Hi Everyone!
Happy Father's Day!
Welcome to summer! I need your help. Two of my friends and I are doing a fundraiser for a wonderful cat rescue, Second Chance Animal Rescue League, inc. on June 6, 2004 7pm-9pm. All the proceeds are being donated to the rescue to help them with the medical costs of rescuing kittens and TNR ferals (trap, neuter release to help control the cat population). Ticket sales (only $25.00) have been slow. If you are free, please consider joining Angela Williams-Jones, Yvonne Giovinco and myself as we give Spirit and Animal messages over zoom. The event is listed under Event Brite (search for animal, spirit and Northport) or use the link provided below. Thank you!!!!!
I have exciting personal news that will impact my schedule a bit this summer. I have qualified to host an orphan / foster child from Columbia for 5 weeks. The young lady who is 13, will have the opportunity to see America, live in a family, make new friends and hopefully learn a little English. This will occur during July so I am cutting back on my work schedule that month. In August, I am off to teach in Lily Dale and I hope to see some you up there! It is a wonderful place with lots of spiritual and healing energy.
Reminder, I will be presenting in person at the Eyes of Learning for whom I serve as one of their ambassadors. It will be Friday, June 14, 2024 at 8pm - 10pm. They generally video the event and broadcast it live so you can also watch from the comfort of your own home. The topic will be Animals and the afterlife. I will speak about how we can communicate not only with our loving pets, here and in the hereafter but how spirit will send us messages using animal sighting or send us animal guides. As many of you know, I love animals and working with their energy is often gentler than the human incarnates. These are either in person or you can watch via zoom. If attending via zoom, please purchase the ticket at least one day before so they can send you the zoom.
The next Spirit Chat with Mari & Winter Brook is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 3pm. We will be joined by the one and only Jacob Cooper, Mlsw, near-death experiencer and best selling author. To join us in the zoom room: Spirit Chat
REIKI 1 is scheduled for Sunday, June 9, 2024 @ 10:00am - 2:00pm. It will be taught my Reiki Master / Teacher partner, Angela Williams - Jones and I, in my office at 171 Main Street, Northport, NY 11768. There are a maximum of 6 seats. If you wish to come, please reach out! This is a wonderful opportunity to progress with this beautiful energy modality at the beginning of Spring.
I have put together a (6) Class series on Trance mediumship thru Zoom on Tuesdays, September 17 – October 22, 2024 7:00 – 9:00 pm NY edt. During the series we will cover and experience trance healing, trance speaking, channeling, and more. We will discuss the various levels of the altered state for each aspect of mediumship. Learning trance will enhance all other areas of your metaphysical practice. We will blend with Guides, Angelic Realm, elementals and more. Class tuition will be $350.00. Early bird special $300 if paid before August 31, 2024. To register please email: winterbrookpsychicmedium@gmail.com or call (631) 261-9300.
For those of you unfamiliar with my private mediumship development Facebook group, it is a place you can post to find a partner to practice reading each other. There are a couple of practice circle meeting as well, evening and daytime, free to join. Click here Facebook private development group
Finally, I would really appreciate if any of you who have worked with me in classes, at lectures or as clients, could leave a positive review on google or similar type search engines. People have told me they call me based upon reviews or recommendations so if you have a few minutes and could leave one I would really appreciate it! Thank you.
Sending you loads of love and many blessings.
Love and Light,
Winter Brook