Last Week's Service


Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

You are welcome at Hutto Lutheran Church

regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief, income level or education. We invite you to be a part of this faith community

Our Mission

We are one body in Christ, sent in Faith to share God's Love, through Worship, Service, Fellowship and Witness.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Paraments color: Green

Scripture Readings for September 1, 2024

Jesus protests against human customs being given the weight of divine law, while the essence of God’s law is ignored. True uncleanness comes not from external things, but from the intentions of the human heart. Last week Jesus told us “the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63). Now James says God has given us birth by the word of truth. We who were washed in the word when we were born in the font return to it every Sunday to ask God to create in us clean hearts.

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9; Psalm 15; James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 

From the Pastor's Desk

Grace and peace to you!

A blessing for you as you begin this Wednesday.

A Morning Offering

I bless the night that nourished my heart

To set the ghosts of longing free

into the flow and figure of a dream

That went to harvest from the dark

Bread for the hunger no one sees.

All that is eternal in me

Welcomes the wonder of this day.

The field of brightness it creates.

Offering time for each thing

To arise and illuminate

I place on the altar of dawn:

The quiet loyalty of breath,

The tent of thought where I shelter,

Waves of desire I am shore to

And all beauty drawn to the eye.

May my mind come alive today

To the invisible geography

That invites me to new frontiers,

To break the dead shell of yesterdays,

To risk being disturbed and changed.

May I have the courage today

To live the life that I would love,

To postpone my dream no longer

But do at last what I came here for

And waste my heart on fear no more.

  • John O' Donohue

God’s peace,

Pastor Amanda

New Facility Use Policy

We have adopted a new facility use policy for all building use including member and non-member use. Please take some time to review the updated policy and forms on the website:

Please email the church office, with any questions.

God's Work. Our hands.

On Sunday, September 8th, congregations of the ELCA will join together for our annual day of service, “God’s work. Our hands.” This day continues to be an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

This year we also celebrate 50 years of ELCA World Hunger. In commemoration of this milestone, the ELCA is encouraging congregations to focus on alleviating hunger and poverty in plans for “God’s work. Our hands.” 

As the project for Hutto Lutheran Church, the Outreach Ministry Team is challenging the Congregation to donate a minimum of 500 pounds of food to the Hutto Resource Center. Any non-perishable food will be accepted but the following items are needed most: chunky soups, pasta sauce, canned chicken, canned tuna, boxed potatoes (Au Gratin, Scalloped, etc.), and canned fruit.

“God’s work. Our hands.” is an extension of the work you do every day to make your community a better place. We look forward to working together to exceed our goal on September 8th!

Save the Date - September 8th

Rally Sunday

Join us as we kick of the adult and youth and children program year.

Need a Bible?

Would you like a Lutheran Study Bible? Thanks to Thrivent we have free Lutheran Study Bibles available to keep just in time for Bible Studies this fall (and for you to use anytime). Contact Pastor Amanda if you would like one.

Youth Christian Education begins September 8th, 9:00am

Pre-k-3rd Grade: Ms. Leslie and Ms. Katie meet in Classroom 2

4th Grade-6th Grade: Ms. Heather meet in Classroom 3.

Confirmation students and mentors will meet with Pastor Amanda in the church office and will be doing an overview of the Bible.

Adult Study: The Greatest Story, September 8th, 9:00am

Kickoff of adult Bible study September 8th 9:00am in the 502.

This 16-session overview of Genesis through Revelation introduces the key people, places, and events of scripture in an easy-to-understand story. Participants are invited to explore where they fit in the greatest story and how the greatest story fits in their lives.

The class will be co-led by Sonia Murray and Ernie Schmiesser. Pastor George Reswik will be available as a resource.

Women's Bible Study Kick off September 15th, 9:00am, Church Office

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be a woman in biblical times ? If so, join our bible study led by Sally Lyons, Donna Slocum and Liz Page as we journey through our faith, learning together their strengths and struggles and how those attributes affect us today. To RSVP, text  Sally Lyons 512-695-7813.  

HLC Men's Ministry

Important Dates:

9/8: 10:00-10:30am- Coffee and Donuts & kickoff meeting | Fellowship Hall

9/22: 9:00am-Part 1 of 4 Bible study-1st Corinthians: Being the Body of Christ Studies 4 part series. Bible study meets on the 4th Sunday of the month in the 502

For more information contact Kenn White, 512-818-3109. or email at:

Sunday School Round Up, 9:45am Starting September 8th

Do you like to sing? Do you like to play an instrument? Join us on Sundays at 9:45am in the fellowship hall for a Sunday School closing. Children and youth and confirmation students will be singing camp songs and playing instruments. If you would like to play an instrument (and would like copies of chords) let Pastor Amanda know 512-636-9784.

HLC Music

The bell choir will begin regular rehearsals in September.

Financial Status

The Financial Status of HLC thru the end of July 2024:

Total expenditures $129,323

Total income $124,057 for a

Income under expenses by $5,266

The reason for the large expense is the annual insurance has been paid in May


August 4: 80

August 11: 100

August 18: 100

August 25: 68

Prayer List

Have a prayer request? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for a month. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers.


Patti Lynn Krueger, niece of Jill Johnson, Lexie Lynn, great-niece of Darlene Rydell & Carol Conrad, Paul Luisi, friend of John Campbell, and Mary Hill-Jensen, friend of John Campbell, Narendra Mohan, father of Nandana

Seeking personal prayer?

If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.

Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.


Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?

Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda to find out more. 

Worship Participants


Council Rep

Dennis Pompa

Altar Guild

Rodney Westphal


Leslie Doty




Victoria Huerta

Assisting Minister

Frank Simon

Communion Assistant

Frank Simon

Communion Basket


Children's Message

Leslie Doty

Altar Flowers

Diana Chrudimski


Thanksgiving Moment


Worship Volunteers

We are the body of Christ, and everyone's gifts are important! We need your help. Sign up to lead at the Hutto Lutheran Church Sign up Genius. If you want direction on leading let Pastor Amanda know and she can train you.

Greeter - Welcome members and guests

Lector - Read the lessons for the day in worship.

Assisting Minister - One or two people to offer the prayers of intercession.

Communion Assistant - Assist with serving communion.

Altar Guild - Set up for and take down communion settings.

Thanksgiving moment - One person to share briefly (two or three minutes) something they are grateful for.

Altar Flowers provide flowers for both sides of the altar.


September Birthdays

1 James Haag

1 Dennis Schmidt

5 TJ Johnson

7 Martin Arnold

7 Willy Huffman

9 Buddy Vanecek

14 Roland Hernandez

15 Don Wiederhold

17 Eric Johnson

17 Nadine Johnson

21 Trudy Heath

22 Ashley Walters

25 Jackie Dahl

28 Dawn Montoya

29 Wayne Erickson

29 Sally Lyons

September Anniversaries

Hutto Lutheran Church Council

Name & Ministry Team

You may send a person an email by clicking on the bold ministry team position


Executive Committee

Dennis Pompa - Council President

Frank Simon - Vice-President

Jane Bolgen - Secretary

Rodney Westphal - Treasurer

Council Members

Meg Jameson - Education

Jane Bolgen - Outreach & Fellowship

Irene Hackbarth - Financial Secretary; Outreach ;Fellowship

Frank Simon - Stewardship & Finance, Worship & Music

Emily Page - Property, Worship & Music

Tami Johnson - Property

Eric Montoya - Worship & Music

Kirtus Kolar - Property

*Tami Johnson and Eric Montoya were elected at the February council meeting to fill two vacant council positions

Office Info

Pastor Amanda is in Hutto Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays either at the church or out making visits. If you would like to visit with her and want to confirm she will be in the office or schedule a time, you can reach her by phone 512-636-9784 or by email


Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM or by appointment.

Contact info

Reach the office by leaving a message on the Church phone (512) 759-2064 or email the church office at





Last Week's Service