As we prepare for Easter with the whole church, we enter the time of remembering Jesus' passover from death to life, and our life in Christ is renewed. | |
You are welcome at Hutto Lutheran Church
regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief, income level or education. We invite you to be a part of this faith community
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Our Mission
We are one body in Christ, sent in Faith to share God's Love, through Worship, Service, Fellowship and Witness.
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Sunday, March 31, 2024
Easter Sunday
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Paraments color: White
Scripture Readings for March 31, 2024
Christ is risen! Jesus is alive, and God has swallowed up death forever. With Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, we may feel astonished and confused, unsure of what to make of the empty tomb. But this is why we gather: to proclaim, witness, praise, and affirm the liberating reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. In word and feast, we celebrate God’s unending love, and depart to share this good news with all the world. Alleluia!
Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8
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From the Pastor's Desk
Grace and peace to you!
How are you this holiest of weeks? I don’t know about you, but of for me it’s easy to get caught up in the whirl of day to day life on any regular week, and on a week like this one that is especially true, with plenty of extra events and details to consider.
But deep down under the surface of all that could easily fill this week, there is a yearning within my soul. It is the same yearning that aches deep within as I gather in a sanctuary and stand face to face with the death of someone I love. On the surface my mind is furiously whirring, trying to capture all of the memories of my loved one and hold them safe in my heart, as they are the only thing I have left to hold. But at the same time, deep within my soul, I yearn to hear the promise, to be reminded once again of how God shows up in the story.
Have you ever heard the old hymn, “I love to tell the story?” The words of that hymn come to mind today to give voice to that deepest of yearnings in my soul.
“I love to tell the story, for those who know it best
seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.”
My prayer for myself and for all of us is that someway, somehow in the course of this week, whether in the midst of the sanctuary, or a quiet moment of prayer, or driving down the road, deep down inside we may have ears to hear the story of our God who created each unique person, and loved this world enough to come to this earth and walk amongst us – to experience our pain and suffering, and to experience the worst that our world had to offer – death on a cross so that nothing could separate us from God’s love.
God’s peace,
Pastor Amanda
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Holy Week & Easter Worship
March 28th, 7pm—Maundy Thursday Worship
March 29th, 7pm—Good Friday Worship
March 31st, 7am—Sunrise Worship Hutto Lutheran Cemetery
7:45am–10:00am—Easter Breakfast
9:30am—Easter Egg hunt
10am—Flowering the Cross
10:30am—Easter Worship
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Property Workday March 30th, 8-12am
Volunteers appreciated for a property workday to prepare for Easter.
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Our VBS is on it’s way. Don’t miss or you’ll be sad we say. The Bible with Seuss will be lots of fun. Register Here!
From June 24 to June 28.
Hutto Lutheran Church, 102 Church Street.
With fish on the lawn, It’s the place you should go!
Each Night 6-8 You will like it you’ll see
Don’t miss a day. Not 1, 2, or 3.
Bible Lessons, Crafts and Snacks.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat.
Sam I am, the Grinch, and the Who’s,
And other Seuss stories, help us learn the good news! On Friday, we’ll have a big Seuss Celebration!
The whole family can join us and all of creation!
It may be the best day of your summer vacation!
Face painting, pop corn, a bounce house, and games With all this Seuss fun, you will be glad you came!
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VBS Wish List
Any of these items are greatly appreciated for VBS. Sign up in the Narthex if you are able to supply an item.
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Youth Christian Education: for ages Pre-K thru High School at 9am sing-a-long opener in the Fellowship Hall followed by upper and lower elementary classes. Sunday school will pick up again April 7th. | |
Pastor Amanda will be continuing the first year of confirmation classes. This year will be focused on the Small Catechism. Confirmation class will be on break and will start up again April 7th.
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Adult Study on the Parables of Jesus
Pastor George Reswik is beginning a study on the parables of Jesus that meets on Sundays at 9:15am in the house at 502 Church street (the house next to the church office house). This study will be on break and start up again April 7th.
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WELCA Conference
All women welcome! Registration open through April 1st. For more information about registration contact Barbie Johnson:
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Scout Sunday, April 14th
Join us for worship on Sunday, April 14th led by scouts in our congregation and with Cub Scout Pack 912, our partner organization.
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Thrivent Financial Lunch, April 14th
Thrivent Financial is a financial organization that also offers grants for funding for projects in the community through a program called "Thriven Action Teams" that all Thrivent members have access to. Join us after church on April 14th for a lunch and more information about this program. Whether you are a Thrivent member or have ideas for community projects, we would love to have you come and participate.
Thrivent Choice Dollars Expire March 31st
Thrivent Choice Dollars is another Thrivent program. If you are a Thrivent member you may be able to direct choice dollars to a nonprofit of you choice before March 31st.
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Fish Fry Save the Date
The second annual fish fry will be Saturday April 27th. Stay tuned for more details. For more information contact Jill Johnson, Jackie McGary and Monica Campos-Guerra. If you are a Thrivent member and would like to apply for a Thrivent Action Team for the fundraiser please let them know.
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The HLC Website will be getting a fresh look / update in the near future. Possibly starting in a couple weeks. The website might be unavailable some of the time during this update, so if it isn't working when you try, please come back in a bit.
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Financial Status
The Financial Status of HLC thru the end of February 2024:
Total expenditures $29,985
Total income $31,863 for a
Income over expenses by $1,878
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Prayer List
Have a prayer request? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for a month. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers.
Patti Lynn Krueger, niece of Jill Johnson, Duane Elkins, Courtney Elkin's father, the family of Sammy Lyons, Wayne Erickson, Lois Haag, Peggy Almquist, the family of Randa Nowotny, mother of Catherine Regan, Sherry Fincher-Torres, Lexie Lynn, great-niece of Darlene Rydell & Carol Conrad, family of Michelle Luck
Seeking personal prayer?
If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.
Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.
Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?
Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda to find out more.
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Worship Participants
Council Rep
Kirtus Kolar
Altar Guild
Barb Kinnaman
Meg Jameson
Reed Rallojay
Assisting Minister
Max Ebert
Communion Assistant
Max Ebert
Communion Basket
Children's Message
Jeff Svoboda
Altar Flowers
Christina Pompa
Thanksgiving Moment
Worship Volunteers
We are the body of Christ, and everyone's gifts are important! We need your help. Sign up to lead at the Hutto Lutheran Church Sign up Genius. If you want direction on leading let Pastor Amanda know and she can train you.
Munch 'n Mingle - provide snacks for before and after worship in the Fellowship Hall.
Greeter - Welcome members and guests
Lector - Read the lessons for the day in worship.
Assisting Minister - One or two people to offer the prayers of intercession.
Communion Assistant - Assist with serving communion.
Altar Guild - Set up for and take down communion settings.
Thanksgiving moment - One person to share briefly (two or three minutes) something they are grateful for.
Altar Flowers provide flowers for both sides of the altar.
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March Birthdays
2 Kate Radzyminski
3 Barbie Johnson
8 Diana Chrudimsky
8 Mark Reswik
8 Karin Stern
8 Gulf Walters
11 Joe Cook
14 Matthew Cook
14 William Stern
15 Paula Martin
16 Matilda Rydell
20 Coleen Klatt
20 Yalila Chapa-Garcia
22 Clare Murray
22 Kathy Svoboda
23 Lois Haag
28 Daniel Wiederhold
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March Anniversaries
10 Daniel & Leslie Doty
14 Yalila & Becky Chapa-Garcia
31 Bobby & Karin Stern
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Office Info
Pastor Amanda is in Hutto Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays either at the church or out making visits. If you would like to visit with her and want to confirm she will be in the office or schedule a time, you can reach her by phone 512-636-9784 or by email
Office Hours
Office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM or by appointment.
Contact info
Reach the office by leaving a message on the Church phone (512) 759-2064 or email the church office at
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