Vol 12, Issue 1, December 02 2022 | |
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!
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In this Week's Edition: Hamilton's Labour Force Information November 2022, Labour Force Dynamics in Hamilton, LLMP Now Available on Youtube, Growing Your Workforce Conference 2022, Who's Hiring In Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (Career Pathways, Goodwill Amity: Employment Skills Program, The Power of Trades Program, Free Junior IT Analyst Schooling, 360[4]Youth Digital Media Program, Successful Women in Manufacturing, Goodwill Workshops: December, and News: "3 Reports that Caught our Eye the Week of Nov. 27, 2022"
and "The Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations: Suicide Ideation"
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Labour Force November 2022 | |
Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for November 2022
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Labour Force Dynamics in Hamilton | |
Hey #HamOnt,
New data from the 2021 Census of Population shows that there were a total of 406,505 people in the Labour Force in Hamilton! 88% were employed and 12% were unemployed. Click the image for more interesting details!
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LLMP Now Available on Youtube! | |
Thank you for those who attended the Workforce Planning Hamilton: Local Labour Market Plan
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to join us yesterday. If you didn't get a chance to participate in the Mentimeter discussion, you can still participate & input your answers at the following link: https://www.menti.com/alsv5geb855r
Incase you missed it, you can view the full event here:
For anyone that wasn't able to fill out the post-event survey, you can still do so here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLMP2023
This survey is utilized to collect insights on what was well-liked and what could be improved so WPH can better serve the community.
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Growing Your Workforce Conference 2022 | |
On November 23 2022, stakeholders from across Western Ontario gathered to discuss solutions to current workforce issues. Some topics touched on were rural immigrant attraction, youth retention, skills development, and best practices from employers.
From Left to Right:
Emilian Siman: Executive Director (Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board)
Gemma Mendez-Smith: Regulated Canadian Immigrant Consultant (Live by Design Immigrant Services Inc.)
Justin Falconer: Chief Executive Officer (Workforce Windsor-Essex)
Khadija Hamidu: Executive Director (Workforce Planning Hamilton)
Charlene Hofbauer: Executive Director (Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin)
Laura Greaves: Executive Director (Sarnia Lambton Workforce Development Board SLWDB)
Audrey Ansell: Director, Community Attraction & Promotion (Chatham-Kent)
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The Career Foundation is currently seeking a Dietary Aide
Click here to apply!
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Ontario Native Women's Association is currently seeking a Family Home Visitor
Click here to apply!
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Happening In The Community! | |
Looking for something new and innovative to help you attract and retain staff? We’ve got you covered!
Local employers, workforce planning boards, and adult literacy networks are working together to build a new online Career Pathways tool for employers and jobseekers. This innovative tool will promote in-demand, entry-level careers with opportunities for growth across Hamilton, Niagara, and Grand Erie. It will give job seekers information about jobs, skills, and training they may need. And there's a good chance that we'll include a job you're hiring for right now! By taking a short survey, you will help us to test the Career Pathways tool. Why participate in Career Pathways?
· It addresses labour challenges faced by your organization and the community by enabling you find and keep the right person, in the right job, with the right motivation.
· Your organization’s logo and website can be featured on our contributor’s page and viewed by job seekers.
· You could win 1 of 5 $50 gift cards! Draws will be held, and winners announced from Nov 2022 to Jan 2023.
We are looking to hear from employers in these sectors
· Construction
· Wholesale and Retail Trade
· Other Services
· Transportation and Warehousing
· Accommodations and Food Services
· Business, Building and Other Support Services
· Agriculture
· Education
Check out the website & fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B3TB22L
Time commitment – 5 minutes to check out the tool, 15 minute survey
If you would prefer a live demo of the tool, email support@abea.on.ca.
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Goodwill Amity: Employment Skills Program | |
Do you know any newcomers who are looking to upgrade their employment skills?
On Wednesday December 7th, the Newcomer Learning Centre at the Hamilton Public Library will be hosting Goodwill Amity for an information session on their employment skills programs. Join us online to learn about Goodwill Amity’s employment skills programs, eligibility, how to apply, and when the programs start!
When: Wednesday December 7th
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Where: Online through Microsoft Teams
For anyone who is interested in reserving their spot for the information session, they can email us at nlc@hpl.ca call us at 905-546-3444 or visit the Newcomer Learning Centre desk in Central Library at 55 York Blvd.
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The Power of Trades Program | |
Do you know a newcomer to Canada, looking for information on Skilled Trades?
Do they want to learn how to tap into these ‘high-demand’ jobs?
POWER OF TRADES is a pre-employment preparation program for individuals interested in the skilled trades. International experience welcomed, but not required. Program includes:
Four weeks of in-class training (Jan 23rd to Feb 17th)
- Introduction to skilled trades and apprenticeships
- Work-ready certifications: First Aid/CPR, WHMIS, Working at Heights; Service Excellence
- Job placement in your trade following training
- We are holding information sessions
November 30th at 11:30 AM Virtual
December 2 nd at 1:00 PM Virtual
December 6th at 2:00 PM In Person
December 7th at 9:00 AM In Person
- Registration is required for Client Info Sessions, please call to save a spot. If you are working with a client that will benefit from this training, please reach out to Lori or Sonia. 😊
Phone: 905-540-9679 Ext. 3426
Phone: 905-540-9679 Ext. 3455
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Free Junior IT Analyst Schooling | |
360[4]Youth Digital Media Program | |
Centre [3] and PATH are looking for youth (not in education, employment, or training) between the ages of 15-30 for the next cohort of 360 [4] Youth digital media employment training program. The program includes 8 weeks of in-class remote training and a 3-month work experience placement.
The program starts January 9th, 2023 and interviews will run throughout December.
Please note that all applicants require strong computer skills and the ability to work independently.
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Successful Women in Manufacturing | |
Successful Women In Advanced Manufacturing (SWIM) is a brand-new program for passionate individuals who identify as a woman, looking to pursue a career in the manufacturing industry.
The SWIM program is funded by Employment Ontario, and in partnership with Mohawk College and Palette Skills, clients will receive 4 weeks of free hybrid learning training, as well as valuable micro-certifications and placement support to help them find jobs in a broad manufacturing sector. This program will provide women with the opportunity to gain the appropriate technical, foundational, and socio-emotional learning skills (SEL) to find sustainable employment.
Successful Women In Advanced Manufacturing (SWIM) eligibility includes:
- Individuals who identify as a woman
- High school education and/or diploma or certificate
- Eligible to work in Canada
- Residing in Hamilton or Halton
- Moderate to fluent knowledge of English
- Able to commit to 4 weeks of full-time training during weekdays (18 hours per week)
Our program runs in both the Hamilton and Halton regions and is conducted in a hybrid learning environment. The next cohort will start on January 9th, 2023.
Visit our website for additional information as well as the links to register for info sessions prior to the program. For more information you can call 905-526-8482 ext. 2307, 2288 or 2290.
Don’t miss the chance to participating in this free training, spots are now open!
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Goodwill Workshops: December | |
Click the images to open the Goodwill December calendar for upcoming events open to anyone that wishes to join! | |
3 Reports that Caught our Eye the Week of Nov. 27, 2022 | |
Hiring and Workplace Trends Report 2023 (Indeed and Glassdoor)
This report highlights five key themes that will continue to shape labour markets in Canada and abroad: labour supply, remote work, employee benefits, happiness and well-being, and equity, diversity and inclusion.
Canadian postsecondary enrolments and graduates, 2020/2021 (Statistics Canada)
Amid public health restrictions due to COVID-19 enrolments in public colleges and universities decreased slightly in 2020/2021. This decrease was attributable largely to lower college enrolments and the first decline in international student enrolments decline in over a decade.
Supporting Career Development in Children: Curriculum and Policy Review (Ironwood Consulting and CERIC)
This document contains a review of literature that investigates practices to support the development of career-related foundational skills in children Grades 4-6 in Canadian elementary schools. The review explores the scholarly literature related to career development terminology, career development frameworks and theoretical understandings, and empirical work that examines the ways teachers introduce and develop foundational career skills.
Read more here!
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The Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations: Suicide Ideation | |
This article contains discussion of suicide. Please take care while reading. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health crisis, help is available. Visit talksuicide.ca to find helplines and other crisis resources by province/territory. Or you can call Talk Suicide Canada at 1-833-456-4566 or text 45645 to connect to a crisis responder.
Individuals undergoing career transitions can experience a wide range of emotions. As career practitioners, we sit with clients through those emotions, expected and unexpected. From excitement and nervousness to chaos and confusion, we are there for the journey. Sometimes, we work with individuals who are feeling despair, hopelessness and overwhelm. This is when we have a duty to check in with their mental health and see if a referral for counselling or emergency psychiatric care is required.
The idea that the person sitting across from us may be thinking about suicide is scary, and bringing up the topic can be intimidating. Embracing trauma-informed approaches means we actively resist retraumatizing clients. At first thought, it may seem as though asking someone if they have thoughts about killing themselves could ‘give them the idea,’ retraumatize them, or escalate them toward suicide. However, a review of published literature found no statistically significant increase in suicidal ideation among those asked about suicidal thoughts.
Read more here!
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If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: consultant@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
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Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca | | | | | |