Number 58, April 2014
Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter
2570 W. El Camino Real � Suite 111 � Mountain View, CA 94040 � (650) 917-1121   


"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. 
Be the living expression of God's kindness: 
kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile." 
-- Mother Teresa


Happiness has been a recent theme in our personal lives.  First, through a lovely, uplifting movie, "Finding Happiness," next through an inspiring talk given by one of our naturopathic colleagues at a conference, and finally through our own daily experience of life. The movie is available in our office on DVD and Dr. Connie refers to the talk in one of her articles, below.  As for happiness in our personal lives, we hope that is revealed through the quality of our relationships with our patients, families and friends.


The Mother Teresa quote, above, we find especially thought provoking.  It seems that all great souls who have incarnated on earth to offer spiritual guidance speak of kindness as one of the paths to true personal and collective happiness. Swami Kriyananda, in one of the final scenes in the movie "Finding Happiness," is asked for what advice he would give to other seekers.  His answer: "Be kind to one another,"  and "...if you live to be happy, you will find those things that make you happy."  It cannot be said more simply, more eloquently or more profoundly.


Is happiness a choice we are able to make?  Are we so bound by our own habit patterns and perceptions that we are irrevocably stuck?  Paramhansa Yogananda said that "a saint is a sinner who never gave up."  We try to the best of our ability to walk our talk, to manifest our lives in accordance with our highest vision -- all that we know to be true.  Most of us would rather choose to be joyful than choose its boring alternative.  We need to make that choice in every moment of every day, or we can unconsciously yield to the energetic negativity portrayed through most media outlets.  The question is: What would living on the planet be like if everyone consciously chose to be kind to one another? and the next question, "What does this have to do with medicine?"  Read on.


In this copy of Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter Dr. Connie looks at happiness as a choice we can make and discusses the origin of true happiness.  She next gives us some ideas on how we may cultivate happiness from within.  Dr. Marcel looks inside himself for the feeling of happiness, then looks at it through the eyes of other people.  Dr. Corrine offers a holistic approach and tips on generating happiness.  Jane Hernandez writes of how our own thoughts limit our experience of happiness and suggests ways we may clear the roadblocks in consciousness.  


Finally, in May we will be launching a major new direction at Pacific Naturopathic.  What is it? Well, we won't spill the beans yet.  Suffice it to say that we feel like we have been guided in this direction for many years and finally all the details have fallen into place.  Stay tuned.


Be Well! 


Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel


Dr. Connie muses on the origin of happiness
Dr. Marcel looks at happiness through others' eyes
Intravenous Nutritional Protocols at Pacific Naturopathic
Dr Connie offers tips on cultivating happiness
Dr. Corrine offers thoughts on holistic happiness
Jane Hernandez, CCHT, looks at energetic ways to foster mental happiness
Recipe: Vegan paella
Breast Thermography: Happiness comes from feeling safe
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii -- find happiness in naturalbeauty
Rapid Pain Relief With Elijah Free
You May Not Know All We Provide at Pacific Naturopathic
Two Major New Offerings at Pacific Naturopathic!
Give the Gift of Health to a Loved One
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Classes and Events




Schedule an Appointment:
Pacific Naturopathic
2570 W. El Camino Real
Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040 

The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm.  The clinic is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 to 1:30 PM  


at Pacific Naturopathic
Dr. Connie's Musings...

Dr. Connie muses in Waipio Valley near Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii


Happiness is a Choice


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I have always thought Bhutan to be a seductive and intriguing destination in that the Bhutanese government measures prosperity, not with Gross National Product, but with an assessment of happiness. The Gross National Happiness Commission reviews policies and allocates resources. Google for a listing of parameters and tools used in their analysis.


Happiness is harder to define and quantify than you might imagine.


Recent research from Healthways lists 5 criteria which can be used to evaluate quality of life, or well being, considered tantamount to happiness. They are as follows:

* Purpose, which is defined as liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals.

* Social, defined as having supportive relationships and love in your life.

* Financial, as in managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security.

* Community, the situation of liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community.

* Physical, the state of living in good health with enough energy to get things done daily.


All good and important things, but satisfying these criteria doesn't necessarily equate to happiness. We've all noticed that people who are deeply loved may also be unhappy; that poverty does not necessitate unhappiness; that people with chronic illness are often uncommonly grateful for their lives, and happy.


Our now 26 year old son, as a child, attended Living Wisdom School a private school in Palo Alto. As do many schools, Living Wisdom School had a list of rules the children were to follow.  Among those rules is "Choose Happiness."

(Read the Living Wisdom School rules here.) 


The notion that happiness is a choice is surprising to many of us. We tend to imagine that if our worlds were just the way we wished them to be, we would be happy. The presumption is that happiness comes from favorable circumstances outside ourselves, rather than from within. But, in fact, happiness does come from within.


There is a bind, though, isn't there? If happiness is a state of being, where do we learn practices which we might undertake to encourage that state of being when we are not experiencing it?  How is it that we come to break the choice of misery and make the choice of happiness?  See my article on "Fostering Happiness" below for discussion and ideas!

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Happiness: The Search for 

True Meaning


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"To work with God's happiness bubbling in the soul 

is to carry a portable paradise within you wherever you go."

-- Paramahansa Yogananda


                  Marcel Hernandez, N.D.



Writing about happiness has presented challenges.  Writing comes alive when the author writes about something they know about or have direct experience of.  Writing about health issues and how the body functions is easy for me.  I walk in the medical world every day. Healing is my passion and personal experience. And so the questions arise:  What do I know about happiness that I can write about? And even more evocative, Am I happy? 


Here's what I know about happiness: not much past the dictionary definition.  I hardly ever think about happiness.  I almost always have a positive, optimistic state of mind and don't really know the feeling of unhappiness.  Suffering?  Yes, I know a bit about that, but that's different. For the most part, I just move through my days in relative peace feeling blessed.  Is ignorance bliss?


From my medical studies, I also know that happy people have fewer physical maladies and when they are ill, they move through their challenges with less difficulty.  Numerous studies have detailed how negative emotions harm the body. Serious, sustained stress or fear can alter biological systems in a way that, over time, adds up to "wear and tear" and, eventually, illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Chronic anger and anxiety can disrupt cardiac function by changing the heart's electrical stability, hastening atherosclerosis, and increasing systemic inflammation. 


A 2013 review performed at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign of more than 160 studies of human and animal subjects has found "clear and compelling evidence" that -- all else being equal -- happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers.  And that's the medical consequence of happiness.


So not being an expert on happiness, what I thought I would do is comment on what some well-known people have to say about happiness.  Perhaps I may deepen my understanding in this way.


 "For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) This quote points out the necessity of recognizing that every moment is precious and that it is our task to infuse it with gratefulness and joy. 


"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." (Abraham Lincoln).  This is the crux of the matter, isn't it?  Happiness is a choice.  Even in the midst of suffering there exists the option to transform our experience of life.


 "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." (Mahatma Gandhi) When we are consistently bringing our highest vision into real and honest expression there can be no room for unhappiness.


"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." (Dalai Lama XIV) Again, we are responsible for creating our own inner impressions of our experience of life.


"Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it."  (Elizabeth Gilbert)  Like everything in life, we strive to achieve what we truly want and need, and once there, consistent vigilance and maintenance is required.


"I'm here in the cause of happiness." (Louis Armstrong)  Can there be any other reason for living?  This simple quote applies to not only one's individual happiness, but also to the happiness of all other beings on the planet.  When each of us recognizes our responsibility as part of the greater whole, happiness on Earth will reign supreme.


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Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work with men at:

Intravenous Nutritional Protocols

at Pacific Naturopathic

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Many disease states compromise the human gut's ability to adequately absorb nutrients like amino acids, 
minerals, and vitamins.


* Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, ALS, and Multiple Sclerosis have been shown to greatly benefit from IV antioxidant protocols that help heal the inflammation in the brain often found with these diseases.


* Chronic fatigue states such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Brain Fog have mitochondrial energy deficits shown to be helped when specific natural supplements are given intravenously.


* Many immune system and detoxification functions can be improved with IV protocols.


* A number of cancers are very responsive to IV nutritional therapies which can be used to help treat cancer as well as to improve tolerance of conventional cancer treatments.


* Some treatments involve 1-3 hour drips and others are 30 minute treatments, depending on the nutrient mix and concentration being infused. 


To name a few:

            IV Glutathione

            IV Alpha Lipoic Acid

            IV Vit C

            Amino Acid infusions

            Vitamin and Mineral drips

            Myers' Cocktail

Other Protocols for Energy and Immune System Function


We have a dedicated Infusion room that is relaxing and peaceful for all these therapies.


Dr. Marcel Hernandez and Dr. Corrine Wang have been trained in IV therapeutic protocols and will be offering treatments for those patients for whom treatments are appropriate and safe.


Phone now to get on the list for treatment consideration.  650-917-1121.  An initial 30-minute consultation and current blood test is required for existing patients.  A 90-minute first office call and blood test is required for new patients.  




Fostering Happiness


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Connie Hernandez, N.D.

Shanti Rubenstone, MD


At a recent naturopathic conference, naturopathic oncologist Lise Alschuler presented a talk entitled "The science and holism of happiness and its impact on patient wellness and naturopathic practice."  Within the discussion of happiness was the following description of a happy state of being: "Breathing a sense of wonder, sacredness, and true understanding into one's perception of the world, into one's relationships, and into one's actions".  


Somehow, someone determined that a person's happiness set point is about 50% epigenetically (resulting from external influences) determined; 10% circumstantial; and 40% intentional. As the epigenetic factor is considered mutable rather than fixed, we ourselves influence or determine up to 90% of our own happiness.


Developing specific intentions is workable. You might, for example. intend to develop within yourself the attributes of happy people.  Dr. Alschuler mentions these attributes as mindfulness, flow, playfulness, peak performance, compassion, and commitment to loving, passionate and intimate relationships. Look to young children for their delight and playfulness, and ability to flow from one emotional moment to the next. Mindfulness training is widely available, and teaches nonjudgmental attention to the present moment. Compassion can be developed through practicing kindness and service to others. Unhappy people often find themselves happy when they drop their concern for themselves and their own circumstances, and engage in helping others.


If your negative world view is causing you to be unhappy, try cultivating gratitude. Each night, think of 10 things for which you are grateful. Express gratefulness to others. (Go to ) for cards and ideas).


If your mind is not quiet, be contented and in the moment with a cat purring on your lap. Note the pleasure you feel when sharing a home cooked meal with friends, or the love you experience in hugs with partners and friends. Savor these experiences, and look for them, talk about them, expect them.


If you have been unhappy with your health, try reframing your experiences. Think back on a time when you worked on improving a current health condition. What core strengths can you acknowledge in your life in general? What are the strengths that allow you to move forward with the health condition? What message are you being given by your condition? Could the bowel condition be a signal that you need to balance your life or develop better stress busting practices? Where is the power in your story?


By acknowledging the strengths we have to deal with our weaknesses, you develop awareness that you can create different circuitry in your brain and modify your mind/body response to the world. Celebrate your strengths and the wisdom of your body.


Emotional freedom technique and hypnotherapy go beyond the mental work and behavior change and help us reprogram reactive emotions that have created dysfunctional responses to the world around us, creating unhappiness. Beyond that, meditation takes us into a nonreactive space within, from which our neurologic circuitry can be rewired, creating for us a happier, calmer existence and a healthier physical experience as well.


Naturopathically, we advise a dynamic balance in lifestyle.  We offer neurotransmitter support with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanicals, and bio identical hormones. For example, L theanine , present in the tea plant, promotes the production of calming neurotransmitters. Phosphatidyl serine supports dopamine and reduces maladaptive peaks in cortisol. Holy basil helps generate positive moods and the ability to generate happiness. Oxytocin (the "love hormone") strengthens social bonds by influencing trust, empathy, and altruism. Lemon balm brings joy to the heart. Flower essences address the specifics of a person's unhappiness.


The habit of unhappiness runs deep, but it is a habit. Choose to change the habit, and step by step you'll find yourself walking in a different world.

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Find out more about Dr. Connie's consulting services at:  


Holistic Happiness
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What is happiness? We think if only we had more money, or a better job, or fell in love, that we would be happier. 


When I think about the day-to-day things that we do, why we work, why we are driven, etc., a lot of it has to do with trying to make ourselves happy. It's the experience we are constantly pursuing and trying to grasp. It is so engrained in American culture that the pursuit of happiness is even stated in our constitution as a fundamental right. 


Positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book, The How of Happiness, describes happiness as "the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one's life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile." She has also analyzed studies and reports that 50% of our happiness is set by our genes, 10% by life circumstances beyond our control, and 40% by our own actions. So despite genetic factors like personality and temperament playing a large role in our happiness, we have an almost equally large role in determining our own happiness. 


Also, only 10% of happiness is set from life circumstances beyond our control, so we truly have the power to create and make choices that can raise or lower our set point of happiness. 


We sometimes underestimate just how much control we have over our own happiness. Moreover, as we choose to be happy, putting ourselves in situations that bring us joy or surrounding ourselves with loved ones, this lowers our stress and changes us on a physiological level. We can bring ourselves out of the sympathetic  overdrive state that we are normally in - the fight or flight mode that amps us up yet can also bring us anxiety, worry, fear, and can cause our bodies to break down the longer we are in this state. In the relaxed, parasympathetic state that happiness can move us into, our bodies can rebuild and restore, we can rest, we can digest our food, and our minds can relax.


So what are some simple things you can do to create more happiness in your life? Below are some simple tips that can really boost your mood. Remember, a large part of our happiness is our choice and under our control!

1)    Exercise more - Even a 20 minute walk has been shown to decrease depression and elevate mood.

2)    Sleep more - You will be less sensitive to negative emotions, and this is the time that your body and mind are able to restore and rebuild.

3)    Spend time with family and friends - This is really invaluable, even for introverts. As Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert says, "We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends."

4)    Spend more time outside - Being outdoors and spending time in nature can really help decrease stress, elevate mood, and even enhance thinking and memory. There have even been studies done on "forest bathing" in Japan, where subjects were monitored after walking either in a forest or in a city environment. The studies showed that forest environments promoted lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, greater parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity than do city environments.

5)    Help others - Giving to others and volunteering can really enrich our lives. Studies have shown that spending money on other people can make us happier than spending money on ourselves, and we are also happier when recounting that fact. Giving our time to a cause we deem worthy has also been very beneficial in making us find more meaning and happiness in our lives.

6)    Practice smiling - There have been studies showing how expressing an emotion on the outside, even if we do not feel it at the time, can change the physiological processes inside our bodies to mirror that emotion. Thus, smiling even when we don't feel it, can start changing us internally to uplift our mood. Coupling this with positive thoughts, i.e. smiling and consciously thinking of a friend or a fun trip, will definitely elevate mood even more.

7)    Meditate - Awareness meditation can help provide the space for contentment and peace. Studies show that in the minutes right after meditating, we experience feelings of calm and contentment, as well as heightened awareness and empathy. And, research even shows that regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise levels of happiness.

8)    Practice gratitude - Keeping track of our blessings each day, whether that's journaling them, sharing them with a friend, or expressing gratitude when we feel it, can be another way of directly acknowledging the good in our life and really help boost our outlook on life. 


To read more about happiness, check out the section on happiness at the Greater Good Science Center HERE


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Dr. Corrine Wang volunteers at the Stanford Cancer Care Center on the Reiki Team for staff and for patients.


Dr. Corrine has packages for her craniosacral therapy/reiki sessions at a discounted price for 50 minute and 80 minute sessions. Check out her packages here. 


For more information about Dr. Corrine, please visit her website:




   cranio 2


To make an appointment with Dr. Corrine Wang or for a free 15 minute consultation, please call (650) 917-1121.




  Elevate Your Happiness Quotient 
With Energy Healing
* * *

Jane Hernandez, CCHT

Jane 2013



Imagine if someone asked you to spend 5 minutes a day on a task that would bring you relaxation and happiness.  Something that would help you in the most stressful situations and leave you happy and at peace with yourself.  Is there such a thing? And only 5 minutes?


Yes indeed, this is possible for everyone and it's called EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping. With EFT you tap on meridian points on your own body while saying your truth. You get to clear your negative thoughts and infuse your soul, spirit and body with what makes you happy.


Once you learn it and use it there is nothing you can't tap on. That includes both emotional and physical concerns. Just try putting "EFT and happiness" in Google and you will be able to tap along with many practitioners who are demonstrating the technique.


EFT is just one of the ways in which you can choose to create your state of mind. With hypnosis you can decide to move up from feeling victimized by circumstances to being in charge of your own happiness. There are stories we tell ourselves that become fixed in our subconscious as the truth. But that doesn't mean that they ARE true, they are just limiting beliefs.


The great news is that we can change limiting beliefs to reflect what we want to be or what we want to achieve.


You can choose the attitude you desire and how to respond to challenges. So why not choose to have this power over yourself? With hypnosis you go into a relaxed state of mind in which you can reframe your negative stories. And as you increase the positive in your subconscious, your attitude becomes more appreciative and grateful. Your self-esteem grows and touches everyone you come in contact with.


Experiencing Hypnosis opens up a world of personal possibilities that can help move you higher up the happiness scale. As you become more aware of your personal strengths and live them, your happiness increases and you have every chance to become the person you are meant to be. Now, for just one moment, let yourself imagine that. It's all possible.


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Jane sees clients at both Pacific Naturopathic in Mountain View  and at her private practice in Oakland. Sessions may also be conducted in English or Spanish, Skype, FaceTime and phone.


Schedule an appointment with Jane Hernandez, CCHT

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, 

EFT (Tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

by phoning 510-676-1460, 
or by email at


Happiness is a Delicious Meal 
Shared With Friends

Dr. Marcel's Vegan Paella!

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While we were at our Hawaii retreat center in March, we invited a group of friends to share a dinner with us.  Since our trip to Spain last year, we have been relishing everything Spanish -- olives, cheeses, tapas and, of course, paella.  The recipe below, adapted from a number of on-line recipes, turned the evening into an energetic gastronomic delight!


This is a surprisingly easy to make one-pot dish that will inspire sighs of gustatory enjoyment.  Anything from fresh garden produce to holiday left overs can be used to create create an original version of this one-dish feast! The dish was named after the pan it is cooked in, a paellera, but if you don't have a paella pan, a very large frying pan will do.  Paella pans are readily available on line.  Remember that this is only one possible recipe. Use your imagination and the ingredients at hand. 


1 � cups uncooked Arborio rice 

4 � cups vegetable stock

1 cup dry white wine (the alcohol will boil off)

20  threads saffron dissolved in 1/8 cup white wine

6 tablespoons olive oil

1 veggie chorizo (soyrizo), available at most health food stores and at Trader Joe's

2 � teaspoons Spanish sweet piment�n or smoked paprika (not hot) if you can't find piment�n.

8 cloves garlic, minced

1 large cup diced onion

1/4 cup grated tomato (cut in half, grate and discard the skin)

1/2 sweet red or orange pepper diced

12-16 artichoke hearts

1 can check peas

1 small can cooked sweet peas

1 roasted, sweet red pepper, cut into strips

12 or so asparagus spears, steamed and cut into thirds

lime wedges for garnish

chopped cilantro for garnish

salt to taste


1) Heat stock and wine in a separate stock pot. Crush saffron and add it to a little bit of white wine.  After the saffron has soaked for about 15 minutes, add it and the 1/8 cup wine to the stock pot.

2) Heat paella pan over medium heat, add olive oil and saut� onions and sweet red pepper until onions are translucent. Add the garlic and continue to saut� for 3 more monutes.

3) Add the soyrizo and cook until heated, stirring all the while.

4) Add the rice, stirring until well coated with oil.

5) Add the paprika and grated tomato. Stir while cooking for a few minutes.

6) Add saffron flavored wine and hot stock. Bring to a boil while scraping the bottom of pan. By now, the rice should be level in the pan and you will not need to stir from this point on.

7) Adjust heat to maintain a nice simmer and cook uncovered.

8) When the rice has absorbed most of the liquid but still has a soupy appearance push the artichoke hearts into the rice.

9) Once the rice is mostly cooked arrange the rest of the ingredients in a decorative pattern on top.  During this time the rice should be caramelizing on the bottom of the pan or creating what is called the socarrat. It will make a faint crackling sound and smell toasty sweet but not burnt. The rice itself should be quite moist, not soupy, and fully cooked or very slightly al dente. Set aside to "rest" for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro, garnish with lemon wedges around the side of the pan, and serve family style directly from the pan, placed in the center of the table.


Serves 6 to 8 people.  Leftovers are fantastic, even eaten cold.  


Absolutely yummy.

Breast  Thermograph
at Pacific Naturopathic 
Measuring the temperature of the breasts


Normal thermog photo
Thermography is noninvasive and offers therapeutically useful information



As providers of health care, we feel happy when we can provide diagnostic tests that are helpful and non harmful. We are grateful that breast thermography is one of those tests. Breast thermography does no harm to the body. There is no compression or radiation of the breast tissue. Our technician, Ardell, photographs the breasts using a heat sensitive computerized camera. The resultant report gives "thermal risk" numbers for each breast.


The thermography camera records temperature differences between the breasts. The differences are quantifiable and indicate differing physiologic processes which may be benign, or may reflect inflammation or other developing issues with the breast tissue. Thermography cameras also picture patterns of vasculature. These patterns allow us to further assess risk as blood vessels characteristically proliferate at a certain stage of tumor development.


All of this is not particularly useful unless we can do something about it therapeutically.  We have seen very high risk thermal ratings revert to low risk with appropriate treatment. We generally do comparative thermography after three months of treatment to evaluate whether the treatment has been successful. We're happy to be of service and our patients are happy, as they have been offered a proactive and safe alternative with which they can monitor and take control of their breast health.




The cost to you of breast thermography is $225.


Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:


Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic 



Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii

Happiness Amid The Greens and Blues

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Openings Beginning in May
Walking on the property brings visitors in tune with natural beauty

There is a palpable connection between transcendent natural beauty and inner peace and harmony.  We feel it while we are at our Hawaii retreat and our guests tell us how they feel restored and elated after a stay on the property. For a short while, the cares and responsibilities of the world are set aside and a new feeling is allowed to permeate our physical and emotional cells -- the feeling of happiness. If only we all could carry this state of being back into the world of duties and obligations!  But even for a short while, the beauty transforms us, giving us a hint of what is possible in our everyday lives.


Even on a foggy, rainy day the beauty of the land is magical.

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Buddha sits quietly in the beauty 
and serenity of
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii


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Pacific Naturopathic in Hawaii is also always available for meditation retreats, health retreats, honeymoons, getaways or as a base for exploring the island.


Pacific Naturopathic's Hawaii Vacation Rental 




Rapid Pain Relief 

With Elijah Free


Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT  

Elijah Free

Elijah Free's approach to helping his patients deal with physical pain has been described as bordering on miraculous.  Elijah is also a Master Herbalist who designs and produces all of his own herbal products for his healing practice. He is an herbal product designer for Ridgecrest Herb Co. Elijah also holds a patent for his herbal fibromyalgia formula.  

To contact Elijah, please either call the clinic at 650-917-1121 or e-mail at


To learn more about the healing work of Elijah Free, please go to his web sites:
purple logo
Services Provided at 
Pacific Naturopathic

It has occurred to us that we offer so many therapies and approaches to health that it would be good to list them in concise form.  

For information, please contact us at 650-917-1121.


* Naturopathic Consultations For All Health Conditions

* Intravenous (I.V.) Nutrition Therapy 

* Breast Thermography

* Rapid Pain Relief

* Tongue and Fingernail Analysis

* Craniosacral Therapy

* Adjunctive Cancer Therapy

* Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

* Men's Health

* Women's Health

* Vitamin B12 Shots

* Flower Essence Therapy

* LaStone Massage

* Earth Friend Herb Company Products


For the following services, please contact each individual provider:


* Transformational Medicine (Shanti Rubenstone, MD, 650-209-5813)

* Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting (Jane Hernandez, CCHT, 510-676-1460)



Pacific Naturopathic now offers Vitamin B12/folic acid injections 
* Helps with fatigue, depression, brain fog,  memory problems, numbness and tingling in hands and feet and many other conditions.
* 5 minute appointment necessary.  Please phone 650-917-1121.  
* Available to established patients only.
* Only natural methylcobalamin used.

 New Offerings at 

Pacific Naturopathic


In our ongoing efforts to serve our patients with the latest, most effective natural health approaches, we are delighted to share our excitement about or latest offerings with our readers...


Intravenous Nutritional Therapy


iv photoThis is a major addition not only to our services, but to our ability to secure dramatic, positive results with safe, effective therapies.  

Here's how it works. We will need to see a comprehensive blood test not older than three months. If you have a recent blood test, you will need to have one more lab test, a G6PD, to rule out a genetic condition that is a contraindication for IV therapy.  If you do not have a recent comprehensive blood test, we can order it for you.  


Next, you will need a short office visit before onset of treatments to determine if I.V. therapy is safe and appropriate for your needs.  Your unique personal protocol will be discussed with Pacific Naturopathic doctors and you can start IV therapy the same day as the office visit.


We offer a comfortable, quiet, peaceful atmosphere where you may read, work on your computer, listen to music or watch movies (with earphones), or just sit back and relax or nap. There is minimal discomfort.  You will be able to drive yourself to and from the appointment without any difficulty.


At first, we will only be able to accommodate a maximum of four people a day for treatments.  If you feel you may be helped with I.V. therapy, or would like to just explore the possibilities please phone to reserve your space soon.  


Click here for detailed information about IV nutritional therapy offered at Pacific Naturopathic.

We are delighted to have found a far infrared sauna at a price most of us can afford.  


c in sauna
Dr. Connie enjoys the sauna between patients

We have long owned two far infrared saunas -- one at our home here in the Bay Area and one at our Hawaii retreat.  They are both big, bulky wooden structures that dominate the space they are in.


We have reached an arrangement with the manufacturer to distribute a high tech, state of the art portable far infrared sauna for a very reasonable price -- just $995 plus tax.  Shipping is free!


Like to try one before you invest? Easy...we have one in our office specifically for you to try out at no cost.  Just give a call, 917-1121, to make sure the room is free.


There are many reasons why a sauna is one of the best investments you can make for your health.  Click here to read about why we think this is a deal just too good to pass up.   


Searching for a Meaningful Gift For a Friend or Loved One?  
Give the Gift of Health! 

Gift Certificates For All Practitioners and Services Available at Pacific Naturopathic

passion flower

Looking for a conscious, meaningful, caring gift for a birthday or special occasion? 

A gift certificate to a Pacific Naturopathic practitioner lets a special person know you really care about their well-being. 



Gift certificates for all practitioners and modalities offered at Pacific Naturopathic are available by phoning our front desk at 650-917-1121, or just stopping by.


A Little About us...

 At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men, elimination of all types of bodily pain -- both mechanical and metabolic -- acute and chronic, autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion, pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols.  Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Shanti Rubenstone, MD