"We appreciated  Alan's clarity, knowledge, and ability to answer sensitive questions honestly" - Professor from Columbia Theological Seminar
In December, the ISB presented:

American Muslims: Beliefs and Practices

The ISB presented to the following:

Pace Academy

McEachern High School

Baklava Box Brigade

CEO Vistage Group

The Temple Sage Group

 Create Community 4 Decatur: Black Lives Matter

The ISB thanks our presenters:

Tariq Abdul-Haqq
Noor Abbady
Ashraf Awad
Shaheen Bharde
Amani El Ghoroury
Fairyal Halim
Soumaya Khalifa
Nabile Safdar

To request a presentation or workshop, please click here.
To request an Interfaith panel, click here.


(404) 632-3550

ISB Atlanta
P.O. Box 723426,
Atlanta, GA  31139

Happy Holidays from the ISB! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Mawlid al-Nabi, and Joyous Kwanzaa to those who celebrate these holidays! We hope you have a peaceful and beautiful holiday season.  Thank you to all who have collaborated with us to make a difference this year.  We could not have done it without you!   Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, and prosperity in 2017.

Soumaya Khalifa
Executive Director of the ISB 

ISB Participates in US Attorney Meeting

Earlier this month, US Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, John Horn held a meeting with leaders from the Muslim community and law enforcement to discuss the current environment and look for ways that his office and the law enforcement community can partner with the Muslim community.  Soumaya Khalifa , ISB Executive Director, represented the ISB at the meeting. The event was hosted at Roswell Community Masjid with lunch sponsorship by the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta.
ISB's Facebook Fundraiser a Success!

For Giving Tuesday , the ISB created a fundraiser on Facebook: E fforts of Building Bridges Through Education and Community Building. People from all faiths donated to make a difference. The ISB's goal was to raise $3,000, but thanks to the generosity of many people, we reached  $3,500.  The ISB would like to give a huge thank you to all of you who donated! You can still make a tax-deductible donation here. With your support, we can continue to build bridges.   Thank You!

Interfaith Speakers Network Holiday Party 
The Interfaith Speakers Network Holiday Party had six major world religions present.

Members of the Interfaith Speakers Network (ISN) gathered for an evening to celebrate their successes through the year.    The ISN is a collaboration between the Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta (FAMA) and the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta (ISB).  The ISN provides an opportunity for their audiences to hear and interact with local practicing representatives from 6 faith traditions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism Hinduism and Sikhism.  The ISN is  committed to unconditional friendship and common good, to spread more understanding and more respect, not in spite of their faiths, but because of them. Happy Holidays from the ISN!
ISB Volunteers with Baklava Box Brigade
Amani with the Baklava Box Brigade volunteers
Amani El Ghoroury joined a group of Muslim women who made holiday baklava boxes to distribute to their neighbors, teachers, community members, elected officials, and friends.

Amani spoke about how to approach neighbors and how to foster an environment that promotes giving, charity, and neighborly love. 

ISB Presents to Atlanta Girls School

Noor Abbady presents American Muslim Beliefs and Practices to the Atlanta Girls School.  One student commented, "I liked learning about the everyday activities Muslims do. They're just like everyone else!"

ISB Presents to The Temple Sage Group

Members of The Temple Sage Senior Group, led by Rabbi David Spinrad, visited Roswell Community Masjid for an Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta presentation and  a tour of the mosque. Dr.  Nabile Safdar copresented  American Muslims Beliefs and Practices with Shaheen Bharde.  The ISB coordinated this visit.  
ISB Presents to Vistage CEO Group

Noor Abbady and Ashraf Awad presented American Muslim Beliefs and Practices to a  group of 11 CEO's during their monthly  Vistage  leadership meeting.  The presentation was interactive and engaging.