All Things, All Saints'
August 1, 2024
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Awesome August is Here!
Back to Our Regular
Worship Schedule!
Sat 5pm in the Chapel
Sun 8am in the Church + Sun 10am in the Church
Wed 12pm in the Chapel
This Sunday, Holy Baptism, too!
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Joyful July is a Wrap!
Thank you, All Saints'
for allowing us some
fun this Summer.
Looking forward to
next year!
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A Reflection from
Chesirae Valentine
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There was always something about the last, twilight days of summer that I loved as a kid. The nights grew darker and cooler, the pool-side dramas of the day wound down as the school hallway scenes were set. The summer syllabi of how to ride a skateboard and stay awake at sleepovers slipped into the scholastic studies of Grapes of Wrath and locker combinations. Both provided opportunities to learn how to love others better, to be a better version of myself. I loved the thin space between the two extremes, where nostalgia and anticipation combined with chattering friends and the smell of rain to remind me – there is always a greater More to the moments that seem meaningless.
For the first time in a while, I was reminded of my old love. Maybe it’s because we had 20 raucous middle school students at All Saints’ each Tuesday evening in June, answering trivia and building human pyramids. I got to see the same immediacy, joy, and brilliance I remember feeling as a middle schooler. Maybe it’s because I’m sketching out a mural on our Youth Haven wall, and remember doing the same with my best friends in high school, hiding our names in the roots of a giant tree. Or maybe it’s because I’m starting to see our All Saints’ kids find each other in pews, swapping books and exchanging emails, and I remember viscerally my love of friends and summer and classes blurring into an incredibly formative experience. The kids in my Tuesday evening AP study group and Saturday morning PSAT class, the rival high school’s student body president and our joint leadership team – these were the kids who shaped my understanding of loyalty, joy, and responsibility. Every game of cemetery tag, every movie night and pre-dawn Dutch run was a golden opportunity for life-giving joy. Did we make banana pancakes and piñatas at midnight before the PSATs? Absolutely. Did we collapse the next day at the test? Not until every question was answered, and only after a post-test picnic of twinkies and piñata candy.
When I look at the kids of All Saints’, I can see that this moment is another golden chance. We have so many middle and young high school students, so many new and young families. There is an opportunity right now to find the More in what seems meaningless, to connect in the thin space between school and summer found at All Saints’. So I hope you (and your families) will take advantage of our upcoming programming year, when we’ll have Youth Group game nights and parent spirituality classes, family service days, youth acolyting and education hours, and a new nursery curriculum. And while I will never encourage your children to make midnight pancakes before a giant test, I will reassure them that some education cannot be assessed by exams, but only by the joy they can embrace (and the piñatas they smash).
To find out more about our Children Youth and Family program year, please email Chesirae Valentine at, or attend the CYF ministry lab on September 1st at 9 AM.
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You are invited . . .
to the Ordination of Lucian Berry Taylor III to the Sacred Order of Priests.
Saturday, August 3, 2024 at All Saints'
(yes, our church home) at 11:00am.
Dear Lucian is ready to be ordained. We met him years ago as Deacon Patrice's new boyfriend. We celebrated their wedding and now Lucian takes the next step as he is the official shepherd of the flock at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Mesa.
All are invited to this joyful event. The offering at that service will be given to start Lucian's Discretionary Fund.
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Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 11 at the 10am Service
Get ready for the new school year:
Bring your BACKPACKS, NOTEBOOKS, LAPTOPS, or LESSON PLANS to be blessed at the 10am Service next Sunday.
Get your annual All Saints' Backpack tag . . . just one more way to keep God present with you as you go through the milestones in life.
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Are you NEW to All Saints’ or have you been here a while,
and want to connect more deeply?
You’re invited to our Newcomer Brunch!
Grab a bagel and some fruit, sit next to someone new, and learn a little bit more about All Saints’ on
Sunday, August 11 at 11:30am in St. Barbara.
Both Youth and Adult Confirmation classes will commence the first week of September. The date and time have not been finalized yet. If you are interested in joining this 8-week class to deepen your faith and gain more knowledge about the Episcopal Church, please get in touch with Chesirae Valentine at
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SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2024
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SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2024
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Children, Youth & Families | |
(for babies thru 5th birthday)
Open Every Sunday
8:30am - 12pm
drop off a little before 9.
Small Saints Pew
Sundays at 10am
Children's Chapel
Selected Sundays in AUGUST!
Watch the eblast for dates.
This Sunday, no Children's Chapel
due to Baptism at 10am service.
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We are excited to introduce our new assistive listening system.
This user-friendly Wi-Fi system enhances sound directly from the church sound system, minimizing background noise for clearer speech.
We will have six (6) listening devices/receivers available, each offering four listening options:
· An ear speaker that fits comfortably over the ear and works with hearing aids.
· A neck loop compatible with t-coil-enabled hearing aids and cochlear implants.
· Traditional over-the-head headphones.
· The option to use your own wired earbuds or headphones.
Just chat with an usher or Lori Brooks in the narthex to check out one of the receivers and ear pieces for an enhanced worship experience!
NOW: Magnifying glasses available for check-out also!
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Where Everyone Knows Your Name!
Click on the QR code to order one today!
There is a new, sleek whiteboard for NAME TAGS in the narthex--just around the corner from the Legacy Circle monument. We've also created a spot for New Orders, making it easier for you to participate in this new system. If you don't see yours, be sure to contact Lori Brooks in the Church Office at
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This week, we pray for our beloved friends and family who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
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to everyone who has sent in their pledge. It really means so much, especially now.
Three Ways to Keep Current:
1. Sending your personal check to: All Saints' Church, 6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012
2. Use your bank's
online bill-pay
3. Through our secure, online system, REALM.
Call the Church Office and we can walk you through the process easily.
Christina Berlinger is our Director of Finance. She is in the office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
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to view this week's readings and commentaries from Church Publishing.
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Where the Saints Hang Out
during the Summer
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The Yoder's enjoying Lake George, New York.
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Pauline and Gene Hechler spent some quality time outdoors in Greer, AZ! | |
Jan and Traudel walking along the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon | |
A snapshot of parish life.
Check it out.
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Everything goes on here at ALL SAINTS'
throughout the Summer.
So please do two things:
Continue to make your pledge
and send us pics
of your summer vacation
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Breakfast of Champions
Or just this morning at my house:
KODIAK PROTEIN WAFFLE, NESTLES' SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS, & REDUCED FAT COOL WHIP. Topped off with a tall glass of skim milk. Perfection!
What's your Breakfast of Champions?
* * * * *
Thank you for allowing ALL SAINTS' to be your source for meaningful worship and an ever-present light of Christ in the world -- wherever you may be. May God bless you.
Questions, ideas, thoughts, photos to share -- just contact me directly at
Faithfully yours,
Nanette Kryske Towsley
Your Director of Communications
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