Seasons Greetings Ohana!
Aloha Ohana (family)!

A Hearty Season's greetings from Kauai!
I hope this finds you in health and feeling light in spirit.
In this issue: The Immediate value of listening to your body, 10 self-care questions everyone needs to know the answers to & 1 0 tips to Get Over a Cold fast!
My holiday gift to you!
Hanalei Day Spa, Hanalei Colony Resort update at the bottom.
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10 tips to Get Over a Cold Fast!
It is officially cold & flu season

People are coming down with colds & flu and it's contagious!
In this brief yet information packed video, I share my top 10 tips to Get Over a Cold Fast!
  • 4 points to 'drain your sinuses'
  • Simple movements to 'move the lymph' in the neck.
  • How to support the lungs using local application of heat.
  • 2 of my fast acting herbal remedies!
  • and much more!

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You are amazing!
Think kind thoughts & be kind to yourself.
Listening to Your Body
T he immediate value of knowing how to interpret the body’s language will keep you healthy, help you prevent disease by ‘nipping things in the bud’ before they develop, & help you heal symptoms before they have a chance to turn into anything serious.

Most of us are not taught to listen to the information that our body actually gives us.

We are constantly getting cues and clues as to what is happening inside of us, but we haven’t learned how to interpret this language.

There is a whole large inner world, from the innermost workings of the body, to the psychological depth and mental machinations of the mind.
T here are different ways to tune into and listen to what your body is saying.

Take a moment, and several breaths with me now...What is your body saying to you right now?

By honoring these messages
we honor ourselves.

  • 10 important self-care questions, everyone needs to know!
  • and MUCH MORE!
My Holiday Gift to YOU!
I would like to give you
the gift of peace...
Studies have shown that meditation increases heart health, reduce anxiety and crime and many more positive benefits. Please accept my offer of cultivating peace and greater levels of Health.

Hanalei Day Spa &
Hanalei Colony Resort Update:
Hanalei Day Spa Update:

T he Department of Transportation, keeps making great strides in the road repairs, yet the road is still only open to residents. They hope to open the road in the early part of the year! As soon as we have completed our repairs, we will open too.

Of course, we will honor all gift certificates, when we re-open, I miss you all!

Thank you for your sweet, thoughtful (and encouraging) emails and video comments!
Keep em coming!
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