For years CCDO has been drawing attention to consumption of cheap sugary snack and drinks on school campuses. We finally received good news that the Minister of Education officially banned all sugar added foods and soft drinks in schools. The local food sellers are being strictly monitored. We are very much hoping that this helps reduce the cavities and compliments our efforts with school distribution of free toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental awareness education. 

Scholarship students celebrate their Associate Degrees

Our two scholarship students Pov Pharom & Yan Yanath are studying for a 5 year degree in Food Chemistry. Their Phnom Penh University wisely offers an associate degree midway through their course.

Congratulations to both of them and their families, who encourage and support the girls’ education. 


Jeremy & Rosie Andre from USA, visited CCDO and spent a day filming the impact of the various CCDO projects. Please see the link to an outsider view of what is being accomplished on the ground. Thank you for spreading the word!

Watch the video

Staff News

CCDO believes in promoting from within. Mab Kim, a CCDO scholarship student has been working with CCDO while completing her degree in English. She started as our librarian and has been promoted to being an English Teacher at Tabrok Primary School. Under the guidance of our Teacher Trainer, Sitha Sok, she thrives on being a teacher and has a new energy and sparkle. 

Our long time employee, Mr. Say, started as our tuk-tuk driver and with the absence of volunteers and visitors during Covid, he was asked to drive the Mobile Library. He soon made himself indispensable and loves his new position. He has been made Director of Mobile Libraries and is thrilled to help the kids select new books. Was this the motivation that finally led him to learn how to read and write himself at the tender age of 50? Congratulations, Mr. Say!

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.
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