Last Week's Service


The Season of Easter

You are welcome at Hutto Lutheran Church

regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief, income level or education. We invite you to be a part of this faith community

Our Mission

We are one body in Christ, sent in Faith to share God's Love, through Worship, Service, Fellowship and Witness.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Paraments color: WHITE

Scripture Readings for April 21, 2024

The image of the good shepherd shows us how the risen Christ brings us to life. It is the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep, one of mutual knowledge and love, that gives the shepherd authority. The shepherd’s willingness to lay down his life for the sheep shows his love. First John illustrates what it means to lay down our lives for one another by the example of sharing our wealth with any sibling in need.

Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

From the Pastor's Desk

Grace and peace to you!

The summer of 2021 was a challenging one for our family. It was the eve of Joel’s 5th birthday (July 30th) and we had a decision to make – do we send him to kindergarten or not? We knew great parents who had made a decision either way (to send or keep back a year) and we prayed about what to do for Joel.

He had stayed home with us during the pandemic from March of 2020 until that summer. His world had been rocked by all of the transition – the end of parent’s day out, the birth of Susanna, and a move to a new home. We didn’t know what he needed but we knew we had reached the end of what we could do on our own.

A few short days after he turned 5, Joel started kindergarten. Early on in the year his teacher reached out to me and asked if Joel might be autistic. Joel was Joel, we had no clue of what the rest of the world might call him. At that point I was too overwhelmed with post partum depression and caring for baby Susanna to be able to process anything.

April of 2022 was autism awareness month. Through the courage of people willing to post on social media, in the course of a week I was able to connect with five people I already knew with connections to autism. The next year was filled with a lot of appointments, a diagnosis and learning for me and our family.

Over the last two years I have developed a great appreciation for my son and his unique gifts as well as grown immensely in how to support Joel as his mom.

What a gift it was to be introduced to Hutto Lutheran Church just a few months into this journey of exploration. In this congregation I have found so much love and support for Joel as well as many incredible neurodivergent people shining the light of Christ.

If you want to find out more about autism this month here are some faith based resources about autism and faith communities. I would also love to talk sometime!

God’s peace,

Pastor Amanda

Hutto Lutheran Directory Update

The Fellowship Committee would like to create an updated pictorial church directory to aid in our congregation communicating and getting to know one another. During the month of April you can check your information to make sure it is accurate. If there are updates to be made you can fill out a form with updated information. Stay tuned in May to hear more from Fellowship about the picture part of the directory.

Call for VBS Adult Volunteers

The Hutto Lutheran Church Dr. Suess VBS is in need of 5 more adult volunteers.

The positions are still open for snack masters (helper), Sign-in

(helper), Floater, 5th grade crew leader, and two 1st grade crew leaders. The

link to sign up is:

Dates: 6/24 through 6/28 from

5:30-8:00 pm


For more information contact the

VBS director, Emily Page, 512-968-8152).



Our VBS is on it’s way. Don’t miss or you’ll be sad we say. The Bible with Seuss will be lots of fun. Register Here!

From June 24 to June 28.

Hutto Lutheran Church, 402 Church Street.

With fish on the lawn, It’s the place you should go!

Each Night Kids Free Dinner from 5:30 to 6,

Festivities from 6-8 .You will like it you’ll see

Don’t miss a day. Not 1, 2, or 3.

Bible Lessons, Crafts and Snacks.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat.

Sam I am, the Grinch, and the Who’s,

And other Seuss stories, help us learn the good news! On Friday, we’ll have a big Seuss Celebration!

The whole family can join us and all of creation!

It may be the best day of your summer vacation!

Face painting, pop corn, a bounce house, and games With all this Seuss fun, you will be glad you came!

VBS Wish List

The VBS wish list has almost been completed. The only items left that are needed are bouncy balls and plastic ball pit balls.

Women's Bible Study

Women's bible study will be Wednesday, April 17th at 9:30 at Emma's house.


Feeding the 5,000

Join us this Saturday to help feed breakfast to the community.

Want to welcome guests and spend time visiting with the community? No certificate needed. Food distribution is 9:00am-12pm.

Property Work Day

Saturday, April 20th from 8AM to 12PM

CPR Class

Christian Education is hosting a CPR class on

April 21st at 12:30PM.

Register here:

If you have questions, contact Heather Duewer (512-963-2557).

Knot Perfect Quilters

meet this Sunday in the 502 building at 1 PM. Come for fellowship, cutting, ironing, matching, sewing, and quilting. Join us to try your hand at the different steps it takes to make a quilt. All are welcome! For more information contact Donna Fowler 512-736-2001.


Wednesday, April 24

Tour of the Painted Churches (Schulenburg Area)

The OWLS group (Older, Wiser, Lutherans) is planning a day trip to the Painted Churches in the Schulenburg, Texas, area on Wednesday, April 24. We hope you can join us.

We will carpool from Hutto Lutheran Church leaving at 8:15. We should arrive at the Chamber of Commerce office, 618 N. Main Street, Schulenburg, TX, about 9:45 for a guided tour scheduled for 10:00. We will tour two churches before a buffet lunch at Oakridge Smokehouse Restaurant. Then we’ll tour two more churches after lunch before heading back to Hutto.

The cost of touring four churches is $17.00 per person. The buffet lunch is $13.95 per person (includes tax and tip). The total cost is $30.95 per person. A check can be made to Hutto Lutheran Church indicating OWLS Trip on the memo line. At our visit, we will then present one check from Hutto Lutheran Church to the Chamber of Commerce and a separate check to the restaurant. After the tour, a gratuity above the normal fee is appreciated for the tour guide.  

The Chamber of Commerce gives a generous portion of the money from the tours to the churches.

Research “Tour of the Painted Churches Texas” for more information.

Please contact Darlene Rydell if you have questions.

(512) 365-6835 or (512) 269-8981

2024 Fish Fry & Silent Auction

The second annual fish fry will be Saturday April 27th from 11AM to 3PM.

Tickets on sale now! Click the image to purchase.

Menu: Fish, fries, hush puppies, coleslaw, dessert and drink - $15 per plate.

Silent Auction with fabulous themed gift baskets, personal visit from Santa with your family, spa treatment, other personal services & homemade goodies such as pickles, salsa, breads, etc. 

Bounce House by Hutto Fire Department.

Activities for kids and families. 

For questions contact Jill Johnson, Jackie McGary, Monica Campos-Guerra and Dave Kinnaman. If you are a Thrivent member and would like to apply for a Thrivent Action Team for the fundraiser please let them know.

Bible Presentation April 28th

There will be a presentation of Bibles for children during worship on April 28th. If your child has not yet received a Bible from Hutto Lutheran let Pastor Amanda know so she can include your child in the service.

HLC Youth Bingo Fundraiser

Please join us after worship for a potluck luncheon & bingo games on Sunday, May 5th. Bingo cards will be on sale 4 for $20 or $5 each. All funds help benefit our youth programs. A Mexican themed potluck lunch & desserts will be provided by the youth families in our congregation. Kids attending (5 and under) will receive 1 card for free.

Blessing of the Graduates

Join us for worship May 19th as we pray for our Hutto Lutheran Church graduates.

Bold Women's Day 2024

Celebrate the bold women in your life.

Bold Women’s Day–May 26th– celebrates all Lutheran women who have acted or are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Some women are bold in their unceasing prayers. Other women are bold in their service to those in need. Still other women are bold in their advocacy or through their hospitality. Whether we live out our bold story of faith in the workplace, family home or community, our faith compels us to make a difference in the lives of others. It’s all about living out our baptismal call, about being a disciple of Christ. Are you bold?

More opportunities for Music

The choir will be singing more regularly and will continue to meet 2nd and 4th Sundays after church. The bell choir will continue to meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30am.

Youth Christian Education: for ages Pre-K thru High School at 9am sing-a-long opener in the Fellowship Hall followed by upper and lower elementary classes.


Pastor Amanda will be continuing the first year of confirmation classes. This year will be focused on the Small Catechism.

Adult Study on the Parables of Jesus

Pastor George Reswik is beginning a study on the parables of Jesus that meets on Sundays at 9:15am in the house at 502 Church street (the house next to the church office house).

Children's Wiggle Time

Hutto Lutheran is introducing a new children's wiggle time for children 5 and under. Directly following the Children's Sermon and through the Passing of the Peace, children will have an opportunity to be in a classroom with two Safe Gatherings certified adults. Use this link to fill out a one time permission slip. Contact Shawn Feather with questions or for more information:

The HLC Website will be getting a fresh look / update in the near future. Possibly starting in a couple weeks. The website might be unavailable some of the time during this update, so if it isn't working when you try, please come back in a bit.

Cemetery Corner

In the “Sermon on the Mount”, Jesus told the crowd they were the salt of the earth. This translates as being good, pure, honest, necessary. Salt is a pure, natural element of the earth. In order to control the unwanted vegetation on parts of the cemetery, salt is being used on some of the curbed lots as

an experiment. Next time you visit the cemetery, you may see small rocks of salt on some of the grave sites. The lots next to the trees are not being salted for obvious reasons. If this experiment is effective, the need for harsh chemicals to control the weeds will be reduced. Stay tuned for the results!

Financial Status

The Financial Status of HLC thru the end of March 2024:

Total expenditures $48,319

Total income $54,865 for a

Income over expenses by $6,546

Prayer List

Have a prayer request? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for a month. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers.


Patti Lynn Krueger, niece of Jill Johnson, the family of Sammy Lyons, Lois Haag, Sherry Fincher-Torres, the family of Peggy Almquist and Debbie Cummins, Alicia, friend of the Huffman's daugther Kelly.

Seeking personal prayer?

If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.

Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.


Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?

Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda to find out more. 

Worship Participants


Council Rep

Dennis Pompa


Altar Guild

Carol Conrad


Barbie Johnson




Connie Schmeisser

Assisting Minister

Barb Kinnaman

Communion Assistant

Barb Kinnaman

Communion Basket


Children's Message

Claudia Cook

Altar Flowers

TJ & Barbie Johnson


Thanksgiving Moment

Emily Page

Worship Volunteers

We are the body of Christ, and everyone's gifts are important! We need your help. Sign up to lead at the Hutto Lutheran Church Sign up Genius. If you want direction on leading let Pastor Amanda know and she can train you.

Greeter - Welcome members and guests

Lector - Read the lessons for the day in worship.

Assisting Minister - One or two people to offer the prayers of intercession.

Communion Assistant - Assist with serving communion.

Altar Guild - Set up for and take down communion settings.

Thanksgiving moment - One person to share briefly (two or three minutes) something they are grateful for.

Altar Flowers provide flowers for both sides of the altar.


April Birthdays

2 John Campbell

4 Pat Hayden

15 Debbie Wiederhold

23 Madelynn Johnson

24 Mary Regan

April Anniversaries

2 Reed & Katie Rallojay

7 Steve & Gulf Walters

19 Jeff & Kathy Svoboda

29 Eddie & Pat Hayden

Hutto Lutheran Church Council

Name & Ministry Team

You may send a person an email by clicking on the bold ministry team position


Executive Committee

Dennis Pompa - Council President

Frank Simon - Vice-President

Jane Bolgen - Secretary

Rodney Westphal - Treasurer

Council Members

Meg Jameson - Education

Jane Bolgen - Outreach & Fellowship

Irene Hackbarth - Financial Secretary; Outreach ;Fellowship

Frank Simon - Stewardship & Finance, Worship & Music

Emily Page - Property, Worship & Music

Tami Johnson - Property

Eric Montoya - Worship & Music

Kirtus Kolar - Property

*Tami Johnson and Eric Montoya were elected at the February council meeting to fill two vacant council positions

Office Info

Pastor Amanda is in Hutto Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays either at the church or out making visits. If you would like to visit with her and want to confirm she will be in the office or schedule a time, you can reach her by phone 512-636-9784 or by email


Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM or by appointment.

Contact info

Reach the office by leaving a message on the Church phone (512) 759-2064 or email the church office at





Last Week's Service