Guidelines and Procedures for Mass Attendance
At this time, we are able to offer services (Daily Mass and Sunday Mass) in our churches at 25% occupancy. Blessed Sacrament has the capacity of 110 people which St. Vincent De Paul 80 people, therefore reservations are required. Parish office information is at the bottom of page and at the links above.

Guidelines from the Diocese of Syracuse

All the faithful of the Diocese of Syracuse remain dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation until further notice.

 If you are sick or symptomatic, please do not attend Mass.

   Those who are vulnerable (i.e. sixty-five years of age or older, with underlying health conditions, with immune deficiencies) should stay home and continue to watch virtual Masses.

 Contact information for every person attending is required. Register at parish offices to attend Mass (links above and phone below).

If you are planning to attend Mass

Please ensure that everyone attending has a mask and hand sanitizer available for your use. You will keep your face mask during the whole Mass.

 There will be only one door to enter the church where you will meet an usher. They will check your name, your temperature and will show you (and your group) where to sit.

The greeter will hand you the bulletin (or any other literature) for you to have. Please take them home. Do not leave it in church.

Drop your collection into the collection basket/box with the ushers.

At the end of the Mass, you may exit any door in the church.

Before and/or after Mass crowding and socializing are discouraged.

No shaking hands or hugging during the sign of peace.

Holy Communion

 All those who receive Holy Communion will walk into the central aisle to go to receive it. Please be aware of the six feet mark on the floor to keep social distance.

All who walk to receive the Holy Communion need to keep their face mask on. When receiving communion; hand sanitize, step aside to lower mask to consume Eucharist, replace mask to return to your pew.

After receiving, return to your pew using side aisle.

At the End of the Mass

Exit using any door of the church and avoid gatherings in the church or in the parking lot.

If you have any questions, please contact our Parish Offices:

Blessed Sacrament: (315) 437-3394 or e-mail

St. Vincent: (315) 479-6689 or e-mail
On Sunday June 14, an individual who attended the 7:30 Mass tested positive for Covid 19. After the Mass, this individual received notification from the Onondaga County Department of Health (OCDH). In accordance
with OCDH protocols, the individual was wearing a face mask and was social distancing. All individuals who attended that Mass per OCDH protocols were contacted and asked to self-monitor and to contact their doctor if they experience any symptoms. If you have any questions, you can contact the Onondaga County Health
Department at 315-435-3155 during the day or 315-435-3252 at night.
There is an URGENT need for blood for the Red Cross.  Blessed Sacrament will be hosting a Blood Drive again on July 7 from 2PM until 7PM. It will be held in the Andrea Polcaro Room of the school. Pre-registration can be done online at under the "donate blood" tab. We are also looking for volunteers to help staff the event with registration and canteen personnel. If anyone would like to volunteer, contact Bobby Decker at the Blessed Sacrament Rectory at 315.437.3394.

Blessed is the man that receives the Heavenly Father as Lord of his Life. Blessed is the father that will lay down his life for his wife and children.

Blessed is the father that offers to wash the dishes and tend to the baby, so mother can have a break, even after his long day at work.

Blessed is the father that can attentively and patiently listen when he gets home to crying children, and an exhausted and frustrated wife. Then be able to smile, to offer comforting and soothing words, regardless of his feelings and frustrations.

Blessed is the father that takes the time to read the Bible to his children and pray with them, teaching them to receive his Heavenly Father as their Lord.

Blessed is the father that disciplines his children with love, making sure his life is a loving example of his Heavenly Father.

Blessed is the father that can patiently listen to his teenagers, when they are telling him that he is too old and doesn’t understand the world of today.

Blessed is the father that spends late nights and lonely hours in intercessory prayer for his wife and family, so he will be able to allow his Heavenly Father’s love, patience, long-suffering, meekness, temperance, forbearance and forgiveness, to be seen and expressed in demanding the opportune moments.

Blessed is the father that is able to praise the Lord while the house has run amuck; mending his family’s hurts and frustrations, disciplining, and handling financial disruption, all the while knowing the right words to say in love.

Blessed is the father that teaches and leads his family into becoming a Family of God.
Blessed is this humbled father, this unselfish man, who lovingly leads this home, as it has been taught to him by the Heavenly Father, through His son Jesus Christ!

Submitted by John Macko, Blessed Sacrament Church
Share the Wealth Winners!

$75 Winners: Fr. Yennock (x2), Judy King, James Gorynski, Susan Gonnella, Joe Pishotti, John Macko, Joelle Rotondo-Ferrari, Sarah and Steven Schaefer, Eleanor O’Donnell

$1,000 Winners: Patricia Kenyon, Fr. Kevin Maloney, Patrick DeStefano, Jean Bonito, Pat Delledera

$2,500 Winners: Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Heffron, Edward J. White

$10,000 Winner: Ernie DiStasio

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you for supporting Blessed Sacrament. Many thanks to Marie Tassone, Mary Rougeau, Jack-Lynn Corcoran and Janice Corcoran for their hard work with Share the Wealth!

50/50 Raffle
For just $5.00 you could be the next winner!  Contact Bob James at St. Vincent’s at 315-471-0818 to purchase. 
Saturday, June 20
Ronald Seeland and Ruth and Arthur Barry – Carolyn Armstrong

Sunday, June 21
Paula DeStefano – Husband
Richard Stachelek – Barbara and Family
People of the Parish

Monday, June 22
Victims of the Pandemic Virus

Tuesday, June 23
People of the Parish

Wednesday, June 24
People of the Parish

Thursday, June 25
Frank and Jennie Colabufo – Dc. Mike and Sharon Colabufo

Friday, June 26
Anne James LaFex - Wife

Saturday, June 27
Tim Casion - Family

Sunday, June 28
Nick Piccolo – Pearl Piccolo Family
Joseph Brigandi – Family
People of the Parish

Sanctuary Lamps
First Anniversary James LaFex – Love, Wife 
Reflection for the 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13
Responsorial Psalm: 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35
Second Reading: Romans 5:12-15
Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:26-33

Reflection: Jesus tells the Twelve: Fear no one. And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” In the First Reading, the ungodly people want to destroy prophet Jeremiah because of his preaching against their evils. In the midst of all these rejections, the prophet anchors himself to God when he says, “But the LORD is with me like a might champion, my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph.” As God’s people, we are not exempted from rejections, persecutions and trials even when we do the good works of God. Jesus, the Son of God who brought us the gift of salvation ended up dying on the cross at Calvary. At the cross Jesus continued to love his people and fully anchored himself to the Father when He prayed, “Into your hands father, I commend my spirit.” St. Paul writes, “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is Christ Jesus our Lord,” Romans 8:35 -39. In all circumstances, we are called to remain in God who is everything. Amen. Fr. Severine
Cobra Classic Golf Tournament

Monday, July 13, 2020. 12:30PM. The Pompey Club, 7200 Hamilton Road, Jamesville. Proceeds benefit the Bishop Grimes Scholarship Fund. Register today! Call 315.314.7157, Ext. 4 or email
We pray for Rosalie Sorbello, Lynne Recore, John Fortino, Elizabeth Walrath, Jean Suits, Patrick Brewer, Yang Juan, Terri Close, Jill Danial, Mary Griffin, Cole Malone, Elizabeth Gilbert, John Laura, Susan Moro Campbell, Missy DiPaulo Angotti, Carolyn Armstrong, Mary Linehan, Mary Extale, Mary Gersbacher, Mary Ingalls, Rita Bross, Marlene Brush, Roslyn Antonacci, Harold Thompson, John Gersbacher, and Grace McNamara.
Practice social distancing
Please remember to stay a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from others. Let’s all be as safe as possible.
Social Distancing
Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus Registration is Open - We are thrilled that we will be able to host Totus Tuus this summer! The cost for Totus Tuus 2020 is $35.00 per child; a maximum of $70.00 per family for the Day Program and $10.00 per youth for the Evening Program. Pre-registration is required.
Participating Parishes
St. Rose of Lima, North Syracuse: July 5 - July 10
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Baldwinsville: July 12 - July 17
Divine Mercy, Central Square: July 19 - July 24
Holy Cross, Dewitt: July 26 - July 31
For more information about Totus Tuus, health and safety measures, and to register please visit:

Steubenville Virtual Summer Conference
Steubenville Live is an entirely virtual, live-streamed Steubenville Youth Conference scheduled for July 17-18, 2020. This will be like no other virtual event offered! Rather than just staring at your screen the whole time there are many interactive elements to allow you to actively participate from home or parish. While nothing can fully replace an in-person Steubenville Conference, we are so glad to have the opportunity to gather virtually as the Body of Christ. Registration begins June 15. There are additional registration options available for families or individuals. More information:

Summer Luncheon Series
Month of July - Wednesdays, 12-12:45PM. Especially during this unprecedented time, it's important to pause and allow God to fill us with his grace!  Over the course of 5 weeks, a panel of presenters will share their perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic. Tune in to hear the challenges and blessings, and maybe even see your own experience through a different perspective.

July 1- Michael Dopp, founder of Mission of the Redeemer Ministries and the New Evangelization Summit, and co-founder of Uevangelize. Register for July 1:

July 8 - Andrea Schaffer - Associate Director of Catechesis, Diocese of Syracuse.  Andrea has served the Diocese for 20 years. She is a graduate of the Loyola Institute for Ministry and a certified spiritual director.  Register for July 8:

July 15 - Dc. Keith Strohm - Executive Director of M3 Ministries. Keith is a renowned evangelist, author and speaker. He is a deacon for the Archdiocese of Chicago.  Register for July 15:

July 22 - Danielle Cummings - Chancellor, Diocese of Syracuse. Danielle has been with the diocese since 1996. A graduate of Syracuse University, Danielle has served in communications, crisis management and various other roles at the diocese.  Register for July 22:

July 29 - Kevin Frank - Executive Director, Brady Faith Center. Kevin has extensive experience working with the urban community and a passion to serve people and families in their neighborhoods.  Register for July 29:

Formation for Ministry
Formation for Ministry/Deacon Formation Virtual Information Session, Wednesday, August 5, 6:30-7:30 pm. Are you or is someone you know thinking about Formation for Ministry or the Diaconate?  The Offices of Formation for Ministry and Deacon Formation are offering virtual information sessions Wednesday, August 5, at 6:30 pm. Each session will include an overview of the two-year Formation for Ministry program leading to commissioning as a lay ecclesial minister and an overview of the process for becoming a deacon. Time for questions will also be included. Formation for Ministry is a prerequisite for becoming a deacon. Register at: or call 315-470-1491.

From the Brady Faith Center
Brady Faith Center continues the movement started by Fr. Brady 75 years ago. A movement to the margins. A movement in solidarity. We invite you to move with us! Raise funds and awareness for the Southwest neighborhood of Syracuse. Invest in our community, families, and future leaders. Show your support and either join a small group ride from the Brady Farm or set your own goal and participate from wherever you may be! Learn more and sign up here:

Women’s Summit
The Lux Virtual Women's Summit starts this Friday. Hear from some amazing Catholic women who will equip you with hope and practical advice about bringing the light of Christ to a world sorely in need! For more information or to register go to: 

Day of Hope and Healing
Are you a woman seeking peace and forgiveness from an abortion? Join us for a Day of Hope and Healing on July 18th, hosted by Project Rachel Ministry. For more information or to register, contact Project Rachel @ 855-364-0076 or: All calls and emails are confidential.  
St. Vincent's

Saturday, 4:00pm Rose Crescenzi, anniversary, req. by her daughter Adleen Barry

Sunday, 9:30am People of St. Vincent’s

Monday, 12:00pm (in church) June Lopez, req. by Marge Leonardo

Tuesday, 12:00pm (in church) Linda Marie Cardinale Hartmann, birthday, req. by her husband, Wayne

Wednesday, 12:00pm(in church)Arlene Rainone, req. by Legion of Mary

Saturday, 4:00pm Maryanne Griffin Hines, req. by Catherine Ranieri

Sunday, 9:30am Raymond & Claire Garvey, req. by
Madeline Duda

WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMFORT AND RESTORATION OF HEALTH FOR: Kim Harrington (granddaughter of John and Joanne Harrington), Sandra Betts, Desiree Landers, Nate Wagner, Madeline Duda, Marilynn Bause, sister of Lauren Brooks, Suzanne Thompson (sister of Bill
Winchell), Judy D’Amore, Martin Griffin, Anne Marie Drury, Fred Sniper, Carm Fitzgerald, Tony Caruso, and Tom Knapp.

During this time of struggle, we hope that you’re able to continue supporting St. Vincent’s church monetarily with your weekly envelopes. It continues and the bills are high. Even though there are no masses, you may continue to be updated and read the bulletin at our website You may view daily and Sunday masses with our Bishop Lucia at

Envelopes will be counted every second or third week. Money counted for weeks 6/07, 6/14 (2 weeks): Offertory $3,336.00; Received from 24 envelopes $3,061.00; Loose: $ 275.00; Bldg. Fund: $ 40.00. We would appreciate that you use the Fuel and Heating envelopes in the pews to assist the increased bills. ANY AMOUNT WOULD BE HELPFUL. Our NATIONAL GRID BILLS were: January, $1,696.16, February, $1,559.58, March, $1,163.85, April, $867.71, and May, $626.38 for the church buildings. Thank you!

Due to the Covid-19 this year's tournament scheduled for May 31st has been changed to
August 23 rd at Westvale Golf Course. A Steak dinner is being planned to follow the Tournament. Watch for further details. Thanks!