Prayer List
Have a prayer request? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for a month. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers.
Patti Lynn Krueger, niece of Jill Johnson, Lexie Lynn, great-niece of Darlene Rydell & Carol Conrad.
Seeking personal prayer?
If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.
Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.
Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?
Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda to find out more.