(910) 295-1934
Habitat Newsletter
December 2020
From our Executive Director
Building HOPE during difficult times
At Habitat for Humanity, we build. We build because we believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. More than building homes, we build communities, we build hope, and we build the opportunity for families to help themselves. During the Christmas season, the nativity reminds us of the Holy Family and the importance of shelter. Now, the global pandemic reminds us that safe, affordable shelter is more important than ever to keep our families safe.
Despite the ever-changing environment that we find ourselves in today, Sandhills Habitat could not be more grateful to receive the strong support from our donors, volunteers, and partners who helped build NINE Habitat homes this year! We closed our final home purchase on Alan Charles Way in Aberdeen this month and would be delighted to give you a tour of this neighborhood. These families are spending their first Christmas in their own home, and everything is glowing, from the holiday lights on the houses to the beaming smiles on their faces when they talk about their first home.

We thank you for the Annual Appear donations that continue to arrive and help us end the year strong. On behalf of Sandhills, I wish you a happy, healthy, and safe Holiday season.
A few of our ReStore Heroes
Brit and Tom
Marj and Krystal
Nick and Pat
New Aging-in-Place Coordinator
Please welcome James Parsons as our Aging in Place Coordinator site supervisor. This position will allow our Repair ministry to expand and handle more repairs that are funded by several grants.

James “Jim” Parsons is a retired army vet with an extensive back ground in construction. Jim has participated in several ministries that helps support people in different needs in life. Habitat is excited to add Jim to our great team so that we may serve more families in Richmond, Moore, and Hoke counties.
Last Home Dedication on
Alan Charles Way in Aberdeen
So excited to share a holiday home dedication for Kim Ray who will be in her home by Christmas! We appreciate everyone who helped make this homeowners dream come true. Kim's house is the last home built on Alan Charles Way in Aberdeen, which named after one of our hardcore volunteers. We have enjoyed partnering with all the families and volunteers that joined us over the last two year to build the nine homes that make up this circle of new neighbors.
Homeowner Application Update

On October 20th, we began a recruitment event for our 2022/2023 homeowners. We met seventy potential applicants, introduced them to what it means to be a Habitat Homeowner and to what that partnership with Habitat looks like. On October 22nd we invited the applicants to return with completed applicants to begin the homeownership process. With applications and required documents in hand, 28 applicants returned.

Over the next few weeks, our Homeowner Selection Committee members reviewed applications for those who met the income median for their desired county; Moore, Richmond, or Hoke County. Of the 28 applicants, 6 met those who met the income requirements for their county and fell within the 43% debt-to-income ratio maximum. The first week of December, we held our first-ever virtual home tours; Committee members met the applicants and their families and toured their homes.

With great pleasure, we will be welcoming six families to become Habitat homeowners. Their welcome letter and virtual congratulations will go out later this month. We have three families from Moore County, two from Richmond County, and one family from Hoke County. We look forward to introducing you to them in our January edition!
Holiday "Angel" Delivers
We love our generous supporters who are always thinking of our Habitat families. Special thanks to our special friend and volunteer (who prefers to remain anonymous) for delivering 13 turkeys for our 13 Homeowners in Progress.
Bob Stewart
ReStore Volunteer
Bob Stewart was born in Pennsylvania, where he spent most of his childhood. When he turned 18, he joined the Marine Corps and never went back to PA because there was too much snow and ice. Bob lived in Georgia, worked in hardware most of his life, and moved to North Carolina in 2011. His brother, Sandy, talked him into volunteering since he was in here several days a week anyway. Bob has been volunteering for a year. On average, Bob spends 8 hours a day, about 3 days a week in hardware. Bob has built many things for use here in the Restore. He built the dollhouse for our children's free books (upfront in the store). Bob also built multiple shelves and racks for our store. He did the art racks, hardware racks, golf rack and the window for our blinds upfront. He is the Bob the Builder of the Restore!
Brandon Judd
Hardcore Volunteer
I served as an EOD tech diffusing bombs and IEDS in Iraq and Afghanistan, a little about me. Our convoy actually ran over one, and I had some injuries to my right leg. I'm golden now, though. I have been married to my wife Kat for 11 years; we have three kids, my daughter is ten and my boys are one and three. We like to hike, camp, and to do things outdoors. I'm a professional tattoo artist and have done that for 14 years now. I have always liked building and done side projects, so I was happy to recently move right around the corner from the ReStore in Aberdeen. I also had a thesis project for my anthropology degree, where we were to do at least thirty service hours in our community. If I'm not kept too busy with family and work and school...I'll be out riding my Harley!
In Memory of...
since August 15th, 2020

  • Patsy Bonsal 
  • Millie Cottrell
  • Lynn Davidson
  • Don Edwards
  • Hunter Hess
  • Emma Kelley
  • Burlin Lowry
  • Elda Marmaduke
  • Freida Powers
  • Ron Sutton
  • Beverly Sweenor 
In Honor of...
since August 15th, 2020

  • Tom Beddow
  • Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brown 
  • Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cook
  • Amy Fraley's Birthday
  • Paige Garner
  • Dr. & Mrs. Scott Gregory
  • Mr. & Mrs. Bert Harrell
  • Ellen Harrison
  • Missy Johnson
  • Kay & Leo LaBare
  • Jim Sellgren's Birthday
  • Ken Sloan
  • Bri & Hazel Vincent's Birthday
  • Mr. & Mrs. Otney Walker
  • Bob Woodward
  • Dr. & Mrs. Pa Woodward
The Gift that Keeps Giving
Our construction team looked like kids on Christmas when they saw this beautiful gift from a generous donor Mr. Parks Cobb. They put it to work right away - specifically for use in our repair program which helps our elderly and disabled community members, non-Habitat homeowners, age in place. We are very grateful for the gifts that our supporters give us to work smarter and faster!
Our Construction Wish List
We invite you to donate items to our Habitat affiliate in exchange for a tax-deductible receipt. You can give in two ways: a tax deduction of a monetary donation and/or a gift-in-kind donation, of materials, equipment, or vehicles to our construction team.

Depreciated assets that can be written off of your company books!
  • Flat Bed Trailers
  • Enclosed Trailers
  • Scaffolding
  • Ipads/ tablets
  • Skid steer
  • Forklift
  • Ladders
  • Shop vacuums

We also accept odd amounts of building supplies:
  • Caulk
  • Paint (unopen, full cans, buckets)
  • Wood
  • Nails
  • Cleaning supplies
  • House numbers
  • Mailboxes/posts
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Door hardware
  • Yard tools/ Hand tools

Please contact Farrah Pulliam fpulliam@sandhillshabitat.org for inquiries.
Everyone Deserves a Safe and Affordable Place to Live
Donate Today!
Contributions to Sandhills Habitat go directly to building safe, affordable housing in the Sandhills. We partner with future homeowners, volunteers and supporters to build homes that provide a stable environment for hardworking families and future generation.
www.sandhillshabitat.org (910) 295-1934