A Note from Scott and Marsha
March 19, 2020
Well, I don't even know where to start if I'm completely honest. I've seen so many memes in the last week that have made me laugh, cry and frustrated. Personally, we have resorted to reading the news versus watching it play out on live TV. Our minds can only take in so much information in one day, let alone one hour. Our own emotions are enough ... the last thing I need is to insert emotions from hours of debate and live conversations from TV. So we read.  

In the midst of all of this, (I say this with all sincerity and don't even mean to be funny) Scott and I are still married. Having two very different personalities and enneagrams (he is a 6 and I am an 8), we respond very differently to things. And the current conditions are a BIG thing.  

So I'll be transparent. On Sunday, I was a 3 year old. I was impatient, temperamental, teary, and frustrated. Nothing was right. I resorted to cleaning out the entire refrigerator and created a system for how you actually clean up and wipe it down when you spill something rather than leaving it. (Insert eye-rolling here) Then I cleaned out the pantry from all stale and expired food. I lined up all the cans and boxes like the husband in the movie Sleeping with the Enemy . If you have not seen this movie, you must watch it while at home practicing your social distancing.  

When I feel like I can't control anything, I resort to controlling what I can. This results in very clean closets, trips to Goodwill, and giving away things I don't use. Overall, I process while I'm doing it. I process my emotions, pray, argue with myself, argue with God and just hide to take a break. For an enneagram 8, it says we are horrible in a crisis. So I allowed myself my one horrible, temper tantrum day, put myself in timeout (kitchen/closet cleaning) and I'm better now.  

For Scott, he just ducked and left for a bit. LOL. Poor guy. Gosh, I love him. Enneagram 6's are great in a crisis. He is resilient, a problem solver, calm, rational and a rock. And as you are reading this, today, March 19th, is his birthday. I can say without a doubt, I don't want to do life with anyone else. He is adored by me and our kids. Chip, the HR/Office Therapist/dog, is pretty sure he hung the moon. I could go on and on but he knows how we all feel, even those who work alongside him. While he is like the rest of us and has a flaw or two (he would say he has way more), we will celebrate with something small and wait till we can have a bigger celebration for his day. And years from now, we will look back and say, "Do you remember your 48th birthday when our country was living under a self-quarantined/social distancing mandatory? Was that not insane?" And then we will reminisce on how our country pulled together, united while apart and came out the other side stronger and hopeful. Sigh....

This is how we want to remember 2020, don't you? So do your part. Be kind. Be generous.   Don't be a hoarder.  Share. Allow some space among yourselves. Pay attention to your body. Drink lots of fluid.  Follow the CDC guidelines. Listen to your government. Support local if you can. Talk to your plants because they are working overtime to keep your air clean. Dust your houseplants. Fertilize them. Show  all living things  some love. Get OUTSIDE. Fresh air and sunshine are nature's disinfectant. And  for goodness sake , wash your hands ... and don't touch your face ... or your neighbor's face. We love you. Hang in there. WE aren't in control but we know WHO is.  
We LOVE geraniums. They really are some of the best flower performers out there in terms of longevity. They begin blooming in the spring and will bloom their hearts out until the frost comes and does its thing. Geraniums love the sun, and tolerate the heat very well. To ensure your geraniums are blooming their best, fertilize every two weeks and dead head spent blooms. Get a bang for your buck with these beauties! Protect them if temps drop below 50 F.
Weeping Cherry Trees are simply stunning this time of year. You can choose between trees that bloom white or pink. If weeping trees aren't your thing, we also have the Kwanzan, Autumnalis (blooms both spring AND fall) and Yoshino cherry trees as well. You have probably been noticing these beautiful trees if you have been out and about lately. In addition to cherry trees, we have many Redbud varieties as well as Dogwoods (both beautiful bloomers).
Imagine--fresh blueberries for snacking, pies, muffins, pancakes...the list goes on...right at your fingertips! This can be a reality in your garden! We have blueberry bushes in stock and now is a perfect time to plant. Blueberries grow great in our area! Once your bushes start to berry, you may want to cover bushes with a protective netting to keep the birds away. Be sure to plant your bushes where they can receive full sun.
Due to our current situation, we are putting all classes and workshops on hold until further notice. If classes are canceled and included a fee, a full refund will be issued. We will notify any participants of these changes well in advance. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@fgsdurham) as we hope to offer virtual class opportunities through those platforms.  
We know you are doing everything you can to stay healthy right now. We want to be a part of helping you do just that. Did you know that being outside in the fresh air, working in the garden, and caring for (and having) houseplants is great for your health? We wanted to include links to a few articles we thought you might find useful.
Do you have an area of your property that you wish was more private or less visible? We make recommendations for great shrub screening in this post.

If you are ready to plant your spring veggie garden , we have lots of fresh vegetable plants in the Garden Center to choose from. If you aren't sure where to start, check out this post about Early Spring Vegetable Planting .
We post daily to Instagram @fgsdurham (Garden Center) and @fgslandscapes (Landscape and Lawn Maintenance) and Facebook to keep you up to speed with the latest information about what we are up to, what's in stock, or all the fun we're having!
For Garden's Sake | 919.484.9759| www.fgsdurham.com