Living Desert Alliance

Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving

July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

Be safe and watch out for your

children & pets!

The Living Desert Alliance is sponsoring a table at today's Town of Marana's July 4th Star Spangled Spectacular. The celebration is from 5pm-9:30 pm and takes place at the Crossroads at Silverbell District Park, located behind the Arizona Pavilions shopping center in the Continental Ranch neighborhood.

Stop by for a visit. We look forward to meeting you.

Click here to learn more!

New Report Exposes

Ugly Truths

About Hudbay’s Open Pit Mine Proposal

A three-part series of articles by Dave DeGroot, a retired Sahuarita, AZ, teacher, environmentalist, citizen scientist, and longtime hiker in the Santa Rita Mountains summarizes a hard-hitting new study commissioned by the Save the Scenic Santa Ritas Association entitled Economic Impact of the Copper World/Rosemont Mine Complex.

DeGroot's first article exposes the truth about the economic impact of this disastrous proposal and counters distorted facts presented as truth by Hudbay Mining and its representatives.

Highlights include:

  • The project's serious depletion of groundwater.
  • How the project creates “mounds of tailings dust hundreds of feet high.
  • The mine’s "new jobs" are not a big boost to the local economy
  • Copper from the mine is not essential for the United States

The easy-to-read, 16-page Executive Summary is illustrated with photos, graphs, and charts. The detailed, 80-page Full Report is also available for review free of charge.

Please take time to review this information.

Write your objections to our elected officials and local media.

Many voices CAN make a difference.

Next Week

Parts 2 and 3 of Mr. DeGroot's informative review will be presented.

Also, look for information about an upcoming series of presentations by Mr. DeGroot at various Pima County Libraries entitled:

"Secrets of the Santa Rita Mountains"

Monday, July 8th


Marana Dems and Friends invites our members to attend a meet and greet for candidates or their designees for US Congress, Arizona House and Senate, and Marana Town Council as well as special guests.

Use the button below to RSVP for this unique opportunity to meet attending candidates in person and learn more about their positions on critical issues facing our community.

Meet the Candidates

Coalition for Desert Protection

Habitat Restoration Days

Last two of the Season!


Sign up for one or both of the events below to become part of the Desert Wildlife Crossing Crew and help create and maintain native habitat on the Oracle Road Wildlife Crossings.


Watering Plants

Friday, July 12th, 7:00am-10:00am

Help water plants and scout for invasive vegetation such as Russian thistle and buffelgrass!


Agave Planting

Saturday, August 3rd, 7:00am-11:00am.

For their last project day, you’ll help plant agaves with Bat Conservation International. These plants attract bats to the bridge! You will also help water plants and scout for invasive vegetation such as Russian thistle and buffelgrass!


RSVP online here!

Look through our opportunities and select this scheduled event.

Changes to Tucson's

"Hard to recycle Program"

Cause Concern

On July 1st, changes were implemented to the City of Tucson’s Hard to Recycle Plastics Program (HTRP). These changes have caused some concern and questions as outlined in Vice Mayor Kevin Dahl's excellent breakdown in his June 28th Newsletter.

One major concern is the requirement that all hard-to-recycle plastics be collected in the new orange Hefty bags in order to be eligible for recycle.

Click below to learn more about this program.

Frequently Asked Questions


July 30th is

Our State Primary

On July 3rd, early voting began, and ballots were mailed to eligible voters on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and to eligible voters who requested a one-time ballot by mail for the Primary Election.

Make sure to mail your completed ballot back no later than 07/23/2024 or RETURN it at any of the many Early Voting Sites by 07/29/2024.

You can also RETURN it to any Vote Center on Election Day, 07/30/2024, by 7 pm.

Voting is the single best way to

initiate change in our community.

Click on buttons below for additional critical dates

Arizona Voter Information
Arizona.Vote:  Register to Vote Here
Living Desert Alliance Website.Stop by for a visit and subscribe to our newsletter!

Living Desert Alliance