
No matter what holiday you celebrate, we'd like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous new year!

With Love,
The Chiroplus Family
Buy a gift massage today!

We are offering a special on massages this holiday season until the end of December!

30 minute massage: $32
60 minute massage: $54
90 minute massage: $73


Calm Eze

Let’s face it, stress is a part of life, and over time this can have deleterious effects on one’s health if it’s not properly managed. In fact, estimates suggest that over 65% of adults deal with some form of stress.
Given the importance of proper rest, relaxation, and tranquility on your health/well-being, individuals stand to benefit from Calm Eze in the following ways:
Supports relaxation
Promotes restful sleep
Supports calmness
Supports cognitive functions

Christmas Snack, Anyone?
How to make
Grinch Kabobs:

What you need:
-1 large banana
-24 green grapes
-24 strawberries
-24 mini marshmallows
-24 toothpicks

Stack and enjoy!
Veteran Suicide Awareness Walk- 2020

Thanks to all who donated to the Veteran Suicide Awareness benefit. Through your generosity $1700 was donated to HOOAH Inc. from the ChiroPlus "family." The rainclouds held on for ChiroPlus staff, family and friends to walk a sum of approximately 220 miles. Even though we were tired afterwards and a bit sore the next day, we are looking forward to next year!! AND to all veterans out there, thank you for all you have done for our wonderful country.