Blessed Easter & We're Back!!
It's That Time Of Year!

It's Spring! It is the time of year when the grass is green, but it doesn't need mowing!

It's also the time of year when it is time to change wallhangings and door hangings.

But, most importantly, it is the time of year to be thankful for our blessings and forgiveness!
We're Back & Going Full Steam Ahead!!

The other day I was surprised to receive an email titled "Are you back?" After all, I knew that we were back! Obviously, not everyone else did.

I called the lady to let her know that we were open. She had assumed that due to all of the heart related problems that I had graced upon the Porter Hospital [AKA NWI Hospital] that it would be a while until we opened again.

In retrospect, that was a reasonable assumption. Not only was I out of commission, but my lovely wife Ruth was with me the entire 10 days of my hospital stays. So, there was no one to man, or to woman, the shop.

But, two heart attacks, three stents, and one pacemaker later, I was on my feet and discharged.

Unexpectedly, the recovery has been slower than that of the massive heart attack that I had experienced thirteen years ago [which was on our anniversary and this one occurred over Christmas - my timing is impeccable!]. However, with a lot of prayer and physical therapy, I am recovering, stronger, day by day.

A Total Rewrite!

I usually write a lot of emails, but since I've been back, I've only written one. The answer is not that I've been to weak. It is because for the past five months Ruth and I have been rewriting our "Advanced Autopilot Mach 3 For The Innova" training materials. It was a total rewrite.
The rewrite expanded the size from 110 pages to 186 pages, a significant amount of work! Likewise, we went from 4 to 5 hours of high definition MP4 video, and from 334 to 630 illustrations.

In addition, we are bundling this training with the "Being Creative With Your Mach 3" as a single product providing the longarmer with eight hours of combined video for learning and reference.

This has been a huge undertaking. It was prompted by what we noticed about the learning needs of our longarmers, although we have received only glowing reviews from our hundreds of longarmers. It also brings into focus the changes and improvements that Innova has made in its Mach 3 software, which have been substantial.

We have enjoyed bringing this new version [7] to Mach 3 longarmers. It has now been proofread, tested on both the M-Series and the Classic Mach 3s with differences between the two highlighted in blue print. It is now ready. In fact, we have already shipped three! Whoopee!!

This means that the free two-day workshop at Accomplish Quilting, St. Joe, MI, April 21 & 22 will be using the new materials, along with the "Be Creative".
And Don't Forget!

Our grandson, Matthias, is all ready for Spring. It looks like he is tired from chopping down a few trees!

Grandma Ruth is in support! After all, he's only 2 1/2 months old. I didn't get a plaid shirt 'til I was in my twenties, as in years...I'm jealous!.

Al Fin

I trust that this was of assistance or interest. If you have any questions that need to be answered, on this or other longarming or quilting topics, then please write to me at or call 219.255.8085.

Thank you for your time and interest.
May The Lord Richly Bless You!
Rick & Ruth Grihalva
At Forever In Stitches our goal is to further the art of quilting and longarming.
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Forever In Stitches, LLC
Perfect Corner Ruler
Raggedy Ruth Designs