Volume 20, Number 4 | December 2022

Close up of ornaments hanging on a tree, with the words "BC ELN Connect" superimposed on the image
BC ELN staff sit and stand together smiling at the camera. Beneath the photo the text reads happy holidays from BC ELN.

Best wishes from us to you! Standing back row (L-R): Myfanwy (Vaughn), Cristen, Reba, Sasha, Korinne, Sunni. Seated (L-R): Leah, Anita, Laura, Sydney. Inset photo on left: Brandon, and right: Tanya.

The BC ELN Office has a ten-year tradition of making a collective donation as a celebration of the season of giving. This year we chose to make a contribution to the Yarrow Intergenerational Society for Justice.

Gifts of the Year

Many wonderful things happened in the BC ELN community this year -- far too numerous to list here!

Below find a small selection (in no particular order) of the many experiences, achievements,

and people that brought us joy in 2022....

Icon of an opened gift with an image of the BC Historic Newspapers announcement popping out.

BC Historical Newspapers

Thanks to a collaboration between members of BC ELN, BC Libraries Coop, and Focused Education Resources, in 2022 everyone in BC and the Yukon got online access to the BC Historical Newspapers Collection -- 125+ years of digital news archives, no authentication required.

Icon of an opened gift with an image of fireworks popping out.

Bridge Funding for AskAway and WriteAway

AskAway and WriteAway were granted $60,000 in one-time funding from the Ministry of Post-secondary Education and Future Skills. The bridge funding provided additional support as the services adjusted to elevated student demands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Icon of an opened gift with an image of hands touching in a circle popping out.

New Shared Arca Site: Loupe

Arca has a new shared site, called Loupe*, to accommodate small institutions with fewer resources and limited content. The creation of Loupe is in response to feedback on barriers to participation, and allows smaller libraries to collaboratively share a site in Arca.

*Loupe: a small magnifying glass used by jewelers.

Icon of an opened gift with an image of a group of people rowing a boat together popping out.

Elimination of ILL Fees

BC ELN partner libraries have said 'goodbye' to interlibrary loan transaction fees for non-returnables. This seemingly simple outcome is the result of years of collaborative work amongst libraries to create a stronger system for all participants. Fabulous teamwork!

Icon of an opened gift that reveals a picture of the Consortia Manager logo

New Tool: ConsortiaManager

BC ELN transitioned to ConsortiaManager, a platform designed specifically for managing Library Consortia workflows. Replacing outdated infrastructure, ConsortiaManager brings greater efficiencies, more customization, and cost savings to the consortium.

Icon of an opened gift that reveals a picture of a dustpan and brush.

Digital Clean Up Day

This summer BC ELN staff rolled up our sleeves and got to work cleaning our digital files! With guidance from student librarian Sam Davidson, the Office let go of transitory and unnecessary files - 2,298 in total! In addition to a tidier “filing cabinet”, we’ve also reduced our carbon footprint.

Icon of an opened gift that reveals a composite picture of all the students that have been at BC ELN this year.

Student Contributions

In 2022, the BC ELN Office was fortunate to have a wonderful cadre of student librarians help on a wide variety of projects. We are so appreciative of their willingness to learn and contribute to BC ELN’s activities!

Icon of an opened gift that reveals a picture of the Arca Partnerships report

Arca Partnerships

Through partnerships between Arca and external groups,

BC ELN continues to address gaps in digitization and digital preservation. Learn more about this work by reading the Arca Partnerships Impact Report.

Icon of an opened gift that reveals a picture of the cover of the strategic framework

New Strategic Framework

BC ELN has completed the 2023-27 Strategic Framework. Developed in consultation with key partners, the framework sets out three directions that will guide BC ELN's forward momentum for the next five years.

Have a Wonderful Break!

The BC ELN Office will be closed December 24th to January 2nd, inclusive. We will be back in the Office on Tuesday January 3rd, 2023. We wish you all a safe and restful break.

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