"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

Dear Friends:
Spring is upon us! How beautiful! We are welcoming the warmer air and looking forward to more time outside basking in God's creation! We have some fun activities planned for the teens over spring break week as well, which is very exciting... As well as our annual 5K coming up quickly on April 24, to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention month. We would love to have you join us! Please invite your family and friends as well, this is a great family event and everyone is welcome. Registration link is below. Have a blessed Easter as we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!!!

Please join us in praising Him for:
~For the beautiful weather spring brings, so the teens can be refreshed and enjoy more outdoor activities.
~God's faithfulness always.
~All of the people who continue to support and bless Agape House through their time, talent and treasure.
~The Resurrection of Jesus Christ! He came to the earth, as part of God's great plan, to restore and redeem His people... It is because of what Jesus did on the cross that we can live by faith, be forgiven our sins and spend eternity with our Father in Heaven! Happy Easter!!

Please also join us in prayer for:
~The teens to continue to "own their mistakes". To be able to move forward and accept the consequences while learning appropriate ways to express the root cause of their mistakes.
~Continued effort on the teens part to step into healing and change, as well as to hear God's voice.
~The staff to be refreshed over spring break and return filled with His hope, as a united team, coming together to run the race set before us as we head into the end portion of the school year.
~The students to also be refreshed over spring break and return to schooling with a good mindset as they finish out the year.

5K Run. Walk. Stroll. Saturday, April 24.
Register by April 8 for early bird pricing
and a guaranteed t-shirt!!!
You can register online HERE
Or you can print registration form HERE

Some of the girls enjoying
Nutrition Class...

We are grateful for the ability to accommodate individual needs...

The boys enjoyed a field trip to Prop Shaft Supply. They were shown a presentation, received a tour and got to watch the employees at work welding, balancing, painting and shipping the

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