The tomb is empty!
Allelulia! Allelulia!
The Lord is Risen!

Easter blessings to all from the Board of Trustees, students, faculty and staff of The De La Salle School!

Our sincerest appreciation to those who continue to support and pray for the mission of Catholic Lasallian education here at The De La Salle School.

Thank you to our benefactors and donors whose generosity allows us to continue to provide an affordable Catholic education.

Your support is a gift of HOPE to the young men who God has entrusted to our care.

Roxanna DePeña-Elder

Executive Director

The De La Salle School | 87 Pine Street, Freeport, New York 11520 | (516) 379-8660

Voice: 516 379-8660 Fax: 516 379-8806
