Brothers & Sisters,
Over Memorial Day our family spent two days in New Orleans playing, riding street cars and powdering our noses with beignets. While there we visited the National WW2 museum. Room after room, across multiple floors and buildings, the exhibits covered both theaters of war, the Holocaust, the war production effort here in America and many other aspects. Maps, weapons, uniforms and rations were on display. Those who have been know it is absolutely awe inspiring!
Our visit was a week prior to the 80th anniversary of the D-Day allied invasion at Normandy. It was stirring to imagine the courage summoned by those soldiers who faced the terror of bullets and shelling in the cold surf, all in the name of defending freedom. Can you imagine how our lives and world would be different if they had not answered to call to fight for freedom around the world? Their courage and sacrifice stopped the menacing Axis powers and changed the world for the better. Because of their bravery, our freedom and a more just world perseveres.
Next Thursday, before our family takes a bite of whatever has been seared on a hot grill, we will take a moment to give thanks to God for the gifts of freedom we all enjoy as Americans - especially the freedom of religion.
Not everyone enjoys that same privilege. I have had the honor of knowing some Christians in other world areas who worship at great risk of persecution. Gathering in public for worship might cost them something. I admire their courage and conviction. I am thankful for the freedom to gather with my church family without fear. I do not take it for granted.
We wish you all a safe and happy holiday celebration this week with friends and family.
We have 5 more Sundays in our “Summer in the Spirit” series, devoted to studying the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our individual lives and the life of God’s Church. God's Spirit is moving among us!
With hope,
Pastor Nathan