Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
- Francis of Assisi

Happy Fall from Destined for Grace!
The fall semester is well underway and our students are doing exceptionally well.  We currently have 210 students enrolled at our school, only 90 of which are currently sponsored!
Our New School in Haiti!

We are incredibly excited about our new school in Haiti! The building is estimated to be finished by December of this year! Students will begin the spring semester at this new campus.

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

We have currently raised over $70,000 for the building of our new school.  We are $10,000 away from reaching the amount needed to complete this project! We ask that you consider giving towards this need. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is glorious! We praise God for giving us the funds necessary to build this new center for learning.
P.O. Box 925, Carpinteria, Ca 93014 | 805-680-0869 |
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